Michigan SESA Tracker

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congrats renusun, updated the tracker with the info and good luck with the rest of the process.
thank you!

I would like to thank you all for the updates. I think this forum has been very helpful and hopefully it will continue to keep up. See you all in Chicago forum soooon:)
Please add my name to the List


Can you please add my details to the Excel sheet ?
MichiganGC - PD 05/28/2002
updated the tracker

added Ibukun and michiganGC to the tracker. we should probably hear from shya2001 soon, next in line.
After checking DOL's website,the processing times for regular and RIR are Sep, 2000 and Jan, 2002, respectively as of Oct. 10, 02.

Good luck.
Labor cleared

Hi Guys/Gals

My labor was forwarded to Chicago DOL on 10/10/2002 .
Priority date 12/12/2001. Hope to see you all in Chicago soon and good luck. Special thanks to sreddy227 for maintaining the tracker. :)

Congratulations shya2001 and good luck with the rest of the process.

updated shya2001 case in the tracker.

next in line vu0809.
Hi Reddy,

I was watching your MI tracker from past two monthhs. The information is so helpful. Thank you so much for all of your efforts.

My state labor (MDCD) got cleared and the application was forwarded to Chicago DOL in oct 2002.

My Priority date Jul 2000 (non-rir).

Good luck to all,


Congratulations Pavan_N, thank you for posting the information here. I am glad that the Michigan state labor(nightmare) is over for you.

Just out of curiosity, the official site says that they are processing Sep'00, but your case is from July'00, did you have any problem with your case or in fact they are still processing cases from July'00. Thans in advance for any info.

The labor certification process happended in my case as following:

1. MDCD asked my employer to advatize the position in a specific magazine
2. MDCD reviewed and filtered the responses. The eligible responses were sent to my employer for interviews
3. The interviews were conducted
4. The results were communicated back to MDCD
5. MDCD reviewed the results and processed the application


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New Guy

Hello fellow Michiganders,

I have just got my H-1 approved and am contemplating applying for my Green Card. I was doing some research on this web site and came across your thread. I must commend all of you who have taken the pains to keep it upto date and help new comers like me.

Well, I have a quick question for you:

My company's headquarters are in Maryland. I have the option of filing an EB3-RIR case from either Maryland or MI. According to my research, MI seems like the better option due to wait times. Are there any pro/cons attached with this?

Any thoughts on this would be most appreciated. Thanks.
MI may be better

looking at the processing times on various sites and the trend that MI is processing their cases, seems like MI is far ahead than Maryland, also Maryland seems to be stuck at Apr'01 famous infamous month. I would suggest it is better to start from MI if you are filing under EB3/RIR. Also I would suggest talking to your attorney and take his advice too.

Good Luck ! ! !
Thanks for your prompt reply, Sreddy227.

Most of the people I have spoken to have advised me to file from MI also. My attorney gave me both these options and am heavily leaning to file it from MI. If I do, you can be certain I will be very active on this thread.
- HELP -


The priority date of my application to SESA- MI is 08/23/2002. Is there any way to find the progress of the case through the automated telphone system/email. Please let me know the automated telephone contact information. How long does it take for the labour to approve in case on MICHIGAN for RIR EB3 ?

Thanks for the help in advance.
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