Living Abroad after Citizenship


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Do I have to register somewhere if I am residing abroad for a prolonged period after getting US passport?

thanks in advance....
You don't have to inform USCIS or anyone in the US about living abroad - as long as you file your taxes every year. However it may be helpful to register at the nearest US Embassy in the country you are residing in.

I would advise you to register with your local US embassy/consulate. You might get an invite for the Embassy July 4th party :) My sister lives in Dhahran, KSA and gets an invite every year!!!

Do I have to register somewhere if I am residing abroad for a prolonged period after getting US passport?
Tt is mandatory for you to file US taxes for worldwide income. You actually have a pretty huge exemption (somewhere around $80,000) limit.

It is a good idea to register with the local embassy. If there is any problem (like earthquake, tsunami, riots, etc.), the local embassy will rush help your way. Also, you will be invited for events at the embassy or to events of visiting US dignataries, naval ships, etc.
Is there a way we can inform and exempt from Jury duty if we plan to reside abroad after taking US citizenship? I'm worries if I don't receive the letter to inform them I'm out of country..
Sort off, if USPS can't deliver the letter, it would be returned.
At any rate, if you aren't here, you aren't here. No point worring about something you can't do anything about.

"They" once sent me one when I was under H1B; I declined and never got another one.
They won't send you a letter, if you don't live in the US.

I see that this week Madonna had to show up for jury duty which made me wonder about this since I thought she lived full time in the UK these days. Of course I would not be surprised to hear she has an LA residence so that is likely how she got summoned.
What about the annual Social Security statement that is mailed to us? Do they mail it to overseas addresses too? I assume they would, but assumptions don't mean much. Anyone actually received these SS letters overseas?
Is there a list of places where we need to inform about residing Overseas? Like Social security office, May be contact Jury office? Just to keep the track clean..
There is no list... we just build our own list :)
I don't believe there is a Jury office per se. I mean, what do you do when you move from TX to WI? No one tells the local courts that they are moving, unless they have a pending case. You still might want to inform your local township office, though. That should suffice for the purposes of Jury.

SOME of the places to change one's address are:

- SS office
- All places where you have financial or other investments
- Credit cards
- Your most recent US employer
- Other places...

I am curious to know if anyone has received correspondence from any of the above offices while living overseas. Now after typing all this, I think I am going to start a separate thread in the "Life After US Citizenship..." forum.
I don't believe there is a Jury office per se. I mean, what do you do when you move from TX to WI?

I could be wrong, but I think the jury pool is typically taking from DMV records and when you move states, you would typically get a new driver's license.

- SS office
- All places where you have financial or other investments
- Credit cards
- Your most recent US employer
- Other places...

I am curious to know if anyone has received correspondence from any of the above offices while living overseas.

I've gotten mail from the IRS while overseas. Most credit card companies will let you change your address to an overseas one too.
More likely the voters list from the local town/county since not all state DMVs know who is a citizen and who is not.

I could be wrong, but I think the jury pool is typically taking from DMV records and when you move states, you would typically get a new driver's license.