Maryland SESA Tracker

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We should do something

Yes, we should do something. Sending them emails. I think ask them to charge resonable fee to process the files may be reasonable. For reasonable amount of fee charge, they can add more staff, and will not incur discimination on people who can not afford it. Say $200.00 for one case? everybody can afford it.
An Email

Here is an email sent. If any body have any good ideas, please let us and the governement know, so we can help MD Process.

Dear Sir,

I am sending you this email for the Labor Certificate timing in Maryland. Comparing with other states, our processing time is way slow and virtually stopped at April 2001, while some other states are processing cases for mid-late of 2002.

We understand that the staff number may be a problem for us, and we have a lot of cases and we need to do some other works also. I have a suggestion for this, I do not know if it is possible. That is charging reasonable amount of fee for processing each case. If the fee charge is reasonable (say $200?), it will not incur discrimination on people who can not afford it, plus for Labor certificate cases, applicants should have a decent job and reasonable income. By doing this, we may add more staff and expediate the processing?

I appreciate your consideration.

Have a nice day ...

cut & paste

cut & paste smallriver's mail and send to Mr Ghee......:D

I took out the dollar amount part. They can figure out howmuch to charge:p :p
Re: An Email

Originally posted by smallriver
Here is an email sent. If any body have any good ideas, please let us and the governement know, so we can help MD Process.

Dear Sir,

I am sending you this email for the Labor Certificate timing in Maryland. Comparing with other states, our processing time is way slow and virtually stopped at April 2001, while some other states are processing cases for mid-late of 2002.

We understand that the staff number may be a problem for us, and we have a lot of cases and we need to do some other works also. I have a suggestion for this, I do not know if it is possible. That is charging reasonable amount of fee for processing each case. If the fee charge is reasonable (say $200?), it will not incur discrimination on people who can not afford it, plus for Labor certificate cases, applicants should have a decent job and reasonable income. By doing this, we may add more staff and expediate the processing?

I appreciate your consideration.

Have a nice day ...


Good email text smallriver, guys can we add something more in the line of compare the dates with other state

Some of old suggestion :

1. open a seperate thread with email id and fax numbers where we can contact Mr.Ghee or any other official
2. create a text so anyone can cut and paste for email or fax with their details.
3. Once someone send a mail or fax, put a entry in thread
4. if possible put a petition in (if its help)
5. Try to invite more and more people (by sending mails to friends) remember as much as people respond, we will get benefit.
I've emailed mine

Dear Sir,

I am sending this email for my concern on the processing time of the Labor Certificate in Maryland. Compared to other states who are processing the cases filed in 2002, Maryland is rather slow and virtually stopped at April 24th, 2001. From the processing time issued by Maryland DOL, it took more than 1 month to process cases filed maybe only in one day in April of 2001.

We understand that the staffing might be the major cause of the backlog. The optimistic estimate is to finish processing April 2001 cases by early 2003, which will put all the cases filed after that on a two years lag. However, it might take another two to three years to complete the application for permanent residency, while most of our H-1 might allow us to stay legally in the U.S. for time less than that.

As most of us waiting for the labor certification are legal H-1 visa holders paying taxes, we hope that we can find support from you to voice our needs and help us facilitate the processing process. There are a lot of applicants out there wishing to help but do not know how. I’d really appreciate if you can let us know if there is anything that we can do to help expedite the process or at least voice our needs to whom this may concern. If fund raising , an additional fee charge or any other means could be any help, please let me know.

Thanks and look forward to hearing from you,
Maybe we can start an email with everyone's email address on it

Or everyone's signature. So we're not bombarding their email inbox with all same messages.
Re: Maryland SESA

Originally posted by muppaneni
I suggest that we will collect all the signatures and send e-mail. If everyone starts sending e-mail this may create further workload issues. We should also mail Maryland senators and congressmen.:)

My suggestion

Can anyone please post their contact details, p l e a s e .....

Can we keep this thread for MD tracker only, we can use elen thread for lobbying over this issue
Originally posted by muppaneni

SriRamaKrishna Muppaneni

I dont think, it would be a nice idea to post personal details here, rather we should keep this a individual affair with follow-ups details posting here.

What you guys think :confused:
Reply from Senator

Glad to see more people are joining this thread...

Below is the reply from Senator Mikulski. Look like that we need to print out the form and mail it to her Baltimore office due to Federal Law.

Let's do it!!!


Thank you for contacting me regarding
your problem with the Immigration and
Naturalization Service (INS). I appreciate
hearing from you.

Caseworkers in my state offices will
make every effort to assist you. Whether
it's obtaining information from federal
agencies related to programs or benefits for
which you may be eligible, a problem you're
having with a federal government program such
as Social Security, Medicare or veterans
benefits, or an issue that needs to be
resolved with a federal government agency
such as the Internal Revenue Service, my
staff stands ready to help. However, I am
prohibited by the Federal Privacy Act from
handling your problem over the Internet.
This is for your protection, to ensure that
your personal information is safeguarded as
much as possible.

You can find a copy of the Case
Information and Privacy Release Form on my
homepage by going to the "Contact Me" icon
and scrolling down to "Help with a Federal
Agency." Please complete this form, print it
out, and mail it to my Baltimore office:

The Honorable Barbara A. Mikulski
Brown's Wharf
1629 Thames Street
Suite 400
Baltimore, Maryland 21231

Once they receive this information, my staff
will help you in any way they can.

If your problem involves an agency of
the State of Maryland or of local government,
I would encourage you to write to your
elected officials at that level of
government. As one of your United States
Senators, it would be inappropriate for me to
intervene in a state, local or court

Thanks again for contacting me. Please
let me know if I can be of further assistance
to you in the future.


Barbara A. Mikulski
United States Senator

P.S. If I can be of any further assistance in
the future, please visit my website at or call my
Washington office at 202-224-4654.
What people on the VA forum did is draft one letter and collect email/contact information for all the people who wanted to send the letter, send the letter with all the _signatures_ (email/contact) information to all important places, such as the state labor department, maybe senator/congressmen/women.

For the collection of "signatures", one memeber in the VA forum set up a yahoo/hotmail account, and post it here, and ask anyone to send their consenting email with their contact info. After a certain date, the letter will be sent out.

The VA guys also posted their draft letter here for people to review/modify.

We might be able to do the same thing here rather than sending individual email/letters.
I've created one yahoo email. it's

If everyone agrees to send to this email address their detail. We can then collect them and send the letter to the senators.

I've created a hotmail account it can be used to collect information. First we have to decide what and where to mail. then you can email your info's. I will collect them and will be available to use where needed.

I edited this message not to get confused with 2 diffrent emails
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Info. to email to

Okay, here is the info. that I think we should collect:

H-1 Expiration date:
LC filing/receipt date:
Phone number:

Please let me know what you think.
RehulatDC - I didn't get your email

Please make sure that you send to
They're processing Apr.26, 2001 for RIR cases.

Still a long way to go! Let's try to do something so that we're not just waiting in vain.
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