Likey Mumbai CP Interview in April, May, June -2004

Another Salary Question

Victor and others,

I have another question on salary:
I am presently around 20% away from my labor petition salary - I am expecting an interview date in July. Does the salary need to be close to the labor petition salary during interview? Thanks.

What I have seen on this forum previously that people have succesfully gone through their CP interview with 20% less salary paid currently than what was mentioned in labor.

So I would say it is okay in this slow economy to have variation about 15-20%, I hope someone who actually been through that situation would also answer your question.
amdomd said:
Interview scheduled for 17th.
Reaching Mumbai on June 13th night. Do you think 3 days is enough time to get medicals/ photos done????

Assuming none of these are closed ... should not be a problem. Myself planning to arrive BOM 16th night and try to finish medicals by 17th.

To start with i doubt if you will be asked for pay stubs. Just in case you are asked then be ready to explain the amoutn difference to the best of your knowledge. You should be fine!
Victor3536 said:

Congratulations to you all and Best of Luck ....I'm sure it will be smooth ..

amdomd, alren, uvw, srisubra ..

Mine is not scheduled in June for some reason, I guess I will have to wait till July. I spoke to a lady last night and apparently the cover letter my attorney has put together in packet-3 says soemthing about month of July and August so she said it seems like your lawyer has requested a different month. She also told me to Fax urgent request and that may work. I faxed them an urgetn request, let's see if I get a reply back or not ..

Kd is right that we will have one success story almost everyday on this thread. .. Good...

Wow, 5 from this forum...gcbad too got his appointment. Congratulations and good luck to all those who have gotten appointments. All the best to those who are expecting. Will send an e-mail as soon as interview is done.
June CP goers

This is not fair from the Mumbai consulate part. Looks like She has chosen everybody from this forum in the month of june and I am not sure if she left any body to accompany me for the interview. I am going to complain

--- Just Kidding guys

Wish you all Best of Luck and hope you guys come with really a positive feed back.

I just called casually to the consulate to find out about my case and found my BMB number got assigned and they are working on to send the appointment letter.

Looks like acmadras140 will be the first one among the pending ones to post his experience as he is scheduled on May 18th in Chennai consulate.

transit visa

I am flying from Chicago to Mumbai with a stopover in London (Air India). On my return journey will I require a transit visa for UK since my H-1B visa will be cancelled??? :confused:

Based on an email reply that uvw posted on another thread from UK embassy, it seems like you will require the transit visa. But your best bet would be sending an email to UK embassy explaining their situation and get a reply from them.
amdomd, victor:

One does not need a transit visa on return since one has a Immigrant Approval Visa document. If you do not have a h-1b stamp in your passport just take a single entry transit visa on your way to india via UK. On return just flash your FANCY Immigrant visa approval paper as there is no need for transit visa. I did the same!
My wife is on H1-B and she is also working full time. My question to the forum is to be really safe what documents should we carry for her. And also worst case what type of questions should we expect from the officer to her.


Carry all your wife's USA immigration papers/ visa/stamps along with other typical CP recommended & required documents. Remember one thing the job of a consular officer is not that of rejecting CP cases, it is to verify that candidates (primary and derivative) meet all criteria to get permanent residency. Your wife being on h-1b is not a reason to be afraid, in fact it is a good thing! She needs to know how long you have been in usa, on what visas, when you'll got married and questions around her work and her visas.
gcbad said:
My wife is on H1-B and she is also working full time. My question to the forum is to be really safe what documents should we carry for her. And also worst case what type of questions should we expect from the officer to her.

The key thing for here is to make sure all her immigration related stuff is with you. i94 copies, H4's, H4 extensions, etc.

One month when this bulletin was delayed the interview dates were not published for a long time on the consulate website... So just to reconfirm its nice that Mumbai consulate will post the June interview schedule on time now
alren said:
This has stopped mattering for E categories, since a long time ...!
kd1403 said:

Remember one thing the job of a consular officer is not that of rejecting CP cases, it is to verify that candidates (primary and derivative) meet all criteria to get permanent residency.

Kd -
Yeh Hunia Baath,

This sounds much better, AAAh !!!!
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Guys ..guess what

Got off the phone just now with BMB and my interview is scheduled on 10th June ..I did not expect it at all....I guess I will be first on this thread ..

They did consider my wife's pregnancy as an urgent request..I think they took my urgent request just little bit more seriously ..I will have to scramble now to wrap up the stuff here..

Hey , but I'm not complaining ..just expressing myself ..Great ..Phew .. Let's see what happens ..

One question ..While I'm here.. Since my wife is pregnant, I guess her medical would be waived that right ?
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I am happy for you. Finally you have answer to your questions from the bmb consulate. No doubt you will have to scramble a bit but well worth it.

YEs her medical will get waived. But definitely carry all her medical papers from usa related to pregnancy and also carry a letter from your wife's physician explicitly stating the condition just for formailty sake!
BMB date 10th June

Thanks Kd

You're right ..everything is worth it. BTW, how do you schedule the medical ?just call from here to schdule it ? or is there any other process ?
reply from german consulate for Transit

Guys this is the reply I got from German consulate ..Below is the email I wrote them.

I also emailed French and UK consulate but I'm expecting the same reply.
Subj: Re: Transit Visa Requirement
Date: 5/14/2004 9:50:05 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From: info <>
To: xxxxxxxxxx
Sent from the Internet (Details)

Yes, you will need a transit visa.
Visa Dept.

This is an email I wrote:

Dear Consulate General:

My name is XXX. I currently live in USA. My wife and I, both are citizen of India. We're planning to visit India and our flight goes via Frankfurt. I'm on H1 visa (Work visa) here in USA and my wife is on H4 visa(Dependent visa).

Our current visa on passport just expired last month. However, we applied for extension 4 months ago and we have received an approval notices for the visa that expires in 2005.

My confusion is, if we fly thru Frankfurt, do we need transit visa ?

I will greatly appreciate you earliest reply.

Thank you,

Finally, The funny thing is I totally forgot that I'm a permanent resident of Canada so I don't need transit visa even though my H1 is expired. But this may help someone else.