Massachusetts SESA Tracker

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any ideas about your SESA nonRIR? I know yours was in june'02 and mine, jul02.

a question for everyone, if RIR is denied, can my company in any way try to prove that my skills are unique and i am an ideal RIR candidate??? :D


No news yet... Waiting for a green signal from SESA to being the recruitment effort...

Btw, did ur company/lawyer say it is worth arguing with DoL about appealing for your RIR request? Because, I haven't heard that option ever before.

jolpot and zbcx123,

My case is May 2002 PD; and RIR denied by DOL. My company did try talking to DOL people, because I was given Database Adminsitrator 151-061, even though I should have been 151-031.

But they say it does not matter, and they feel MA has potential US workers for any computer related occupation and cases filed after Jan 2002, in RIR will be denied.

In fact they said they did not look at alien information, and looked at the position and company recruitment effort and denied RIR.

My company is thinking if they want to withdraw the application now and file later or, file in some other state or continue non RIR.
Because they say getting labor certified in MA is very difficult now for computer professionals.

You seem to be lucky in the sense that your company is considering to file for ur labor cert from a different state.

Is the appeal to DoL was official (on paper) or was it just a telephonic conv? Interesting becoz, I haven't heard before about APPEALing for a RIR denial case...

Anyways, hope your company makes the right call ... Looks like you have some experienced Attorneys handling your case.
Please let us know how you decide to go forward since we could benefit from the same..

zb & insat

wow, if only my company could file it from a different state(we only have one office in boston ;)
ok, news is that i sent the telephone number and the email (ACU) to my attorney. He doesnt seem to have a clue how i am getting hold of this information and has clarified that he is yet to hear about the news. Will SESA get back to him or DOL saying that RIR has been denied? Since SESA is processing jun'02, wont they get back until my PD is reached? any hints?

in my case DoL has sent a reply back to my attorney sayig that the RIR is being denied...

I am not sure about when/how SESA will follow-up with the non-RIR processing though.. ??

I would also like to know if the employer/attorney is supposed to take any action before SESA starts the non-RIR processing..

Hmm, my attorney is yet to know the news from DOL then! Is it possible I know and my attorney doesnt? something fishy
zb & jolpot,

it was phone call to DOL. First of all my case has been removed from the DOL system, it was there yesterday and today when I check using case no, its gone.

I guess because RIR is denied, they assume its back to SESA or withdrawn and has removed the case.
just FYI -

I never (even when they were processing my case) found my case in DoL system ... Neither thru email tracking nor thru ACU..


When and how did u learn about ur case?

i called the lady and she told me last week. Last night, I also got the automated reply from both the number and the email system. sigh!

Would you mind telling me what exactly was the status... does it say "Remanded to State" or "Denied" ? I see a couple of variations in our cases...

you got to be clear about the status. Does it say denied.

For my case it says, Reduction in Recruitment denied.

There is a difference between RIR denied and just denied, which we can take as Labor application itself being denied.

Oh, is it, mine says the same too, "Reduction in Recruitment Denied". Oh yes, it makes sense. so is it back to SESA?

It is not automatically back to SESA. There are two options given to the employer, withdraw or request a letter for processing as non RIR. If you do not respond within certain days (I dont know how many exactly) its automatically assumed as withdrawn.
jolpot, insat123

My case says the same too.... My attorney has responded on 1st of May. Not sure how long does DoL typically take to process (forward the case to SESA)...

Have your attorneys already responded to DoL ? If so, how soon do they think they are going to hear from SESA?

Am kind of curious because our PDs are current according to the recent non-RIR processing times..
thx insat

Hmm, so I am not sure if my attorneys have the news yet OR i am not being told(which i suspect) and they seem to be weighing the cost accrued with going to SESA for the non-RIR stream. Yup, the non-RIR is dealing with cases from jun02...will let u ppl attorney is yet to get bacm to me :(
I no longer have faith in the certification process... After talking to the DoL rep, I came to know that the company they have my name against in DoL system is different (a totally different line of business)...

I guess the company profile, alien profile,... are no longer a criteria for rejection. They are just rejecting every RIR computer based application owing to the reasons that they have enough American (local) workers.

Guess, I should try my luck elsewhere..
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My company is evaluating the cost with Non RIR and also the success chances, and they said will take a decision by next week.

They think if MA is worst hit by recession, and its very difficult to get approval for IT profession because DOL thinks there are enough american workers.

So by next week I will know what they are going to do, and they say if economy improves in 6 months, they will apply in RIR again.
But I strongly doubt it will work, and this is the last chance.

yeah same news here, our attorney has scheduled a telecon in a few minutes...any guesstimates on what it will cost for the re-recruitment process under SESA supervision and filing results ?
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