Massachusetts SESA Tracker

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MA SESA IS Processing
RIR Applications with P D April 25 2002 to May 15th 2002
Non RIR May 2001 to June 2001
Pointless discussion - but what the heck!!!

I would say that the MA SESA is zipping thru the state level labor because the Boston DOL was sitting idle with very few cases until Oct 7th, during which time, it certified many cases within 1 or 3 days of DOL entry. MA SESA put it's act together and flourished the DOL with a lot of new cases (primarily RIR), which has created a small backlog in the DOL proceedings.

Lately though, I've seen cases from end of Nov to early Dec 2001 being certified at the DOL. My guess is 2002 should not be far away.

--- End of Pointless discussion.
My LC was approved by Boston DOl today,
PD 12/27/2001
RD 10/08/2002
Big relife !!

Wolf :)
Originally posted by mdu123
Hi Wolf

That's what I had expected. SESA has forwarded the case to DOL, but it has not entered the DOL database. DOL takes a month to do it. As far as I know they are entering the end of Nov or beginning of Dec cases. So it will take another month atleast for our cases to enter the database.

Thanks for the response. Good luck.

My LC was approved by Boston DOl today,
PD 12/27/2001
RD 10/08/2002
Big relife !!

Wolf :)
Case forwarded to DOL.

Hi All,

My PD is 4/29/02 - EB3 - RIR. Case has been forwarded (not yet entered) by MA-SESA to DOL and is in queue.

Hope to get into MA-DOL soon.
I feel your pain Labor Pain!

RIR PD 12/24/01

Case was forwarded to DOL on 10/28/02, still not showing in the system.
my case has a pd 03/28/02 and my case no is 2002010xx and have not heard from the sesa yet, can you please post your case no. and also when and how you got to know that your case was forwarded to dol, do they send a notice to the attorney?can we call someone to find out the status?
thanks in advance.
Hi sndmd,

ur case must have been forwarded to the DOL (if all's well) since ur case was processed by MA-SESA somewhere in october. My attorney emailed me the info that mine was forwarded to the DOL.

2002 Case

Name---------->MA PDdate---->Category---->Case No --> DOL RD------>DOL CD
Mdu123-------->01/03/02--> EB?-RIR----> 200200??? --> ??????? ----> ???????
Sndmd--------->03/28/02--> EB2-RIR----> 2002010XX --> Pending ----> Pending
labor_pains---->04/29/02--> EB3-RIR----> 20020XXXX -> Pending ---->Pending
apv2002------->06/28/02--> EB3-RIR----> 2002021XX -> Pending ----> Pending
Jalma---------->08/22/02---> EB2-RIR---> ??????????? --> Pending ----->Pending

Hi sndmd,

Originally posted by sndmd
MA SESA IS Processing
Non RIR May 2001 to June 2001

So it looks like that the non-RIR cases finally got moved ahead. Do you have further information about this?

Name---------->MA PDdate---->Category---->Case No --> DOL RD----->DOL CD
Mdu123-------->01/04/02--> EB3-RIR----> 01326XXX--> 10/25/02 ---> 11/12/02
Sndmd--------->03/28/02--> EB2-RIR----> 2002010XX --> Pending ----> Pending
labor_pains---->04/29/02--> EB3-RIR----> 20020XXXX -> Pending --->Pending
apv2002------->06/28/02--> EB3-RIR----> 2002021XX -> Pending ---> Pending
Jalma---------->08/22/02---> EB2-RIR---> ??????????? --> Pending ---->Pending
How come almost everyone is still using RIR?

I browsed this thread and found most posts are for RIR cases. I just wonder how come almost everyone can still use RIR for LC? I believe in Boston area a lot of you work for IT companies, like software companies. Our HR people told me that RIR is almost stoped for all softwarfe companies. I assume that there should be a lot people who are using Non-RIR now. But I really did not see any. What is wrong here? Most people in this thread are not in this catalog?

I'd highly appreciate any hint, cause Non-RIR takes almost one more year to get completed. :mad:

Sign, why I have to go through this painful process?:confused:

Thanks a lot,


I am guessing, but I think most of the people here filed their labor certs when the economy was much better. The lawyers went the easier route with RIR not anticipating the layoffs. Now, I understand that a high percerntage of RIRs are denied so this wasn't a great strategy, in hindsight. My firm's lawyer filed my case as non-RIR and it is certainly slower. But I am happy that's what they did. NON-RIRs are no picnic either because my lawyer will soon advertise for my position (my PD is 5/29/01), and that has lots of risks in this economy too. But all in all I like my chances better than if they had gone RIR (my firm has had lots of layoffs - a real RIR killer).

Good luck with your case. From what I understand you should be glad you're non-RIR in the current job market. Also, not sure of your priotiry data, but things will speed up now that the 4/01 amnesty people have finally cleared SESA. Cheers.

Thank you very much for your reply. Actually I have not filled my case yet. I can only fill it at the end of Feb. next year - 2003. :( So I will be almost one year late than you. Best wishes to you. Hopefully yours can be processed quickly so that I can gain some confidence here. Sign, it seems that we need around two years to get the processed. :(

Thanks, and have a good day,

My PD is 01/07/2002.
Case # 013273xx EB2-RIR
Reduct. in Recruitment Denied On 11/22/2002

What are my next steps. I am new to this forum.

Thanks for help.


Name-------->MA PDdate---->Category---->Case No --> DOL RD------>DOL CD
GoingGry---->12/24/01---> EB3-RIR---->xxxxxxxxx--->10/28/02----->Pending
ryzh------>12/28/01-----> EB2-RIR---->xxxxxxxxx--->00/00/02----->11/07/02
Mdu123------>01/03/02--> EB3-RIR---->01326XXX--->10/25/02--->11/12/02
Sndmd------->03/28/02--> EB2-RIR----> 2002010XX --> Pending ---->Pending
labor_pains-->04/29/02--> EB3-RIR----> 20020XXXX -> Waiting ---->Pending
apv2002----->06/28/02--> EB3-RIR----> 2002021XX -> Pending ----> Pending
Jalma-------->08/22/02---> EB2-RIR--->200202xxx --> Pending ----->Pending
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Dear Jalma,
I am a new user to this group. Please add my details to the thread:

PD: 10/ 18/ 02
Case # 200203XXX

Hi Guys,

SInce only few guys applied for labor cetrification in year 2002, I think it's good to update the above list only once every week (may be on every Friday). How does this sound???

Good luck to everybody..
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