Maryland SESA Tracker

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waiting in MD SESA....

My labor is filed on October 1st week 2001. I did not receive any notification from the State SESA.
After contacting my lawyer. I came to know that still in MD SESA.

One of my friend filed on Sept 3rd week 2001 also has same problem.

Please let me know if anybody knows reason for the delay..

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Our Case


I haven't post for a while since I got my labor cleared some other way and have filled my I-140 / I-485 already. But still I was waiting with you guys 6 months ago with agony. The reason I am here is, we as a group filled for Labor in MD. Our prioriy date is
2001.11.29. There was query being raised one of our guys regarding some thing. I don't know exactly what it is.

So I can confirm MD is processing end of November a week ago. Hope this helps some of my buddies out there in long wait.

Hang on there friends. Every dog has his own day.
MD Process

I am here not complaining the process in MD, however, read other forum such as VA, they processed the case graduately, and the person in VA can see the hope in the future, can we see any of it?
pessimistic and others,
My lawyer is querying MD regarding my case. Will let you know the findings.
Please share your information and experiences.

I don't know whether this information is helpful to you or not. But I like to share what happened with my case. My priority date is 04/30/2001, last year MD cleared april'2001 cases in and around June' 2003 and started processing May' 2001 cases. Eventually they moved to august' 2001 cases in October' 2003 . Till October I did not hear anything from my lawyer or from SESA about my case. Since my corporate lawyer I had to put lot of pressure from my HR to contact SESA. Finally he called SESA on 10/24/03, after the call my case moved to Philly with in 4 days. My lawyer told me that clerk who was assigned to my case had my file for more than 4 months.

My sincere suggestion is to contact your lawyers.
3 yrs bachelors


I have a 3 yrs of bachelors(Maths, Physics and Chemistry) and 12 years of IT experience, 6 yrs in U.S and 6 yrs back in India.

Does having 3yrs of bachelors cause any problems in my LC? My labor for GC filed for more than 2 years.

I'm worried since all my efforts become invain if my LC is denied.

Any one with 3 yrs of bachelors cleared LC? Any feedback highly appreciated.

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Re: 3 yrs bachelors

Originally posted by ciril99

I have a 3 yrs of bachelors(Maths, Physics and Chemistry) and 12 years of IT experience, 6 yrs in U.S and 6 yrs back in India.

Does having 3yrs of bachelors cause any problems in my LC? My labor for GC filed for more than 2 years.

I'm worried since all my efforts become invain if my LC is denied.

Any one with 3 yrs of bachelors cleared LC? Any feedback highly appreciated.


Dont worry, as long as the language of your advt and H-1b education evalution matched, you have 12 years of experience man, it can equate any degree.

Guyz, any news, did MD completed Jan-Feb 2002 :confused:
It seems that processing is moving very slow. In Nov MD had Dec 01 and in Feb it has moved to Jan 01.
In 3 months they have cleared 1 month. Ans they talk about clearing the backlog..;) Never gonna happen. :(
Originally posted by AbstractVision
It seems that processing is moving very slow. In Nov MD had Dec 01 and in Feb it has moved to Jan 01.
In 3 months they have cleared 1 month. Ans they talk about clearing the backlog..;) Never gonna happen. :(

Yes, and one would hope that there would be fewer cases in Dec 01 and Jan 02 due to holidays and such !!!

God save us !!!
Can we believe on MD SESA processing dates

Originally posted by AbstractVision
It seems that processing is moving very slow. In Nov MD had Dec 01 and in Feb it has moved to Jan 01.
In 3 months they have cleared 1 month. Ans they talk about clearing the backlog..;) Never gonna happen. :(

Per DOL site, MD SESA is working on Jan'02 cases now, I think :( something seriously wrong with SESA processing, I knew people in my office having SESA receiving date in Sep 01, they haven't heard anything and their case haven't moved to DOL yet.

Nope they haven't got any NOF as per their lawyers.
Re: Can we believe on MD SESA processing dates

Could it be that they processed a few cases from later months just to show that they were moving at a fair speed? When they were stuck in April 2001, a lot of ppl like us were complaining to senators etc. That could have put pressure on MD SESA. To get out of that, they artificially speeded up processing, and now they have gone back to their merry ways. They took 3 months to clear Dec 2001... unbeleivable! As someone earlier mentioned, one would expect there were fewer cases in Dec 01 because of holidays, and also economy was going down at that time.

Originally posted by RahulatDC
Per DOL site, MD SESA is working on Jan'02 cases now, I think :( something seriously wrong with SESA processing, I knew people in my office having SESA receiving date in Sep 01, they haven't heard anything and their case haven't moved to DOL yet.

Nope they haven't got any NOF as per their lawyers.
RE: Can we believe on MD SESA processing dates

Some of you might already be aware of this following link and site. It provides a way to look at and possibly download the cases currently at all regional centers (Philly included) data is as of Dec 2003.

I was surprised that it would be so easily accessible.

I believe this is for only cases that are already in regional offices and not State SESAs. For some of the senior candidates in the MD SESA tracker it might be helpful.

I agree that MD SESA is covering up stuff officially they are at Jan 2002 (as per some of the previous posts and websites) but there are so many cases still pending from before that. Do we have to start another petition or something? It is also election time may be it will be noticed? Any ideas?

RE: Can we believe on MD SESA processing dates

Hmmm ! interesting results from the previous link I posted. I down-doaded the zip file to my machine :cool:

And then loaded it into an Oracle DB :D

I am running all sorts of queries against it. The results are amazing and shocking. Hope I am not voilating any major laws here by slicing and dicing the labor data.

Sample is as follows (state=MD, date_rso>=Oct-2001, occ like '030%'):
case_status, date_r_so, case_title
*********, *********, *********
Certified,10/9/2001,Programmer Analyst
Certified,10/12/2001,Systems Analyst
Certified,4/10/2002,Software Engineer
Certified,4/10/2002,Software Engineer
Certified,4/10/2002,Software Engineer
Certified,8/22/2001,Programmer Analyst
Certified,8/20/2002,Programmer Analyst
Certified,12/18/2001,Software Engineer
Certified,2/4/2003,Systems Analyst
Certified,2/25/2003,Programmer Analyst
Certified,1/3/2002,Programmer Analyst
Received Regional Office,7/23/2003,Systems Analyst
Received Regional Office,5/22/2003,Computer Programmer
Received Regional Office,6/18/2003,Software Engineer
Received Regional Office,6/19/2003,Software Engineer
Received Regional Office,6/19/2003,Programmer, Engineering And Scientific
Received Regional Office,4/30/2002,Programmer Analyst
Received Regional Office,8/22/2001,Software Engineer
Received Regional Office,8/21/2001,Programmer Analyst
Received Regional Office,8/24/2001,Software Engineer
Received Regional Office,8/21/2001,Programmer Analyst
Received Regional Office,8/24/2001,Software Engineer
Received Regional Office,8/28/2001,Software Engineer
Received Regional Office,7/11/2002,Programmer Analyst
Received Regional Office,9/5/2001,Software Engineer
Received Regional Office,8/28/2001,Software Engineer
Received Regional Office,9/28/2001,Software Engineer
Received Regional Office,9/25/2001,Programmer Analyst
Received Regional Office,9/25/2001,Software Engineer
Received Regional Office,9/25/2001,Systems Analyst
Received Regional Office,10/9/2001,Software Engineer
Received Regional Office,10/9/2001,Programmer Analyst
Received Regional Office,10/4/2001,Systems Analyst
Received Regional Office,10/11/2001,Software Engineer
Received Regional Office,8/22/2001,Software Engineer
Received Regional Office,10/15/2001,Software Engineer
Received Regional Office,10/15/2001,Software Engineer
Received Regional Office,10/15/2001,Software Engineer
Received Regional Office,10/15/2001,Software Engineer
Received Regional Office,10/15/2001,Software Engineer
Received Regional Office,10/15/2001,Software Engineer
Received Regional Office,11/16/2001,Programmer Analyst
Received Regional Office,10/11/2001,Software Engineer
Received Regional Office,10/23/2001,Programmer Analyst
Received Regional Office,9/24/2001,Software Engineer
Received Regional Office,9/25/2001,Software Engineer
Received Regional Office,10/17/2001,Software Engineer
Received Regional Office,10/17/2001,Software Engineer
Received Regional Office,8/28/2001,Programmer Analyst
Received Regional Office,10/24/2001,Software Engineer
Received Regional Office,9/21/2001,Software Engineer
Received Regional Office,10/15/2001,Programmer Analyst
Received Regional Office,10/24/2001,Programmer Analyst
Received Regional Office,10/25/2001,Programmer Analyst
Received Regional Office,10/26/2001,Software Engineer
Received Regional Office,9/20/2001,Software Engineer
Received Regional Office,10/19/2001,Programmer Analyst
Received Regional Office,10/19/2001,Software Engineer
Received Regional Office,10/19/2001,Software Engineer
Received Regional Office,9/18/2001,Programmer Analyst
Received Regional Office,9/28/2001,Software Engineer
Received Regional Office,11/21/2003,Software Engineer
hmm, so outcome is....

Even though MD SESA officialy processing Jan 2003, outcome of this oracle queries is:

How come one case of 8/2002, 2 cases of 4/2002 and 2 cases of 2/2003 certified.

Why they are still processing some cases from 5/2001.

Picture is not good, now its seems more like never ending process, gosh I am waiting for Bush to implement new illegal amnesty law so I can become illegal and get amnesty :(
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Re: hmm, so outcome is....

I guess, you meant officially SESA MD is still @ Jan 2002. But the results show, some of the cases filed well after Jan 2002 have already been certified @ regional.

I agree.

Anyone can throw some light on this.

Re: Re: hmm, so outcome is....

Originally posted by mdlbr20020531
I guess, you meant officially SESA MD is still @ Jan 2002. But the results show, some of the cases filed well after Jan 2002 have already been certified @ regional.

I agree.

Anyone can throw some light on this.


Can you please process same query for '039%' please, its for Database people
Mine is not yet!

Mine was filed on Jan 03, 2002 and I'm in constant touch with my attorney and have been said they have not heard back any thing.

Is there a way that I could check my case if it is moved to Phily DOL?

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