Los Angeles, CA - N-400 Timeline

Hello everyone,

I started my N-400 process in December 2005. I went already for my finger print appointment.
At this time I am waiting for my interview letter.
In 2002 I was convicted for a DUI; the court put me under probation for 3 yrs. I finished my probation in November 2005.
My question for all of you is:
What paperwork support I have to bring to proof that I've completed everything that the court gave me as a sentence?
Is anyone having a case similar to my case?

It was a first time conviction, no additional crimes or anything of that nature.
I just want to be prepared.

All your responses will be greatly appreciated
Rahul Kumar said:
Congrats on your success. All the best

Thank you Rahul.

As you've seen for the past month or so (this is an expression from my old country) "the devil is not so black as it appears" :D :D :D...only sometimes things start on the wrong foot.

You know exactly what I'm referring to ;)

Good luck in your future endeavors.
snowboarder said:
I have to be out of the country in the 2nd half of July.
Don't want to miss my interview. When would you guys send
your application, seems like the wheel is turning quite fast
these days...
I was thinking there is no way they can call me for the interview
in 4 months (late March - late July)...
Don't want to sent too late and miss my fingerprint app. either..

Any advise would be great

Sorry but I couldn't help it to give you this "multioption advice"

1. Don't go on vacation before you finish everything related with your Naturalization, including the Oath.


2. Don't apply before you come back from vacation


3. Have someone you really trust to monitor your mail and be prepared to cut short your vacation.
Oath letter

My wife and I both got our oath letters on Saturday (3/18/2006) for LACC on 4/14/2006.
Overall the whole process has taken just over 6 months (Santa Ana). Pretty good - I think!
JoeF said:
Alright, I got my oath letter today, for April 14.

Wow! Congrat JoeF!!!!!!!

(on an unrelated topic, I received a jury duty today for 4/26.... they sure selected me for jury duty fast! :| )
Just wanted to share - great timeline

Hello everyone,

This site was very helpful to me last year when I applied for my citizenship so I wanted to contribute by sharing my husband's timeline which was way better than my own.

Priority Date ............ Nov. 28, 2005
Fingerprint Date ....... Jan 4, 2006
Interview Date ......... March 23, 2006 at El monte
Ceremony............ April 14,006 @ 1 p.m.

but here is the killer, he received right there on the spot the letter for him to go to the April 14, 2006 ceremony downtown. I was in shock, :confused: I didn't get that, I waited over a month and drove to Pomona at 7 a.m. :)

Anyhow, needless to say I am very happy for him.

Also, his experience at the interview was different than mine in that my 10 questions were printed, he was only asked 3 questions by oral exam. Go figure, that only shows that it depends on the interviewer.

Good luck to everyone and best wishes to all.
Case status disappeared online

My timeline is as follows:
Priority date 12/28/05
FP date 01/26/06

I am waiting for my interview now but since Friday last week, my online case status says "The status for this Receipt Number cannot be found at this time in this automated system. Please check your case receipt number to see if it is correct. If you have questions or concerns about your case status, please contact the National Customer Service Center.".

Should I be worried? Has anyone seen this before? Should I call the NCSC? Please let me know.....Thank you.
LR2005 said:
Should I be worried? Has anyone seen this before? Should I call the NCSC? Please let me know.....Thank you.
When your case moves to a local DO, it disappears from the web tracker. Nothing to worry about.
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LR2005 said:
My timeline is as follows:
Priority date 12/28/05
FP date 01/26/06

I am waiting for my interview now but since Friday last week, my online case status says "The status for this Receipt Number cannot be found at this time in this automated system. Please check your case receipt number to see if it is correct. If you have questions or concerns about your case status, please contact the National Customer Service Center.".

Should I be worried? Has anyone seen this before? Should I call the NCSC? Please let me know.....Thank you.

It's a good chance you'll get your interview letter in the mail soon :)
JoeF said:
Since 8:50am.
The origanization of the ceremony is impressive, with ca. 3500 people sworn in this morning.

I was about to start asking people if they saw a red Miata on fire in the Convention Center parking lot, and a guy called "JoeF" eye blacked by a bunch of angry forum members :D :D :D

Probably you were just out, celebrating...

Anyway, congratulation.
JoeF said:
Thanks a lot. 12 years after starting the journey with an H1, it is over.

It's said-late is better than never. Besides that, good things happen to those who wait and keep patience. :) And, you are the perfect example for that. Success feels more sweetier when it is achieved right and hard way.

I hope they have you had a modified Oath as you requested.

Good luck to you.
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