Maryland SESA Tracker

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did anyone have a similar situation?

Hello All,

I have read that a lot of people never get receipts from Maryland - that's the
same thing my lawyer keeps telling me. But what bothers me is that when i asked him for a Fed-Ex receipt he said they dont keep those (which is very strange), when i asked him for my priority # - he said he doesnt know it.

Has a similar situatin happened to anyone - is there a phone # i can call at MD SESA to verify if they received my file?
(my lawyer should have filed AUG-03 RIR).

How do all of you know your priority # without the receipt, do they send a letter etc?

I appreciate your help,
thank you
Finally got through State Labor

Hi, all,

My labor was approved and transferred to USDOL on June 21. Just received a notification from my lawyer.

Sadly it doesn't looks like Philly is moving any faster. Looks like I have another long wait ahead.

Good luck to all your guys waiting for your labor approval. Hang in there (not that we have a choice :) ) for timepass

Visit I check Immigration forms and the next site I Visit is

Good entertainment site....
To home9022


Congratulations! When did you file your labor with MD SESA?

Good Luck with processing at Philly.


home9022 said:
Hi, all,

My labor was approved and transferred to USDOL on June 21. Just received a notification from my lawyer.

Sadly it doesn't looks like Philly is moving any faster. Looks like I have another long wait ahead.

Good luck to all your guys waiting for your labor approval. Hang in there (not that we have a choice :) )
It took 7 months to clear 2 months( Jan & Feb). Big brother has time to justify his every act by referring to 9-11 victims...he doesnot have time to look into what he promised. In his BluePrint Document it has been promised that it would be a priority for him. Nothing has been achieved other that PWC's report and hiring bunch of directors.

I have lost hopes....I know people who have got GC in less than a year. Why its the hard for us all the time. This govt indeed is responsible for the suffering of millions of immigrants.
7th year Labour extension

I just registered on this website and thought I could get some help on a question I have. My labor has been filed on March 29,2002 and I was hoping it would come through soon. Anyways, my employer has filed for bankruptcy which I discovered accidently and I'm not sure if that would affect my I-140 even if my labor goes through. I get my paychecks regularly but don't know what else my employer might need during stage of I140.
In case I go for another employer and he applies for an LC for me just before I have 1 more year left for my H1 B to expire, am I supposed to leave US if my I140 is not approved at the end of my 6th year or would I still be eligible for a 7th year extension.
I would appreciate any help on these issues.
Got certified

Hi, everyone,

got certified and transfered to Philly. A notice recieved by my laywer.

RIR case filed on Feb. 26, 2002.
transfered to Philly on June 15, 2004.

Good luck to everybody.
I am new to this forum and this is my first posting.

My case was filed at MD-DOL on Feb' 12, 2002 under RIR category. I recently checked with my lawyer and i was told that the case is still pending at MD-DOL. Anyone with this filing date has got approval from state? Please let me know.

Basically what will happen when MD-DOL reach the priority date. Meaning my priority date is Feb'12, 2004 and currently they are processing Mid March' 2002. How will i know whether they have started processing my application or not?

Can you guys help me?

Either your lawyer or employer representative can contact MD DOL and obtain status information about your particular case.
Labor Certification Backlog Reduction Regulation Release Imminent, 07/21/04

AILA has learned that the DOL will release this regulation probably on July 21, 2004. AILA has also obtained a copy of the regulation which will be released as the Interim Final Regulation. The regulation will be implemented in 30 days from the date of publication in the federal register. The regulation is very short and does not go into the details. The skeleton of the backlog reduction are as follows:
The Chief of Foreign Labor Certification, William Carlson, is designated as the "National Certifying Officer." This Officer has two authorities under the regulation:
Determination of which existing cases at the state offices and the regional certifying officers offices should be transferred to the national reduction processing centers, involving obviously the decision to transfer when, how, in what sequences, etc. The regulation provides that the details on this issue be stipulated and released in the form of "Directives."
National Certifying Officer will perform adjudication of certain cases which the processing centers deemed necessary because of the issues involved. These cases will be handled and decided by the National Certifying Officer.
The backlog reduction centers will perform the jobs of the current state offices and the regional certifying officers offices for the cases which are transferred to the backlog reduction center. In this regard, the backlog reduction center changes from the current two-tier (state-regional) system to one-tier system just like the upcoming PERM program operation.
The details have yet to be developed and announced by the DOL as to how this regulation will be actually implemented. It is, however, important to learn that the backlog reduction job will go into operation in a month or so from now. Good news, indeed.
Backlog Reduction centers

July 20, 2004 the U.S. Department of Labor issued an advance copy of the long-awaited labor certification backlog reduction regulation. Expected to be published in the Federal Register on July 21, 2004, the regulation should be effective August 21, 2004, 30 days from publication. Changes will allow for the transfer of pending labor certification cases to centralized processing center/s to clear significant backlogs in labor certification cases.

Previous articles about backlog reduction centers to be set up at Dallas, TX and Philadelphia, PA can be found on MurthyDotCom. More on this to follow in the July 23 edition of the MurthyBulletin!
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