Los Angeles, CA - N-400 Timeline

If both of you have to take part in the ceremony, it's probably not a good idea.

When I was there, I didn't see anyone who was not being naturalized in the area for new citizens. I'm sure if you took your kids along, they would let them in (they can't really kick them out or anything), but visitors usually have to stand around the new citizens. So, I'm not sure how accomodating the USCIS folks really are.

Also, during my ceremony in May, I had to wait in a really long line for around an hour before I was allowed in. The guests had to wait in a seperate line.

So, it really depends on how young your kids are. If they are old enough to handle the waiting and heat, then you're probably fine.

If they're not, it's probably not a great idea...
I just want to share my timeline for Citizenship processing. It has been a nerv-racking 10 months. But the good news is that it is about to finish with a high note.

Application Process:
PR Since Nov., 2001
DO: Los Angeles, CA
Application mailed: 08/06
Priority & Received Date: 08/10/06
FP Notice Rc'd: 09/06
FP Date: 09/06
IL Rc'd: 05/23/07
Interview Date and Oath Letter: 07/05/07
Oath Ceremony Date: 07/26/07

My experience is slower than most of the people posting here. That's why I got nervous in the beginning of the year and started Infopass, Congress Woman contact, etc., with no use. I also went to an immigration session hosted by local congress woman, together with USCIS people, to chat with them. But all information pointed toward FBI Background check as the culprit. And all of them said that there is not much I or they can do except constant followup. I was considering the possibility of a lawsuit after a year.
However, I finally got the notice to appear for citizenship interview during my vacation in China! I just couldn't believe it, as it had been more than 9 months and I though I would be the ones who slipped into the blackhole that is FBI background check. It is relieving and perplexing to me that they, somehow, digged me out of this hole and showed me the light at the end of the tunnel.
I had been checking USCIS case status online every few days since the start. But it has been useless. It has never being updated after the initial notice, nor disappear, made me wondering if indeed my background check was completed. Being in the hole for too long, I was afraid to find that out through Infopass and instead opted to wait for the interview.
Actually the interview day went pretty smooth, to my delight. It was conducted on the 5th in the downtown LA Federal building. I arrived 20 minutes before the scheduled time (8:45), and waited 35 minutes. Was greeted by a happy IO who exchanged the impressions of the fireworks last night with me. I wanted to tell him that I was preparing for the civic lesson at the time. :)
The process was as described by others, started by a sworn in statement that I will only tell the truth. Then he went through the N-400, using red inks to mark those that are passed. I have gotten a daughter and a trip to China during the period, so they were added. Regarding the traffic tickets, he stated that he doesn't need them unless they became warrants, which means I didn't pay for them and obviously that was not the case. The communist party and terrorist org question is the one that I remembered specifically.
After that, the civic questions and english are pretty simple and straight forward. I really wasted my time trying to remember all the 13 states' names. :) However, I do think the 100 questions are all that you need and nothing more...
Then he congratulated me for passing the interview and handed me the letter stating his name, date and recommendation for approval. Now comes the interesting part: He explained to me that he is going to give me choices regarding the Oath letter, either get them after two hours or go home to wait for it. He said that the reason for that was because the non-attendance rate of last few ceremonies were high and his boss was not happy. Turned out that many were still waiting for the letter that was a no-show in their mailbox. So the boss said that, no matter if it is USCIS' scheduler's problem or the USPS problem, or even the candidates' problem, they have to fix it. Thus they are providing us the choices now. I was truthful when I told him that I like his boss... :)
So here I am, after 10+ months, with an oath letter in hand, and a ceremony date just close enough to the 7/30th so I can file my wife and family's I-130s, etc., in time to avoid the higher rate. I am very close to nirvana now...

Thanks for all of you who have posted here and I wish those who are still waiting for the background check to be cleared the best of lucks. Hang on there and someone will dig you out.
Done!!! - I am an American Citizen now

Petition Filed........................: 01/24/07
Priority Date........................: 01/26/07
Check Cashed......................: 01/29/07
Receipt Received..................: 02/02/07
FP Notice Received...............: 02/05/07
FP Done on.........................: 02/27/07
Interview Letter Received on..: 04/27/07
Interview Date.....................: 06/19/07:)
Oath Letter Received............: 06/19/07 :)
Oath Date...........................: 07/06/07 :)

Had my Oath at Montebello today. Excellent experience.
My total Naturalization process took just 5 months and 10 days. No hassels and no delays.

Thanks for everyone who shared their experiences. It really helped thru the filing and the waiting....

God Bless America.
Congratulations Kissan-UCLA!

Well done! Congratulations! :D Thanks for all the feedback posted.

Best Regards,
Any New Applicants from February 2007-July 2007?

Hi! I just wanted to know if there were any more applicants who submitted their applications from February 2007 to the Present?
Any New Applicants from February 2007-July 2007?

Hi! I just wanted to know if there were any more applicants who submitted their applications from February 2007 to the Present?
I just submitted my n400 on 6/26/07.Im still waiting for my receipt it has been 2 weeks as of today which is the average time it looks like people on here receive there NOA's.Maybe becuase 4th of July was a holiday it is taking longer.

Thanks! Hopefully others will post throughout last month and this month up through the fee hike. I'm wondering how much of an effect the "surge" in applications for July will have on those applying until July. I'll be on the look out for your postings as well as alect's! Has your check posted if you paid by personal check?

Best of luck in this long process.
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I actually had my n400 submitted by an agency out of long beach that helps you prepare your n400 and i paid witha usps money order so i dont know if i can find out if they cashed it.does anyone know if there is a way to find that out?
Check Posted!!!! Yeah!!!


My check finally posted (7:30am according to bank). There is a WSC number on the back and it's endorsed by the DOJ.:eek:

Application Process:
PR Since '86
5/01/07-6/30/07:...........Gathering Info/Docs
DO: Los Angeles, CA
06/30/2007:..................Mailed N-400 CSC, Laguna Niguel [Day 0]
07/03/2007:..................N-400 Applc. Rec’d (Rtrn. Rect. USCIS 06/29/07) [Day 3]
07/10/2007:..................Check Cashed (Posted Per Bank Website) [Day 10]
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First off, congratulations to everyone who already got their US Citizenship!


I did my FP last week so I'm just waiting for my Interview Letter. I was a bit disheartened when I read here that I could have done my FP earlier than my appointment date (I wasted time!) but when I went to the FP Office, I was told that they do not do "advanced appointments" as Los Angeles is a "high-volume" applicant area so it was some sort of relief to me.

Also a bit nervous as the FBI Background check might take a while. Though I am just a student and no arrests or whatnot, stories of the "FBI Background Check Blackhole" is notorious. Hopefully none of us would get that.

I'll update again once I get my Interview Letter.



Sent Application to CSC: 05/23/2007
Application received: 05/24/2007
Priority Date: 05/24/2007
Received Notice of Action: 06/08/2007
*Payment Check cleared*
FP Notice Received: 06/13/2007
FP Appointment Date: 07/06/2007
Nice! You're Making Progress.


I'm a student also. I'm dreading the name check but hope that nothing turns up. I'll be looking out for ya as you seem to be making very good progress. The time for this process (without mishaps!) is around 6-8 months from the time of mail date (MD) to Oath Date (OD). The waiting sucks but will be much more rewarding when it is over.
Decision not made

Had an interview today at downtown LA office. Everything went well until the officer checked my passport for entry stamps and my last entry stamp was missing. Turns out the officer at LAX did not stamp my passport at the point of entry. Luckily I had the last page of my ticket and transit stamps but they didn’t go any good.

The officer who took a personal call during the interview process and chatted about dogs and upcoming BBQ, said she will check the database for entry log t the end of the day. YEA RIGHT!

She asked about religion and if I practiced it. WEIRD. Isn’t that violation of bill of rights if I am not mistaken?

Other Facts:
Though my appointment was at 11:00. I arrived 30 minutes earlier and was called in at 10:50. The gentleman next to me whose appointment was at 10:30 had been waiting for over an hour.

The time varies by the sub- room number.

My room number was 8010-36
8010: is the main room # for interview where you wait
36: Individual officer’s room #

Thanks to LAX immigration officer I am back in the waiting game. arghhh!!!

11/06/06: Mailed to CSC
11/14/06: Priority Date
11/27/06: FP Notice Rcd
12/05/06: FP Date (Gardena CIS)
05/26/07: Interview Notice Rcd
07/13/07: Interview Date (Downtown LA)
My Naturalization Journey so far.

Petition Filed.............................: 01/24/07
Priority Date..............................: 01/26/07
Check Cashed............................: 01/29/07
Receipt Received........................: 02/02/07
FP Notice Received.....................: 02/05/07
FP Done on...............................: 02/27/07
Interview Letter Received on........: 04/27/07
Interview Date...........................: 06/19/07
Oath Letter Received...................: 06/19/07
Oath Date.................................: 07/06/07
U.S Passport Applied & received....: 07/09/07
Indian Visitor Visa applied.............: 07/10/07 (since I need to travel to India immediately)
Indian visitor visa recieved............: 07/13/07
OCI Card application filed..............: 07/13/07
FYI. The namecheck process is independent of your fingerprinting process, so even if you are allowed to do the fingerprinting ahead of your scheduled appointment, you will still have to wait for the namecheck to clear, typically it iis the namecheck that takes longer. So, relax, there is not a whole lot of advantage on going for fingerprinting early.

First off, congratulations to everyone who already got their US Citizenship!


I did my FP last week so I'm just waiting for my Interview Letter. I was a bit disheartened when I read here that I could have done my FP earlier than my appointment date (I wasted time!) but when I went to the FP Office, I was told that they do not do "advanced appointments" as Los Angeles is a "high-volume" applicant area so it was some sort of relief to me.

Also a bit nervous as the FBI Background check might take a while. Though I am just a student and no arrests or whatnot, stories of the "FBI Background Check Blackhole" is notorious. Hopefully none of us would get that.

I'll update again once I get my Interview Letter.



Sent Application to CSC: 05/23/2007
Application received: 05/24/2007
Priority Date: 05/24/2007
Received Notice of Action: 06/08/2007
*Payment Check cleared*
FP Notice Received: 06/13/2007
FP Appointment Date: 07/06/2007
macman, very sad to hear that. actually I am in the same boat. I made several international trips last year, and the immigration officer @ LAX didn't stamp my passport for one time. I reminded him this, he replied that it is not necessary to stamp my passport since I made several trips with 6 months, and anyway he already slided my greencard. then I didn't argue any more. looks like I will also be caught in my interview comming next month :-(

please post the progress of your case, thanks much!
I almost got away with it. She crossed out "yes" and checked mark "no decision made". Make sure to have a list of dates handy giving them no opportunity to ask for your passport. Also note, your tickets, itinerary and exit stamp are absolutely no help in this situation. I will update this forum as soon as i hear back from them.
Wish you all the luck.

macman, very sad to hear that. actually I am in the same boat. I made several international trips last year, and the immigration officer @ LAX didn't stamp my passport for one time. I reminded him this, he replied that it is not necessary to stamp my passport since I made several trips with 6 months, and anyway he already slided my greencard. then I didn't argue any more. looks like I will also be caught in my interview comming next month :-(

please post the progress of your case, thanks much!