Hi All,
I just completed the fingerprint/biometrics appointment.
1. Arrived at Fairfax Avenue Application Support Center.
2. Upon entering two Immigration Officers greet you.
3. You give your Fingerprint Appointment Letter then they give you a Biographical form to fill out.
4. After you fill it out, they ask you for your Resident Alien Card, stamp and initial your letter and give you a number. (I got there around 9:20am and my appointment was at 10:00am.
5. They called various numbers then at 10:15am my number was called.
6. Another person greets you, asks for your biographical form, fingerprint letter and resident alien card. Then he/she asks you to sit down.
7. They type information about you from your form. Then they perform the fingerprint scan. First they wipe your hands with a towel wet with ethanol. They place four of your fingers on the scan for each hand, followed by individual scans of each finger.
8. Then you fill out a customer service form. They were fast and very professional.
9. Then the person who performs the scan returns your forms and informed me that my next step was my interview and that I should be looking out for the interview letter.
I said thank you to the lady who performed my scan and to each of the other IOs. That's it. Now I wait some more!
Application Process:
PR Since '86
5/01/07-6/30/07:...........Gathering Info/Docs
District Office: Los Angeles, CA
06/30/2007:..................Mailed N-400 CSC, Laguna Niguel [Day 0]
07/02/2007:..................Official Date N-400 Application Received by USCIS/CSC [Day 2]
07/02/2007:..................Priority Date [Day 2]
07/03/2007:..................N-400 Applc. Rec’d (Rtrn. Rect. USCIS 06/29/07) [Day 3]
07/10/2007:..................Check Cashed (Per Bank Website) [Day 10]
07/20/2007:..................I-797C Receipt Notice Sent from CSC [Day 20]
07/24/2007:..................Application Case Available On-Line (Per USCIS Website) [Day 24]
07/25/2007:..................I-797C Receipt Notice Received (with Exception) [Day 25]
07/26/2007:..................I-797C Fingerprint Notice Sent from CSC [Day 26]
07/28/2007:..................I-797C Fingerprint Notice Received [Day 28]
08/21/2007:..................Fingerprint Date [Day 52] (Done 10am @ ASC-Fairfax, Los Angeles)