Maryland SESA Tracker

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Labor/ I-40 Portability

I have a question in 2 parts.
a) I wonder if labor is portable
b) In wonder if I-40 is portable.

Both in the scenario of quiting the company since I worked for the consultant firm & go direct with the client. Since client wants me to go direct. & both my company and the client don\'t have any problem. I wonder if I should delay the process or Labor or I-40 because probably I think that is doable.
I want to see my options here.
I just want not to waste my time for labor which is already 1-year so far and I am about to be approved in a month or so.
Thanks to everybody who pitch in their ideas/ experience.
Labor applied April 12th 2001 in MD
got the reciept

Just spoke to immigration dept in our company .They have recieved 6 reciepts this week including mine.

btw my filling date is May 3 looks like things are atleast moving compared to last few months.

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I don\'t think the Labor certification is Portable. But I heard from someone once, that the dates can be portable (means your priority date will be the 12th of April), but you need to go thro\' the process of labor all over again. The best bet in any case would be to check with your attorney before you make a decision.

My 2 cents worth...
Join the party

Hi all

I have followed the board for a long time and I think I should put some info in it.

My case

RIR May 10th EB2

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LC and I-140 are the same----not portable in either case except the priority date. I got my LC & I-140 approved last year. But I have to go through from the very beginning. I\'ll be very glad that some one could tell me that was not true. But I never expect that.

The only advantage you can take is that you may have an earlier priority date in case the processing times in INS becomes not current again in future. Otherwise, it is useless, I think.

My advice is Be patient and go step by step.

alo...........Filed 03/09/01.....EB3/nRIR....receipt........pending
   Do Kim....Filed 04/04/01.....EB3/RIR..Went to Phili 1/10/02 10:23 AM
   lahore1....Filed 04/12/01.....EB3/ receipt.....pending
   sgw........ Filed 04/18/01.....EB2/ receipt.....pending
   Mdgc......Filed 04/27/01.....EB2/RIR.....10/01/01.......pending
   VPR.......Filed 04/30/01.....EB2/RIR.....10/15/01.......pending
   WGK..... Filed 05/04/01.....EB2/ receipt.....pending
   frog........ Filed 05/10/02.....EB2/ receipt....pending
   Sol....... .Filed 05/20/01.....EB3/ receipt.....pending
   bright......Filed 06/10/01.....EB2/ receipt.....pending
   JA26.......Filed 07/09/01.....EB2/ receipt.....pending
   fox12.....Filed 07/17/01.....EB3/ receipt.....pending
   Nayak.....Filed 08/01/01.....EB2/ receipt.....pending
What is "receipt"

what do you mean by "receipt"? I am new here and do not quite know the terminology.
Mine was filed 8/15/01 - EB2/RIR. I just spoke with
my attorney and was told that they got a notification on 8/24 that the application was received.
Is this the "receipt date" or is it some thing else? Please reply.

Thanks -duggils
Movement !! Apr 11 & Apr 12

SESA is processing RIR cases of Apr 11 & Apr 12. Receipt notices are being issued for September 2001. Recorded message at 410-767-2050
Non RIR cases are as of March 2001.

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Mdgc!!!! You\'re simply the best :)
Thanks. But, are they positive about septembers\' notices??? I mean, I\'ll call after business hours to hear such a great news, but we haven\'t received any notices. Let\'s see.
received receipt notice

eb2/rir filed on Aug 15th.2001. How much more will it take to final approval ?
Analysis of Processing Dates.

So here is the situation. They started 10th of April on Jan 22, 2002. Now today on Feb 05th they are doing Apr 11-12th. So it takes 10 working days to Process 1-day in April. So they are moving along. Hoping we will get there one day.
No Title

in your previous message you said you filed on Aug 1st. But now you say its Aug 15th. Could you please clarify ?
When did you find out that you got your receipt?
Mine was also filed on Aug. 15th. EB2/RIR .
May be we could follow each others progress.

So is this the estimate...

13 more workdays in April so if it goes as April 10th then 10 days for each day ie,. 130 days (26 weeks without considering weekends) huh that is almost 6 months for doing whole of April!!!

Oh Boy I wish this calculation is wrong!!! Lets hope they move fast.

Pls keep posting updates....
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