Likey Mumbai CP Interview in April, May, June -2004


AC-140 Case # created on 20th April

I called Mumbai embassy today to know if they have an idea if I'm going to get a June interview. To my surprise the lady told me that they have sent back the packet-3 back to my attorney and I have to send it back woth information requested before they give me interview date.

I don't understand what it means ? I thought that in AC-140 once they create the case number, you don't have to do anything but to appear for an interview and they sent you the packet with appointment letter in it.

I don;t know what it would be that hey need information for.

Any idea what it could be ? does it happen ? Is it possible that my attorney had probably not sent enough information but in that case do they still create case # ?

There could be a number of things that thd consulate could have requested. So does not make sense to speculate and you should wait for your attorney to get the packet from teh consualte to eunderstadn what requirement of AC I-140 packet was not met by your attorneys! The fact that you were given a BMB number means that youhave qualified for the bombay consulate just that they need more documentation which you/ attorneys need to provide in due time.

Thanks for your reply. I know that there is no reason to speculate. I'm just frustrated to know that it may take some more time before I get my interview as with my wife being pregnant and the month of June is just perfect for us to go for an interview.

Anyway, What can you do ..?


Is you case AC-140 or regular CP ? I thin you also received your packet - 3 back with request for more information. Can you share what exactly the reason for them to send it back ?

Hi Victor,

Last week I have also recieved the Packet III . The difference is they sent it to me and not the attorney.

The cover letter mentioned my BMB case number and mine and my wife's name.

They have also sent blank (unfilled) DS2001 and DS230 Part1 forms and bunch of information on all the supporting paperwork needed for the application process.

I was also confused since I thought we have already sent all this paperwork to Mumbai along with the AC-I140 application. So I spoke to my attorney and he says it is a mistake on the Mumbai consulate's part.

He asked me to ignore it. So check with your attorney may be this is one of regular procedures Mumbai is following these days. Coz when I spoke to them the lady told me that my Interview date will be in June.

packet 3

Mine was AC-140 case/ EB2. I had sent packet 3 along with original application.
The letter from Mumbai Consulate did not say as to why they sent me packet 3 again.
Even if its a mistake on their part - I plan to fill out DS-2001 and DS-230 part I and fedex it back to them as soon as possible. Hoping for June interview too.
Is it true that they schedule US interviewees for the 2nd half of the month or is that just a myth????

It is not a myth but the us consulates TRY to accomodate the US H-1B folks coming for cp interview by TRYING to schedule their interview after 10th-13th of the month. There is no hard and fast rule but just something that they try to do!
Raj and amdomd

Does your packet has appointment letter ? I guess not because the interview date is not finalized.

If not, then I guess they definitely want the information back to schedule an interview date.

My lawyer said the same thing as Raj's when I told him about the phone chat I had with embassy. He said don't waste your money on the phone and just wait for interview date.

But I guess it's in the best interest to send them information back anyway.

I'm confused .:confused... let's see what I get in the packet.

I did not get appointment letter with packet 3. It does mention that interview date cannot be scheduled till they receive completed forms back. I don't see any harm in re-sending the info again.
Re: Victor3536

Originally posted by raj1305
Hi Victor,

Last week I have also recieved the Packet III . The difference is they sent it to me and not the attorney.

The cover letter mentioned my BMB case number and mine and my wife's name.

They have also sent blank (unfilled) DS2001 and DS230 Part1 forms and bunch of information on all the supporting paperwork needed for the application process.

I was also confused since I thought we have already sent all this paperwork to Mumbai along with the AC-I140 application. So I spoke to my attorney and he says it is a mistake on the Mumbai consulate's part.

He asked me to ignore it. So check with your attorney may be this is one of regular procedures Mumbai is following these days. Coz when I spoke to them the lady told me that my Interview date will be in June.


I did AC140 at Mumbai consulate. I received the blank DS230 part 1 form with packet 3 even though I had submitted a completed DS230 part 1 with my initial mailing. All AC140 applicants get the blank forms in packet 3 along with the case #. So at this stage you do not have anything to worry.

Make sure that the consulate is working on your interview date by sending them email or calling them. As long as the consulate response mentions something like 'probable interview date in "month"' you should get an interview date without re-sending DS230 part1 . I did not re-send the DS230 part 1 and I got an interview date and packet 4 (appointment letter).

My advice would be to carry a copy of the submitted DS230 part 1 (and maybe a newly filled one also) to the interview. This in case they ask for it.

Good Luck.

I also received a letter and Packet 3 from the Mumbai consulate yesterday. Below is the text of the letter.
The enclosed information is about how to apply for immigration to the United States.
Please read and follow all of the enclosed instructions very carefully. Your case is filed under your name as shown below. When communicating with this office eiterh by phone or letter, you must provide your name and case number exactly as shown in this letter. If they are wrong or incomplete, please inform us.

There is no mention of probable interview date or that I need to submit Ds-2001 and DS-230 Part 1 again.

I will ask my lawyer too if we need to respond but right now my guess is that we have to just sit tight and wait for our interview dates.

God willing if everything works out fine with my CP at Mumbai, can I stop over on my way back for a brief Europe vacation.
Is there an rule that I should first enter USA if I am coming on immigrant visa.
Has any of you guys been in a similar situation.


When was (Date) your case # created at Mumbai office. I'm just trying to track that how many days does it take for us to get packet-3 after they mail it. Mine wa mailed on 21st April ..

expect p3 in about 2 weeks after it is maield (1 week to get to your attorneys and 1 week to get to you from your attorneys).


After your cp approval, you can stay in any country as long as you have a visa of that country (if required) and make sure that you enter usa for the first time within 180 days of your cp approval . The sooner the better! If you wish to take some of us along to europe we are more than willing! :)
Originally posted by Victor3536

When was (Date) your case # created at Mumbai office. I'm just trying to track that how many days does it take for us to get packet-3 after they mail it. Mine wa mailed on 21st April ..

My cover letter with the package 3 is dated Apr 6 and I received it on Apr 26. So about 20 days for me to receive it directly.

Also I called the consulate yesterday to find out if I needed to send the DS-2001 and DS-230 Part 1 again and they said they have the documents and I should ignore the package 3. She also mentioned that I should expect my interview in June.


It's bizarre that they would say that to gcbad, then why would they send the packet in 1st place.

To me , that lady told me that you need to send the information back before we give you the interview date, I can not wait to see my packet to see what they want ..I'm just going nuts ..with embassy giving differnet information to all of us ..

Anyway, let's see how many of us get June interview .. I emailed the consulate to request June interview due to my wife's health reasons ..

HOw much time does it take them to reply to an email ? anyone has experience with that ?
My cover letter doesn't in any way mention that I need to complete the package 3 forms and send it back to them. Still I just called to double check.
I wouldn't worry too much until you see what your letter says. Maybe its just a generic letter that they send to everybody.
I agree..the consulate sends the Packet 3 again to everybody when they create the case # based on the Packet 3 that you originally sent. As gcbad has suggested, check the cover letter.
Called Mumbai Consulate

The lady said they are still in process of scheduling June interviews and should contact after a week for the interview date.

Originally posted by amolnaik
I agree..the consulate sends the Packet 3 again to everybody when they create the case # based on the Packet 3 that you originally sent. As gcbad has suggested, check the cover letter.
Re: Called Mumbai Consulate

Originally posted by uvwxyz
The lady said they are still in process of scheduling June interviews and should contact after a week for the interview date.

When I contacted last (abt. 20 days back), they said to call back around 10th May, for June dates.
Guys :

We are not getting any post on experience of CP interview might have taken place in month of April at Mumbai, Delhi & Chennai ..

I don't know if there were any active people from this forum as interviewee ...

I'm eager to see latest experience ..