List of RFE waiters (started 03/26/2002)


You will get RFE details this week.It is normal and it always take two weeks to reach attorney. Stay in touch with your attorney.
to bottleguys.....

AVM has changed to RFE response received on May,10...will take 540 days now..(the same crap message).....hopefully it will take another 14 days as per the other RFE cases that I have seen on this board.....

keep in touch....
take care...
This Case has been Approved on May 13th

is what i heard yesterday. RFE issued April 18, Reply Sent April 30th, Response Received by INS May 2nd, AVM updated to Response to RFE received on May 2nd, Case Approved May 13th, Notice Sent May 13th, Waiting for Approval Notice.

Need to say anything more !!!!!
RD April/May 2001 RFE case has been approved.

I thought I might share this with you guys. My co-worker has received her GC approval yesterday. Her RD is in April/May (I am not sure). She said she received approval after 1 month she submitted her RFE. She called IIO and was told that RFE has been issued to her. Her RFE regarding issue of her H1B and our new company name. Her H1B remained our old company name. INS wanted her to get "proof" that company X = company Y. She was also asked to submit 3 month pay stubs and employment letter. Her country is Pakistan and we work in MA. That\'s all I know about her case.
hi! nnm_2...bottleguys.....

what\'s the news guys....I see some of the RFEs getting approved close to our dates........

hope our turn comes soon....tired of all this now....

take care....
Congratulations nnm_2

I\'m glad for you. But on the other hand I\'m getting even more nervous and unsettled. Is this same scenario happening to me again? At first I was seeing people whose RDs were later than mine (7/6/01) got approved one by one and finally the news for me came as RFE. Then I\'m seeing people whose RFE replied update date were again later than mine (4/29/02) are getting approved one by one. Where is the end of my waiting? What will happen to my case? Sorry, I don\'t have any hard feelings toward people who got their approval; I\'m just losing my patience as the days go on.
upside down

I have the same feelings as you. I am June 1st RD and RFE response received by INS on May 1st. God helps us...

upside down, JimZ and 485ND0921

Yours should be approved soon. I guess the officers pick up their RFE replys once every 2-3 weeks and process them all at once. Thats why we se the difference of 2 to 5 weeks for different people. All the best guys.
RFE response received by INS on 03/27 - still no updates

Mine is RD 06/25 RFE response was received by INS on 03/27. No updates yet.

mine is in the similar time frame, no update also,
I\'ve seen people replied RFE well after us geting approved.
Anyone called IIO recently find out what\'s going on?
thanks nnm_2 your soothing words has brought

luck to my case. Both my wife and my own cases are approved today (5/16) according to IIO and AVM. Even though it\'s a straightforward case, the long waiting proves to be a real test of one\'s patience, endurance, and perseverance. I\'ve experienced anxiety, excitement, frustration, desparation, complaints, and all others during all the years, especially the recent months. Finally I can feel some security now after so many years in U.S.

My case detail:

PD 6/00, RD 7/6/01, FP 12/23(?)/01, Process Resumed 1/17/02, RFE 4/18/02, RFE replied and received by INS 4/29, AD 5/16.

I was a student here and I\'ve worked for two companies. The first one plays tricks with employees about the green card application timing and I wasted 1 and half years with it even though finally my Labor was started there. I switched to and am with my current company, which sponsored my application.

Good luck to JimZ, 485ND01, and all other who are still eagerly waiting.
JimZ, SekharR, nnm_2, 485ND0921 & Gurus please help

RFE generated according to IIO on Apr 29th but not printed yet. Called IIO on May 13th again to say they haven\'t typed and mailed it yet. This is so damn frustrating. First of all receiving RFE itself is BAD. Now the suspense itself is killing me. 3 weeks and haven\'t received it yet. I have never seen anybody on this boards who has spent more than 2 weeks waiting for RFE. I mentioned to IIO that everybody got it in less than 2 weeks. She gave me the "Every case is different" routine.

My attorney\'s office is co-operative but they cannot do anything as nothing is mailed out yet. Yelling at IIO is definitely not an option. I am struggling to find answers to my situation. Hope you guys understand and please do reply.
Talked to IIO - REF case

I talked to IIO today regarding my case, they said it will take 3-6 months to complete the process for RFE cases. RD June 11/2001, ND Aug 09, RFE recieved by INS on Apr 11/2002.