Michigan SESA Tracker

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My husband called his company's lawyers last night. She said they are still waiting for info from SESA to know if his case has gone to Chicago DOL. I will post as soon as I get any response. Good luck everyone. PD 02/21/2002 RIR EB2

Hang in there !

sreddy baby,
Keep the faith, your turn too will come !
You are doing a yeoman's service by keeping the tracker updated. You have all our best wishes with you. Thanks for that.

Best of luck and hang in there, like the rest of us !

any approvals..

Looks like MI haven't moved ....

Any approvals who has Febraury or March. 2002....PD..

Please post here..
Thanks for the support setra2002, I will see you off soon, you are just a month or two away from leaving this thread.

YOu are the captain


You are the Captain of this Ship (MI tracker ). We (RIRs) are just the crew members or passengers who come and go. We know that we are not far from reaching the Island (Chicago) so we don't have patience. But , to be honest, I really praise patience of you and Non-RIR case holders as even being an RIR I am loosing my control looking at the pace the things are moving in the world's fastest country where you don't know if you are attending the office next day or not.

Its really a painful waiting for so long and that is with uncertainity. But can't help as fact of the life is that '$$$' are ahead.

It looks that RIR also got stuck in Feb'2002 as we don't see any approvals.

I feel for you Sreddy. Even with RIR it is painful. My husband's PD is 02/21/2002. I will post info as soon as I get any news.

For me it is doubly hard because I advised my husband to leave the company we were both working for in 2000 when I saw the recession coming to avoid both of us getting laid off at the same time (a possibility). He left for a more promising career and better pay at a silicon valley company Jan 2001. Prior to that, the former company has applied for LC non-RIR. We had alll sorts of bad luck with that. The officer at SESA questioned the use of higher degrees for the LC. He insisted bachelors will suffice and ignored two U.S advanced degrees and called for evaluation of bachelors degree. That took forever. When he took the new job, a month later his LC (non-RIR) in chicago cleared. I was distraught wondering if I did not make a mistake. It was a huge gamble we took. The California company started the GC process by March using a big legal firm. His paper took forever with the person that it was assigned to until he protested. Finally his case was filed with MI SESA where we live in Feb. My company tried to let me use his LC but I could not because it was very restrictive. We are hanging on his application. I have not filed. If I had known I should have filed with my company in 2000. If I had done that maybe we would have obtained GC now but who knows?

All our friends are now GC holders. I am afraid for us everyday and I hope things speed up soon. Let's us pray

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Captain - Ship

every ship needs a new captain once in a while and every captain needs a new ship once in a while :) .
hope to see that change.

anyways as of now I am in the process applying for seventh year extension (thanks to HR2215, otherwise I would have been thrown out of the country).

good louck to all of us ! ! ! !

PD 02/14/02 Moved to Chicago On 12/09/02

Hay Guys,
One of my collegue's case (PD 02/14/02) was moved to Chicago DOL on 12/09/02. Have updated the Traker with his & my info as don;t want to bother sreddy227 to update it as he is already doing lot to this forum...thanx...

Looks like after that it stopped going any further. I was expecting to see April or at least March in the last update as my guess was not many GCs would be filed in the month of Jan & Feb. May be either my assumption was wrong or was too optimistic.

Does anyone has any info. if these are intentional delays or is there really much of work load.... Have been hearing lots of news (pretty much unreliable sources) thats not very encouraging so was worried a bit....If anyone has any news please post it.

Good Luck Guys,
Share the news

Hi sdwivedi,
Can you please share the news you have been hearing that made you worried. (even if it is from unreliable sources, even it is pretty bad). Atleast we will get something to talk and discuss amongst ourselves whilest we wait !

Hi sertra2002,
I fully understand that your only intention was sharing information among ourselves as we are all in same boat. Please don't take me otherwise, I somehow feel this is very sensitive issue and there may be many guys/gals like us with many hopes. Any wrong info can create lotsa tension. There is a very nice saying "You should never deprive someone of hopes as it might be the only thing with them".

Well, I am pretty sure many of you guys must have already seen this thread (Unofficial Freeze in Processing RIRs??? ) by getjiggy007. In case not then please go thru it and please post your views/info. I was also hearing the similar news. Following is the matter posted in that thread,


Chat User : Hi, Murthyji. Is the labor certification process going to stop temporarily?

Attorney Murthy : Not that we are aware of, except for the unofficial freeze in processing RIRs almost all over the U.S. based on the Department of Labor believing that most occupations are no longer in a shortage. If PERM becomes the law, then the LC will get processed really fast, but if cases go regular LC, then they could take anywhere from 2 years up to 4 years just for the LC stage.

Thanks & Best Of Luck,
You guys have a new team mate!


First of all, let me appreciate & thank you all for your contributions so far.

I think it is time for me to do the same as my PD is 05/02/2002 (RIR).

I will try to post any news/updates (reliable to my knowledge) that I come across regularly.

Good luck to you all!
Hi sdwivedi,

I appreciate the fact that you do not want to spread any false rumors. Your point sir, is well taken.

There is another side to the coin, though. As it is true with this forum, we are all sharing what we know of at our personal levels. Making judgements and desicions is upto the readers. Everyone is free to check the authenticity or otherwise of all items posted. Therefore I beleive it is best if we share among ourselves what we know of through our sources. Again, every reader is free to, and indeed SHOULD check out the information from other sources also.

While wrong information is bad, not knowing about a future problem is worse than that. I do not beleive that ignorance is bliss. If something has the potential to affect our careers and life , it is better to be prepared and know all the facts beforehand. By keeping quite and keeping things to ourselves we may infact, do more harm then good.

Anyway, I fully understand your point of view. Just wanted to give my 2 cents on this !

All the best to you and all our friends who are 'stuck' at state labor stage. Hopefully we will be moving on to different forums soon and may bump into each other there.

Good luck,
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nice to know

here are my two cents, as setra2002 said it is good to know the information and leave it upto to the reader to decide as to how much to believe or not to beleive.

also sdwivedi point is good too, as not to spread rumours.

I think the whole intention of these forums is to share information with one another, actually it is also comforting talking to someone who is in the same boat as you are. many of the immigration news since I have been visiting this site, I read them here before any other "immigration sites", posted by regular users like us. its like the disclaimer we see on everty page in this site

"Disclaimer: We take no responsibility for accuracy of information provided. Please use at your own risk."

Good luck to all and hopefully we can move on from labor certification to other certifications for a change.

Its good to learn others views on this.
Which brings us back to the question, how much truth is there in the new that there is a unofficial temporary freeze in processing RIR's. ?
I personally have not heard of this, from any other source. Can someone else shed light on what they think of this 'unofficial' freeze ?
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