Marriage Interview - Passed


Registered Users (C)
Hi Everyone,
I have passed my second interview. We both were interview separately. First 15 minutes were together and we showed all the documents. Then 15 minutes for me and 15 minutes from her. I don't remember all the questions but here are some of the questions, may be it will help anyone there:
Officer said, this interview could last for 3 hours or more:

Where do you live?
tell me about your bed room
Where are the electronics stuff in the room
Facing to the ceiling of the room, where is dresser
Do you sleep on right or left
In the dresser which draw has your under garments
What is color of your bed sheet this morning
is there any scenery in the room
what is in the scenery
How do you get to work
How does she get to work
Last night who came home first
Who cooked dinner
what was in dinner
who was there on dinner table
after dinner, then what happened
Who left for bed first
When did you have sex last time?
What time did you have sex?
Does she has any tattoo on her body
How much you make a year
how much she makes a year
Where did you go for vocations in last 4 years (approximate dates and locations)
Where did you go recently
What did you give her on her last birthday
What did she give you on your last birthday
What did you exchange in gifts on Thanks Giving and Christmas
Which is the last movie you saw together
What kind of car you have and what kind of car she has
How much you paid and how much she paid
color of the car, insurance company and how much is for 6 month
What did you do on last Saturday and Sunday (summarize it)

Then she (officer) confirmed the same questions from my wife and said, Petition has been granted. You will receive a welcome package at home.

Wish you all the best,

Congratulations! Do you have any idea why they put you through that? Did you have previous record?? Or marriage?
Congrats on passing the stokes interview. I thought that USCIS is not allowed to ask questions about one's sex life, even during a stokes interview. At the most they can ask if the marriage has been consumated. At least that is what I thought.

When did you have sex last time?
What time did you have sex?
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Congrats of passing the stokes interview. I thought that USCIS is not allowed to ask questions about one's sex life, even during a stokes interview. At the most they can ask if the marriage has been consumated. At least that is what I thought.


Correct --- they are limited to asking whether the marriage has been consummated. A few of those question were not allowed. I know some would disagree with me, but if it had been me, I would have refused to answer the questions regarding our intimate life. To me, it is a matter of principle. Many people would probably just choose to answer and get it done with.
what does it mean?

I was wondering the same thing. Some of the questions are extremely vague and bizarre. Being what I consider very happily married, I wouldn't always remember what color the bedsheet was that morning. Also, as have been discussed here before, I wouldn't always remember the color of my wife's underwear. The officer would be lucky if I remembered the color of my own underwear on a particular day.
I was wondering the same thing. Some of the questions are extremely vague and bizarre. Being what I consider very happily married, I wouldn't always remember what color the bedsheet was that morning. Also, as have been discussed here before, I wouldn't always remember the color of my wife's underwear. The officer would be lucky if I remembered the color of my own underwear on a particular day.
You're right. It is very hard to remember some of the things they asked about. I would have a hard time trying to recall what I gave my husband on his last birthday, let alone what underwear he might be wearing.
i was asked almost the same questions in my interview as well. the officer bluntly asked us when was the last time we had sex. not only that, he asked if we use protection, what kind, have we thought of kids, what names, etc...
when i was browsing the website earlier, i felt it was impossible that they would ask these questions but lo behold, it was wierd going thru them. and yes, we were interviewed separately as well
the USCIS cannot ask about the positions and preferences, but as far as I know they can ask about protection and plans for children.
Got Green Card


I pass interview, I got green card.....visited my family back home recently...and have started a new life.....

I don't care about the nature of questions because I was honest and got my GC with honestly
In the event that the Green Card was denied, then the nature of the sexual questions asked would have been a problem for the USCIS on appeal. So either way, since the questions were asked and to avoid disclosure, the Green Card petition would have approved.

Must have been a mistake to have asked in the first place.

I pass interview, I got green card.....visited my family back home recently...and have started a new life.....

I don't care about the nature of questions because I was honest and got my GC with honestly


You still have not told us why you went through all of that.
How did the first interview go?
Is there a big age difference?
Let everybody know so people who have not had their interviews yet are notified

You still have not told us why you went through all of that.
How did the first interview go?
Is there a big age difference?
Let everybody know so people who have not had their interviews yet are notified
YEs pleases let us know the history, this will help some of us. Why the stokes intervie for u? were u divorced? how long, how many times, age difference, not enough document the first time?
tanks for u're honest answers....:)
Sounds all so easy

You guys make it sound so easy..."oh i filed the I-130, then this then that and, voila', I have a green card" I'm applying for a green card too and right now my husband and I are stuck with the I-864 Affidavit of Support, which is sending our marriage to shambles. Whatever...just keep it real you guys. It's harder than what it looks.