N-14 Evidence of Continous Residence

An update.

To a question on whether I had a re-entry permit- No I did not apply for one .

I was asked to provide "Evidence of continuous residence in US from 3/05 - 9/06", during my interview.

I have found/collected/complied the following:
A. Explanation of Circumstances
B. Internal Revenue Service Documents
1. Account Transcript for Year 2006
2. Copy of Federal Form 1040 for Year 2006
i. Filing Address
ii. Total Income
iii. Retirement IRA contribution deduction
3. Account Transcript for Year 2005
4. Copy of Federal Form 1040 for Year 2005
i. Filing Address
ii. Total Income
iii. Retirement IRA contribution deduction
5. Account Transcript for Year 2004
6. Account Transcript for Year 2003
7. Account Transcript for Year 2002
C. Social Security Statement
1. Highlighting earnings history
D. Affidavit of Residence from Landlord
E. Copy of Residential Lease Agreement
F. Correspondence with Landlord regarding return of residence keys.
G. Bank wire transfer notice for lease payment.
H. Automobile insurance letter, stating continuous maintenance of insurance over 6 years.
I. New Jersey Vehicle Registration. Documents
1. Copy of Vehicle Registration
2. NJ Vehicle Inspection Report
J. Bank Verification
1. XYZ Bank Verification Letter, verifying continuous operation/maintenance of savings account
2. ABC Bank Verification Letter, verifying continuous operation/maintenance of checking account
K. Employment Verification Letter
L. Doctor letters/certifications
1. Hospital, detailing one of several ailment conditions that my wife’s mother suffers from.
2. Hospital, detailing my wife’s doctors advice not to travel during the pregnancy.
M. Bank Statements (showing my address changes and activity incl. payment, cc payment etc. during all months of said period)
N. Telephone Service Billing Document
1. Billing Summary (for my telephone service during the time)
2. Correspondence regarding email correspondence.
O. Brokerage Statements
P. Employment/Consultant opportunities related correspondences
Q. Miscellaneous

I have a few more days to send back the documents, any thought or suggestions?
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Looks like you pretty much have all the supporting documents required to show intent. The fact that your wife did not remain in the US during your long absences may count against you. Good luck!
I have:

- all driving license when I changed my addresses,
- all selective service address changes notices,
- all AR-11 address changes receipts,
- state licenses (TLC, gun permit) and renewals,
- credit reports (experian, equifax, transunion, innovis, chexsystem, etc),
- school records and diplomas,
- bank and credit card statements and reference letters from them,
- lease for my parents appartement (when I loved with them),
- lease for my appartments I lived in,
- utilities in my name (altough it's just for a year),
- utilities in my parents name (when I lived with them),
- parents driver licenses, passports, certificates of naturalisation, ssn,
- TAX returns (mine and as dependant on my parents tax returns),
- SSA statements,
- some pay stubs (I didn't keep all of them),
- sisters DL, US passport,
- life insurance policies.

I hope this will be enough to proove my residency. When I was young I still had no utilities in my name, because I have lived with my parents, I didn't pay for any utilities. I even had phone with my parents as a part of family plan. Then I have realised I have nothing in my name and I had problems showing where I live, etc. I had just my bank account and credit cards in my name, but later I have started to get everything in my name just in case. After citizenship I'll not care anymore for that.
I had an intership at the FBI in the Middle East for 5 months. FBI paid for everything and I knew they will send me there, because that was intership listening. Basicly I was working for US Government and paid by FBI. I have W-2 from them. Do you think they will consider it as time outside the USA or it will be big plus for me ??

Catonj et al,

I am isn the same boat as you. What was the outcome of your N400 application? Please reply.
What happened at the end catonj? Did you receive your oath letters?

What happened at the end catonj??
Did you guys receive your oath letters after sending in the evidence?
How long did it take for them to process your case?

To a question on whether I had a re-entry permit- No I did not apply for one .

I was asked to provide "Evidence of continuous residence in US from 3/05 - 9/06", during my interview.

I have found/collected/complied the following:
A. Explanation of Circumstances
B. Internal Revenue Service Documents
1. Account Transcript for Year 2006
2. Copy of Federal Form 1040 for Year 2006
i. Filing Address
ii. Total Income
iii. Retirement IRA contribution deduction
3. Account Transcript for Year 2005
4. Copy of Federal Form 1040 for Year 2005
i. Filing Address
ii. Total Income
iii. Retirement IRA contribution deduction
5. Account Transcript for Year 2004
6. Account Transcript for Year 2003
7. Account Transcript for Year 2002
C. Social Security Statement
1. Highlighting earnings history
D. Affidavit of Residence from Landlord
E. Copy of Residential Lease Agreement
F. Correspondence with Landlord regarding return of residence keys.
G. Bank wire transfer notice for lease payment.
H. Automobile insurance letter, stating continuous maintenance of insurance over 6 years.
I. New Jersey Vehicle Registration. Documents
1. Copy of Vehicle Registration
2. NJ Vehicle Inspection Report
J. Bank Verification
1. XYZ Bank Verification Letter, verifying continuous operation/maintenance of savings account
2. ABC Bank Verification Letter, verifying continuous operation/maintenance of checking account
K. Employment Verification Letter
L. Doctor letters/certifications
1. Hospital, detailing one of several ailment conditions that my wife’s mother suffers from.
2. Hospital, detailing my wife’s doctors advice not to travel during the pregnancy.
M. Bank Statements (showing my address changes and activity incl. payment, cc payment etc. during all months of said period)
N. Telephone Service Billing Document
1. Billing Summary (for my telephone service during the time)
2. Correspondence regarding email correspondence.
O. Brokerage Statements
P. Employment/Consultant opportunities related correspondences
Q. Miscellaneous

I have a few more days to send back the documents, any thought or suggestions?

Sorry didn't get to update the story, I got denied few days after I sent in my response. Ofcourse I didn't receive the offical denial letter. I waited for about 6 months and called them about it, then they sent me a letter saying my case was denied.

I reapplied in May 2010, I moved to Orlando, here I see a much more improved USCIS. I completed my interview, which was very smooth, the officer was very courteous he asked me a question about the long old trip in 2006 noted it down and moved on. He recommended me for approval, in a couple of day I received the oath letter.

I missed my first oath date as I was out of town. I have my oath this friday Oct 15.

I am almost there now, just took much longer.