List of RFE waiters (started 03/26/2002)

To Sekhar_R and 485ND0921

What does the AVM exactly say for yor case?

Is it \'RFE Issued ..\' or \'Notice Issued....\'
AVM says that a notice has been mailed out to you requesting

futher evidence on 04/12/02.....the notice explains what is required....if 14 days have passed and you have not received it call IIO.........

what does it say in your case..please let us know.....

same message for me also

It says, \'A notice has been mailed requesting additional evidence....\'

I\'ll let you guys know as soon as I hear something about the RFE. You guys do the same. I am suspecting they may ask for salary slips and employment letters.
Sekhar_R and 485ND0921

Did you receive your RFE? Did you talk to IIO and found out what the RFE is about?
haven\'t received the RFE as yet.....

please let us know when you receive it since we all had our RFEs mailed out on the same day.........someone posted on this board yesterday that an IIO told him it could take some time to receive the RFE as the mailroom is facing a backlog......God knows when they will wake up.....

also I think the IIOs don\'t tell what the RFE is about so no use talking to them......

keep in touch guys......

take care....
I hate INS too

Unfortunately I\'m joining this thread. My case: RD 7/6/01. AVM: "On April 18th, a notice requesting additional evidence is mailed out..." something like that.

Wish all of us can get RFE in mail so we can get approval soon.
Hey, i got one too today when i checked the AVM

I checked the AVM today to hear the unfortunate news that an RFE was sent out on Apr 18. I hope its for something as simple as a Paystub/Empl Letter/Medical and not BC since i have a few doubts about my BC.

Is it worth tyring to get more information about the RFE from the IIO.
Hi! Sekhar_R.....

couls you please let us know when you heard the AVM change and when you heard from your lawyer......this would help us track when we should be hearing from our lawyers too....

thanks man....
hope you will get the approval message soon on AVM.......
take care....
I got an RFE RD 07/26/2001 . Add me to the list.

Hi ,

On APril 18th ,2002 I got RFE. I still do not know the details ,but according to my lawyer it must be for employment verification .

EB3 New York India
PD 10/04/99
RD 07/26/01
ND 09/20/01
FP 12/18/01

RFE 04/18/2002

Add me to the list .

any cases where primary approved but spouse not approved

hi ,

in my case, i am the primary applicant and got approved on April 9th , but in my wife\'s case the AVM has been updated to "RFE has been issued." My lawyer has received my approval notice but has not received the RFE for my wife yet. I am very worried as why there would be an RFE in my wife\'s case when I am approved.

Any inputs.

Mail room backlog for RFEs


mailing seems to be such a simple process and with all the automated technology to seal and stamp the envelopes,I am surprised that once the letter makes it to the mail room there should be a delay for the outgoing mails. hope INS does something about this soon.

bye and take care and hope we all receive the RFE letters soon that have been mailed out so that we can continue the process.
another RFE

RD 05/03 ND 07/18 RFE issued 04/18...haven\'t received it yet...for my wife the message is still the old one...huh!!!
did anyone get RFE for tetanus vaccine..


We did not take tetanus shots because of the nationwide shortage. Did anyone receive RFE for this. Should we approach some clinic and take the shots now and wait for RFE or just wait for RFE and then search for a clinic ?
Your response greatly appreciated.

(RD:09/24 ND: 11/16)