Massachusetts SESA Tracker

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Makes sense! A weeekly updated is more practical given that between August (your filing) and October (my filing) there is no additional postings.

Happy New Year!!

There is nothing to update from last two weeks. Come on guys keep this forum alive. Give some good news of your approval. Silent observers are encouraged to add their dates here.... it helps others to follow the trend of whats going on in MA SESA....

Good luck everybody... :) :)

What the heck, lets update it....

Name-------->MA PDdate---->Category---->Case No --> DOL RD------>DOL CD
GoingGry---->12/24/01---> EB3-RIR---->xxxxxxxxx--->10/28/02----->Pending
ryzh------>12/28/01-----> EB2-RIR---->xxxxxxxxx--->00/00/02----->11/07/02
Mdu123------>01/03/02--> EB3-RIR---->01326XXX--->10/25/02--->11/12/02
Sndmd------->03/28/02--> EB2-RIR----> 2002010XX --> Pending ---->Pending
labor_pains-->04/29/02--> EB3-RIR----> 20020XXXX -> Waiting ---->Pending
apv2002----->06/28/02--> EB3-RIR----> 2002021XX -> Pending ----> Pending
Jalma-------->08/22/02---> EB2-RIR--->200202xxx --> Pending ----->Pending
varpar------->10/18/02---> EB2-RIR--->200203xxx--> Pending----->Pending

Name-------->MA PDdate---->Category---->Case No --> DOL RD------>DOL CD
GoingGry---->12/24/01---> EB3-RIR---->xxxxxxxxx--->10/28/02----->Pending
ryzh------>12/28/01-----> EB2-RIR---->xxxxxxxxx--->00/00/02----->11/07/02
Mdu123------>01/03/02--> EB3-RIR---->01326XXX--->10/25/02--->11/12/02
Sndmd------->03/28/02--> EB2-RIR----> 2002010XX -->11/25/02--->12/30/02
labor_pains-->04/29/02--> EB3-RIR----> 20020XXXX -> Waiting ---->Pending
apv2002----->06/28/02--> EB3-RIR----> 2002021XX -> Pending ----> Pending
Pipladi----->07/01/02-->???-RIR----> XXXXXXXXX--> Pending ----> Pending
Jalma-------->08/22/02---> EB2-RIR--->200202xxx --> Pending ----->Pending
varpar------->10/18/02---> EB2-RIR--->200203xxx--> Pending----->Pending
The current processing time for MA SESA (RIR) is July 31st-august 15,2002 and not June,2002.The internet version of MA SESA is month behind.

I found this out calling their AVM on 1-603.
Name-------->MA PDdate---->Category---->Case No --> DOL RD------>DOL CD
GoingGry---->12/24/01---> EB3-RIR---->xxxxxxxxx--->10/28/02----->Pending
ryzh------>12/28/01-----> EB2-RIR---->xxxxxxxxx--->00/00/02----->11/07/02
Mdu123------>01/03/02--> EB3-RIR---->01326XXX--->10/25/02--->11/12/02
Sndmd------->03/28/02--> EB2-RIR----> 2002010XX -->11/25/02--->12/30/02
labor_pains-->04/29/02--> EB3-RIR----> 20020XXXX -> Waiting ---->Pending
apv2002----->06/28/02--> EB3-RIR----> 2002021XX -> Pending ----> Pending
Pipladi------>07/01/02---->EB2-RIR----> 200202xxx--->12/20/02(?)-->01/02/02(?)
Jalma-------->08/22/02---> EB2-RIR--->200202xxx --> Pending ----->Pending
varpar------->10/18/02---> EB2-RIR--->200203xxx--> Pending----->Pending

Name-------->MA PDdate---->Category---->Case No --> DOL RD------>DOL CD
GoingGry---->12/24/01---> EB3-RIR---->xxxxxxxxx--->10/28/02----->Pending
ryzh------>12/28/01-----> EB2-RIR---->xxxxxxxxx--->00/00/02----->11/07/02
Mdu123------>01/03/02--> EB3-RIR---->01326XXX--->10/25/02--->11/12/02
Sndmd------->03/28/02--> EB2-RIR----> 2002010XX -->11/25/02--->12/30/02
labor_pains-->04/29/02--> EB3-RIR----> 20020XXXX -> Waiting ---->Pending
LCVPain------>05/16/01-> EB2-RIR------>xxxxxxxxx--->01/07/03----->Pending
apv2002----->06/28/02--> EB3-RIR----> 2002021XX -> Pending ----> Pending
Pipladi------>07/01/02---->EB2-RIR----> 200202xxx--->12/20/02(?)-->01/02/02(?)
Jalma-------->08/22/02---> EB2-RIR--->200202xxx --> Pending ----->Pending
varpar------->10/18/02---> EB2-RIR--->200203xxx--> Pending----->Pending
off to DOL

Well I finally got sent to DOL. So I am moving to the Mass DOL forum....

Here's my info:

massDBA - SESA # 200113### - PDate 5/29/01 - EB3 - NON-RIR - Case 01332### - DOL RD 5/7/03 - DOL CD: Pending.

Good luck to everyone!
Originally posted by insat123

Has ur case moved to Boston DOL.

To DOL and back. RiR got denied and now processing regularly. Seems like my PD has crossed the current MA SESA dates, however I am not too hopeful for a certification from DOL soon.

Though the labor website says that it is processing Feb'02 non-RIR cases, is that true?


I am surprised that your case took a loooong time to make it to DoL... Did u clarify the reason with ur lawyer?


Yes, the main reason is due to a major backlog in NON-RIR labor certs due to an amnesty granted to a large group of illegal aliens. I believe it is called the LIFE amnesty. These people were given a deadline of April 30, 2001 to apply for their labor certs, and a lot did causing a big backlog for anyone in NON-RIRs with PDs after May 1st, 2001. Apparantly the bigl backlog follows me to DOL as all of these people go through DOL as well. I believe DOL has seperate NON-RIR and RIR queues so it shouldn't have a big impact to most of you who are RIR. At any rate I also believe the DOL is better equipped to clear the backlog than the State agency, so I think the worst is over. Given the horror shows with RIR in the IT field, I am still probably better off it the slow line.

RIR Denied!!!

zbcx123 and labor_pains

atlast I have some information regarding my case and is as expected, RIR denied from Regional DOL.

I dont know what's the next step to be taken, do u guys have any information from your attorneys on how to proceed.

Sorry to hear the news...

Since MA SESA is now processing May - June '02 applications, I think it should be a matter of just few more months...

From all the information I gathered from this board and my company, I was told that SESA would initiate the next step of the process by asking the employer to start the "SESA supervised" recruitment effort.

Please let me know if you have any more information that this..


I'm no expert but if you're going from RIR to NON-RIR I can't imagine you will be done in just a few months. You have to recuit - that takes a month once it has begun, then you resubmit to SESA who forwards to DOL. You better hope SESA allows you to recuit now instead of waiting until they get to your priority date... Now you're in the NON-RIR queue - the priority dates are much older - they only got to me in December and my PD is 5/01! But hopefully they will let you recuit now... Once recuitment is done it will take about another 4 months to get to DOL. Then you wait in the NON-RIR queue at DOL. How long will that take? My firm's lawyer estimates at least six months with the understanding that he has utterly no idea. He says even DOL have no idea themselves. Like me, you will be in line behind the LIFE amnesty bunch. I am not trying to give you bad news just want you to have an understanding what you're in for. NON-RIR lines are longer than the lines at Disneyworld. Best of luck to you.


Thanks for the info.

My PD is June '02 (which is what SESA is working on for non-RIR cases right now - according to their AVM). If not right away, am hoping that SESA will atleast get to my case in a couple of months from now. And then accoring to the rough estimates another 4 months for them to forward my applicatoin to DoL (adds upto 6 months already).
Statistically, Boston DoL has been steadily trying hard to bridge the gap between RIR and non-RIR processing dates (atleast according to the DoL website.) So hoping that they will not keep me waiting for indefinite amount of time, I am hoping to get a reply from them in around 8-10 months....

Btw, did u ever check your status in DoL with a live operator? I was told that they would give a realistic estimate of what dates are currently being processed...

Urgent Question

For those who were recently certified as Non_RIR cases or in process, approximately how many responses did your application receive on the Det website during the 30 day postings? Secondly, what were your lawyer's responses to those resumes received? Did your company conduct any interviews?

My lawyer has received around 20 resumes regarding my application and ofcourse, from the resumes, many look good. I want to know if it there is a chance that my case can still be certified.



Can you tell us if SESA picked up your case from the non-RIR stream according to their published process times? I understand your PD is 4/2002. So, when did u hear from SESA? Btw, did u have to do anything before they picked up your case for re-processing again?

Wondering if there is any additional delay for cases like us (kicked back from RIR stream)..???


We received about 6 or 7 resumes total. From those 2 or 3 came from state job bank and rest from the ad. Company has to be diligent about calling, following up with applicants. Must call them even if the resume sucks. I think they did 2 or 3 telephone interviews before determining the applicants were not suitable. They have to keep phone logs, notes, etc. It's not hard, but they have to do it properly.

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