My parents have GC and plan to live outside the US

Makes perfect sense. I was not thinking along those lines since Pakistan lets me enter using a foreign passport and does not impose any restrictions inside the country.
Really? They routinely allow unrestricted length of stay and permission to work for non-Pakistanis without any work permit or other immigration procedures? Or is it just that they realize that you specifically are still a citizen of Pakistan (based on your country of birth or whatever other information they have in their system) even though you're showing another country's passport?
I carry a card specifically issued to Pakistanis with dual citizenship. I can then enter Pakistan using a Pakistani passport or a foreign passport with this card.

Or is it just that they realize that you specifically are still a citizen of Pakistan (based on your country of birth or whatever other information they have in their system) even though you're showing another country's passport?
I carry a card specifically issued to Pakistanis with dual citizenship. I can then enter Pakistan using a Pakistani passport or a foreign passport with this card.
That would mean you are presenting yourself as a current citizen, not a former citizen of Pakistan.

As a general rule, a dual citizen who lived outside the original country for a long time can always return to live and work. But the general rule for former citizens is that they will be subject to the usual length of stay and work restrictions that apply to other foreigners, or perhaps not even allowed to visit at all. Of course, there exceptions to both, with some countries not accepting current citizens who are convicted criminals, and others like India providing legal arrangements for former citizens to return.
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You are absolutely correct. My first post was nothing but a case of tunnel vision :)

But the general rule for former citizens is that they will be subject to the usual length of stay and work restrictions that apply to other foreigners, or perhaps not even allowed to visit at all.
Thanks for the information. Would they renew the 10 year visa after it expire or what happens after that?
Thanks for your reply. Incase of the renew they would give 10 more years visa?
The duration of the next visa is dependent on the facts involved and the discretion of whoever approves it. A close relative I know had a string of tourist visas that were 5 years, 10 years, 1 year, and now 10 years again.