While I'm here - a few comments, some of which is old news, on this very entertaining (stop being so funny CraigToom or you might be banned again!!!), informative (love Kwame O and co) and infuriating - (too many to list!).
Dear Jay02k - Australian and Canadian immigration is very similar, and I would be suprised if it were as easy as you say to immigrate to Canada. If you pass the points test you can be confident of being approved. The points needed and the weighting of the points can be changed at any time to suit the country's needs. For example, if Australia needs more computer skills it will increase the points for computer skills or qualifications. The points can be decreased in times when there is an oversupply in the workforce. If tradesmen are needed, then the points for skilled trades will be increased. It may seem that we have a very high rate of asian immigration but that is because of a number of factors. 1- they are just more noticable by the nature of their looks. Australian is having an increase of european migration, but you wouldn't notice them in a crowd. 2- The bulk of immigrants worldwide are Asian or African. Look at all the USA visa catagories (only exception is the DV) and all are dominated by Asians or Indians. And sorry to tell you..but investment visas to the USA are NOT easy. I have looked into it and it is much more complex and insecure than it looks. Still - don't be deterred - just be prepared. Good Luck. I admire that you are considering it. If I were younger (!) I would give it a go too. All said, the points system is FAR superior to the USA system which requires big bucks or indentured labour. (Don't get me started!)
Also, re the suggestion that the 22,000 be thrown in with the new winners and be reassigned case numbers. Although I have no problem with that and have even suggested a similar compromise before, Mr White has written in the press release on the Injunction that "the class of 22,000 should not be disadvantaged by being put to the back of the line". On my first reading of this I thought that Mr White was being UNcompromising while expectiong DOS to bend. I hope that the comment is just there as a bargaining tool??