Massachusetts SESA Tracker

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Guys/Gals from MA whoever waiting for LC approval have no time to update this tracker with any info, the same way MA SESA is behaving like people whoever works there has NO time to process the filed LC application. Also, I heard from my friends (I'm not sure how far it is true), so many people works in MA SESA got pink slips.
Hope our cases will be processed soon.
hereismygc said:
Guys/Gals from MA whoever waiting for LC approval have no time to update this tracker with any info, the same way MA SESA is behaving like people whoever works there has NO time to process the filed LC application. Also, I heard from my friends (I'm not sure how far it is true), so many people works in MA SESA got pink slips.
Hope our cases will be processed soon.

I'm sorry, what?
Cases from Massachusetts to BEC

Does any body know if cases pending at Massachusetts SESA have been sent to BEC? If they have been sent do you know if they were sent to Dallas BEC or Philidalphia BEC? If not, when will the cases be sent?


MyCase details:
Priority date Jan 16 2004
RIR EB2 from Massachussets
Hi Vivek

My case also Feb 04 RIR from MA, not sure what's going on.
heard that SF BEC sent 45 days notice letters.
Massachusetts labor NON RIR
applied :01/14/2003
Recritmet results submitted :09/27/2004
Case was transferred to DOL :12/04/2004
Hey guys,
Looks like no updates till today. I've been tracking those guys since I submit my regular application in late June 2003. The website of DOL does not give the true picture of the processing time. Calling the number (617) 626-5365 is the best choice to get the updates.
The message recorded for May 04 said that they are working on Jan 02/03 to Jan 16/03 (regular) and July 02/03 to July 16/03 (RIR).
:mad: :mad:
The message recorded for Aug 04 and Sep 04 ( :confused: :confused: )
said that they are working on Jan 16/03 to Feb 28/03 (regular) and July 16/03 to Aug 30/03 (RIR)
YET: The message recorded for Nov 04 and Dec 04 ( :confused: :confused: )
said that they are working on Feb 07/03 to March 07/03 [/B] (regular) and Aug 25/03 to Sep 30/03 (RIR)

I lost my faith in those guys and I'm wondering what kind of system is that????
Is there any hope guys in PERM or the new center in TX !!!
Anybody has a clue???
I forgot to add that since May 04 to today Jan 12/05 these guys proccessed applications submitted to them from Jan 02/03 to March 07/03 (regular) and from July 02/03 to Sep 30/03 (RIR)
8 months of work in proccessing 2 months :confused: :confused:
What kind of irresponsible lazy work is that ????
Note that on April 04 they were working on application submitted on Dec 02, which is 16 month before April 04. Now in Jan 05 they are working on application submitted on MArch 03, which is 22 month before Jan 05.

The conclusion is the biggest delay happened in the time frame between May 04 till today with no reason.

There must be something we can do to get those guys speeding up little bit. :mad:
Is there any idea????
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Both RIR and Non-RIR old cases are moving to BEC Centers, correct ??

Do you have any number to call whether my case moved to any BEC Center ?

Feb 20 , 2004
Labor Processing Changes

This is whats happening from what I understand:

* All unopened cases dated until dec 31st 04, from both SWAs and Fed DOL will be taken care by BRC/BEC.

* SWA will continue to receive & stamp the new applications from Jan 1st 05 until PERM is fully implemented. These applications will go to NPC/PERM office and not BEC/BRC.

* According to the plan all pending applications from DOLs is already in the BEC/BRC.

* Currently BEC/BRC has received on 12/31/2004, first batch of SWAs files that are dated before Jan 2003.

* Second batch of SWAs files until the date Dec 31st 04 will be received by BEC/BRC by 31st March 05.

* Opened cases currently being worked on by the SWAs will go to NPC/PERM office and not BEC/BRC.

* PERM goes into effect on 28th Mar, 2005.
Hey guys,

My lawyer told me yesterday that there’s no reason to believe that MA cases went to any backlog centers!!! :confused:
I called MA SWA and left a message asking them to record a message on their system and let us know what’s going on. I encourage everybody to do the same.
Anyone has evidence that the cases went already/are going to any of these backlog centers??
The same question which had been raised by some friends here; Is there any phone number to call these backlog centers??
Newman05, I heard the same thing from my lawyer the month before last. I wonder if we have the same lawyer.
Rayking, probably you’re right that we have the same lawyer. LC system is lame and now nobody has a clue and the info we hear about transferring the cases has no evidence. The problem is; for somebody like me who has a priority date on June 24 03 for a regular case and with the same rate the SWA is processing the application now it’ll take the SWA more than 8 months to get to my case!!
I have no clue if my case has been transferred with other cases to backlog or not. I’m also thinking about PERM but I can not take any decision!!
All these questions have no answers.
No process movement

Again, it seems MA SESA is not processing any of State filings. Still Non-RIR Feb/Mar 2003, and stays there last 5 months. Seems, everyone in MA SESA really got pink slip if not they should. :eek:
No process time movement

Still MA SESA processing NON-RIR Feb/Mar 2003 and stays there for last 5 months. Seems, MA SESA people got pink slip, if not yet they should. They are POS.
shocking news. rir and regular in same queue in brcs.

01/21/2005: DOL Backlog Reduction Processing Update

The DOL did not disclose in details a number of issues in the PERM Briefings which the consumers were interested in. It turned out that some of these issues had been discussed with the AILA in telephone conference before the PERM Briefing sessions began. Some of these issues had been answered as follows:
Status of Processing at the Backlog Processing Centers:
The cases which were transferred from the Regional Offices were processed first. For these cases, initial letters have been being sent out. Once the responses come back from the applicants, they will start adjudicating the cases. The current state is as follows:
Dallas, Philadelphia, and San Francisco Regions Cases: Data entry for these cases has been completed and letters have been sent out and the Backlog Centers are awaiting the responses for further processing and adjudication.
Chicago and Atlanta Regions Cases: These cases have been transferred to the Backlog Centers later and currently being data-entried. Once the data entry is completed, letters will be sent out the applicants as it did with the Dallas, Philadelphia, and San Francisco Regions cases.
The cases which were transferred from the SWA (state offices) are at the stage of data entry. Once data entry is completed, the same steps will be taken as described above.
Processing Queue per FIFO: Shockingly, there are no separate queues between RIR and Regular cases and both RIR and Regular cases are being processed on FIFO in a single national queue. Consequently, RIR cases will experience a substantial delay once the cases are transferred to the Backlog Centers!!
Opened Cases vs. Unopened Cases: Under the Transition Guideline, unopened cases have been transferred to the Backlog Centers and opened cases will be completed by the SWAs. The definition of "opened cases" is the application packages which are at the SWAs in unopened boxes or where no letters have been issued by the SWAs to the applicants. Accordingly, those who received a letter from the state offices may be completed at the state offices rather than being transferred to the Backlog Centers.
Notification of Address Changes of the Applicants or Attorneys: If one knows that his/her case has been transferred to the Backlog Centers, the notification should be addressed to the Backlog Centers. If one does not know, DOL suggests to such notification to both the Backlog Center and the SWA office.
Address of Certifying Officers and SWA in the Notice Posting for Cases to be Filed before 03/28/2005: People should follow the same rules and requirements under the current labor certification regulation. Thus the notice posting should direct the public to file misrepresentation or complaints to the office of Certifying Officer's office and the state labor certification unit. Remember, though, some Regions, addresses have been changed: Chicago and Atlanta offices.
I dont know what is going on with my labour certification filed in May 2003?
Any idea guys?

Filed-Non RIR-May 2003.
Waiting endlessly..............
Maybe we should all go there and see what they are doing everyday. The way they work is just unacceptable!!!
lsk said:
I dont know what is going on with my labour certification filed in May 2003?
Any idea guys?

Filed-Non RIR-May 2003.
Waiting endlessly..............
Mine (NON-RIR) was submitted in May 2003 and nothing suprising yet...
I hope it will be cleared at least by the end of this year.... :confused:
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