My N400 Processing time for Atlanta

My Interview date is right

Once again my details are :

PD 3/22/05
FP May 1st week
Interview Date December 6, 2005

I applied my wife's a week later and her
PD April 1st week
FP May 2nd week
Interview date December 7, 2005

Cheers for who are close by our dates , others hope TSC works in the same pace.

Keep visiting the forum for updates

wow the whole process is down to 8 months from 14 months that's amazing. I was right on about guessing the date by the way according to sdm's post.
as a result of sdm's id date update, i am expecting to take my oath feb 7'o5.
yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey!!!!! :p :p
hey guys i have an idea. everybody who writes here tell each other where they are from just for fun. This way we know a little more of each other. Ok I start. I'm from Istanbul, Turkey.
july2006 said:
hey guys i have an idea. everybody who writes here tell each other where they are from just for fun. This way we know a little more of each other. Ok I start. I'm from Istanbul, Turkey.

Hi Everyone.
We are getting excited over here just a couple more weeks to go for the interview. I'll be sure to post how it goes.


My husband(applying for citizenship) is greek, I'm dominican(us citizen). We were in Istanbul for a week in August. I had so much fun!!!!!!! One of our friends drove us around the city on our last night and I had pasturma(?sp). It was fabulous!!! We ate, drank raki, smoked and talked for hours!!! We can't wait to go back.

Interview Date Nov 15!!!!!
hi mikri
i am glad you had fine in Istanbul. My wife is American, from Alabama. After I get my passport, we are going to move to Turkey to give it a try but we might come back to the USA.
No way! She is from a small town about 20 miles north of Huntsville, called Athens in limestone county. :)
my interview date

my interview date is december 19 2005 not november 19 2005 july 2006 :mad:good luck to you mikri and keep us posted okk we need to know as much as possible
ok tina i guess you've gotta wait a little more but it's not too far away
we dont' have any updates lately but those who beleive in my calculations, today thet started sending interview letter th those applicants whose proirity dates are may 1 2005.
July 2006

My guess is Atlanta must have slowed down a little bit.

My Priority date and my Husband's priority date is Apr 7, 2005 and we haven't received our interview letters yet. Our Online status hasn't disappeared either. We live in Birmingham, ALABAMA
hi gnn,
According to sdm, his wife's pd was first week of april and he received the interview letter on oct 31 for december 7. so i don't know why you still haven't received it but it should on the way. I think you are right they may have slowed down a bit but we'll see I ;) 'll keep my fingers crossed.
July 2006
I agree with u. I am just wondering if they stopped on a certain date in April.
SDM, can u please tell me your wife's priority date????
Be prepared

Hey guys, be prepared. The holiday season is round the corner. As we all know those goverment people work slower during holidays. I would not be surprised about any slowering. Yet, I hope they could work like a horse :D :D :D
bad news

ok guys here is bad news. Atlanta do slowed down as expected. If they worked the same speed they would be processing may 5 today but they are not even april 7 yet. so i am not dissapointed i consider myself very lucky since they processed 8 months of applications in the last 4 months. From this point forward, we won't know when it'll be and since we have nobody writing here with the pd date of may, june we'll just have to wait and hope someone with those dates will surprise us. This is definetely not good :mad: :cool: :cool: