Maryland SESA Tracker

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Still, why illegal people have higher priority than the legal people?
Do they encourage people to break the law?


I don't think this is true because I remember very well that this deadline applied to the entire country though there was some confusion about April 30 as last receipt date at SESA or postmarked date (appln could have reached after April 30)..

You might want to check again with other sources..
Re: 245i

Thanks for your reply. I also hope what I mentioned in my previous post is not true.
The economy remains gloomy, who knows what will happen, we just cannot wait too long.

Originally posted by ms_from_mich

I don't think this is true because I remember very well that this deadline applied to the entire country though there was some confusion about April 30 as last receipt date at SESA or postmarked date (appln could have reached after April 30)..

You might want to check again with other sources..
Re: Still

Originally posted by smallriver
Still, why illegal people have higher priority than the legal people?
Do they encourage people to break the law?

Legal People are already paying taxes, so if you legalize illegal people they will start paying taxes sooner.
Therefore, illegal people have higher priority than the leagal people.;)
Re: Re: Still

Originally posted by pessimistic
Legal People are already paying taxes, so if you legalize illegal people they will start paying taxes sooner.
Therefore, illegal people have higher priority than the leagal people.;)

Even if illegals become legal they never pays taxes, they always work on cash and never shows actual income, therefore they always live on tax payers money, the only benefit politicians gets by backing laws like 245i is getting votes :mad:
Responce from MD State

Dear Friends,

I am sorry for not responding to some question directed to me, as I was on travel.

Our represenations regarding the delays in MD Sate Labour Processing caught the attention of MD state Legislative office.
Below is the responce I received form Mr. Dilip B. Paliath, Legislative Officer to the Governor.

Let me know if you have any ideas about the next level followup process

Thanks, rsiv

Thank you for your e-mail to Mr. Dilip Paliath, the Governor’s Legislative Officer, regarding labor certification for employment-based immigration. Mr. Paliath forwarded your e-mail to me and asked that I address your concerns.

The Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation shares your concerns and understands your frustration with the length of the labor certification and immigration processes. Your correspondence indicated that you had a general knowledge of the problems caused by the implementation of the amnesty provision under the LIFE Act. However, not being aware of the specifics of the labor certification process in the State has led to your perception of Maryland being at a “stand still.” Let me assure you that this is not the case.

The nature of the problem is a bureaucratic snag brought to us by changes at the federal level in 2001; reductions in funding at the federal level and the required federal processes related to completing each Foreign Labor Certification (FLC) request.

Foreign Labor Certification is a complex process. Although we have streamlined the federal mandates to the State, we must adhere to the principles of the United States Department of Labor policies, regulations and procedures. Cases are required to be processed according to their date of receipt by the FLC unit. When the LIFE Act granted amnesty in 2000, Maryland experienced a major influx in the number of labor certification applications. Our customary caseload of 2200 – 2400 applications per year was increased to over 16,000 in the six weeks from March 15, 2001- April 30, 2001. Over 6,000 cases arrived on April 30, 2001, the final day of the initial amnesty period. This is what is giving you the perception that we are at a stand still.

Comparisons to other states dates of processing, without awareness of their caseload and staff levels, do not give an accurate picture. Eight states, of which Maryland is one, have over 95% of the national backlog of 250,000 – 300,000 cases that came in during the amnesty period.

We are working aggressively to decrease the backlog; however, the 16,000 applications received in 2001 are more than six times our annual average. This combined with no additional resources to handle the amount of work resulted in a large backup. Our staff continues to work diligently; since April 30, 2001 we have processed over 6900 labor certification applications; our program administrator has moved staff to assist with FLC, we have requested additional federal funds to clear the backlog. To assist in the clearance of the backlog I have authorized the transfer of additional staff to the unit.

Your suggestions were thoughtful and we appreciate them, but they pertain to policy beyond our scope of authority. We will be glad to forward them to the United States Department of Labor.

The impact the delayed processing of these applications has on lives of various individuals and business is of mutual concern. Every effort is being made to ensure we obtain resources to continue making reductions in processing time.

Thank you again for bringing your concerns to my attention. The Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation looks forward to an expeditious resolution to this adverse situation.


James D. Fielder, Jr., Ph.D.

Cc: Mr. Dilip B. Paliath, Legislative Officer to the Governor
good post..

hello rsiv,

thanks for sharing the info.. Unfortunately we can only console ourselves that MD SESA understands our pain..

Guys, I am still hopeful that for RIR appls we can see the light at end of tunnel (End of AUG 03 ).. Don't know about NON-RIR yet.

OK, I understand

OK, I understand. Because illilgal has always priority over the legal, and the tax that we are paying should benefit the illigal people.

Even though that the tax that we are paying can afford to hire 10 time more staffs to process the cases, we are still blocked. Because we have not right to vote. and people are beclare to be equal 200 years ago.

Even though we are far more qualified to process the cases than the people who are processing them now, we are not human.

Even though some of us can also put a PHD together with their names, our PHD is not as good even it is from MIT.

What is called human right?

the reply to rSiva's initiative mentions 16,000 apps received in 2001, upto Apr 30, 2001. 26 months and 21 days have passed by since. The processing power of SESA (before extra workers were added some months ago) is about 600. Multiplying this with 26.5 gives 15,900, which is slightly less than 16000. This analysis matches with the recent news/speculation that there remain 500 more apps to finish off Apr 30, 2001.
However, the reply also mentions, in another paragraph, that they have processed 6900 apps since Apr 30,2001, which leaves out 9100 apps yet to be processed. This is scary and contradictory. If they took over 2 yrs to process 6900, they would take more than 2.5 years from now to process the 9100 apps.
What say, guys ? Am I mis-analyzing ???
the 6900 figure does not match with the processing power estimate. 600 times 12 is 7200. And its been more than two years since Apr 30, 2001.

Bottomline is : is the 600/month correct ?
Re: calculations

Both that 16000 and 6900 include nonRIR cases, and 16000 is the number before April.30,2001, now should be 16000+2400*2-6900=13900 includes nonRIR.

I hope they always deal with RIR first till 2003, otherwise, even they start May, u can imagine when they will finish RIR cases in 2001.
I do not know

I know nothing about their process power. I am a piece of meat and they are holding the knife. It is up to them how to cut me.
Tutuzi said:
Both that 16000 and 6900 include nonRIR cases, and 16000 is the number before April.30,2001, now should be 16000+2400*2-6900=13900 includes nonRIR.

But they are processing April 30 cases. Does this mean they have 13900 cases filed in April 30?
Where am I wrong?
Originally posted by bsun
Tutuzi said:
Both that 16000 and 6900 include nonRIR cases, and 16000 is the number before April.30,2001, now should be 16000+2400*2-6900=13900 includes nonRIR.

But they are processing April 30 cases. Does this mean they have 13900 cases filed in April 30?
Where am I wrong?

I estimated total around 13900 nowaday from April 2001(since the processing date now is RIR April 30, nonRIR April 5) to 2003.

They received 6000 cases on April 30, 2001 includes nonRIR cases, now they have 500 RIR cases left, but we never know how many nonRIR left on April 2001, must be a lot...
ridiculous processing time for RIR..


MD is the one of the 5 remaining worst states (incl DC) that is yet to get out of the RIR for APRIL 2001.. I remember seeing Arkansas in the same mess. But now latest processing times shows May 2001 for RIR.

I just can't believe that MD would do treat RIR and Regular with the same level of importance. I hope they are not trying to clear up the Regular and RIR for April before moving on to May 2001.

Each state seems to be doing RIR much faster than NON RIR (April 01) and how is it MD is so special ????

Just a bit frustrated with all this... But still hoping that August 2003 end, RIR should be done.

Message for Mich


Don't give up. We waited for so long. They are training peoples. I talked to someone yesterday and I have been told my case will be cleared by December 2003. I have filed Nov 2001.

Don't read the forum everyday. By reading this you increase your blood pressure and anticipation. Be cool and BE EMPLOYED to get your GC.

Rest everything is in GODs hand. We should have hope.

We are simply the victims of economy, politicians etc etc ....
Why do we have to be the victims?

Why do we have to be the victims? The god created all the people, and he will bless all the people, but not only part of the people.

I hate some people trying to play the god's role.
My companly just had a layoff

One American guy is laidoff from my group. My labor application is of course still stuck somewhere. I filed in April 2002. Will the layoff affect my case? Does anyone know?
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