**likely November 2002 Interview Tracker- Chennai Consulate **

Re: Re: Interview 10/23

hi guys,
I got an email from Chennai Consulate that my Interview
will be on Oct 29th but my case number does not appear on
the Published list.. Has this happened toany one .. What
would be the issue you think.. Mistake by the person who
emailed or mistake in the in the list published.. I have written
to Chennai Consulate.


Originally posted by saradao

Mothkuri and chad,

When did your case is entered by chennai consulate? Is your transfer elctronic reaching same day?
send an email to them again with an attachment of the email they have sent...ask them the status....
Not trying to be a bad sport or a bad person.....

Lets post details pertaining to the title of the thread.......
I guess it is getting a bit confusing shifting from 'oct thread' and 'nov thread'..... Sorry for being a jerk!

My case was sent to chennai on 8/27. Expecting interview in November.

Update from chennai

Got reply from US consulate from chennai saying that "Appt likely to be in November/December".


NVC sent P3 to consulate : 09/04
Chennai consulate received : 09/13

Re: Not trying to be a bad sport or a bad person.....


i agree with you.

But everytime you send an email to CHENNAI consulate, they reply back saying "probably oct/nov or nov/dec" .

what iam trying to say is, till the 15th of any month the confusion prevails.
The consulate releases the appt-dates for the coming-month on 15th.

I guess till then there will be an OVERLAP, we like it or not.

i also noticed that many people who thought they might have "NOV" interview actually got real-lucky to sail for OCT.

Iam positive on Nov interview for myself, coz "Case sent to chennai by NVC " on 09/10/2002.

i also sent an email to Chennai consulate and waiting for a reply.

Saradao, what is your Status. ??


Hi all,

I haven't yet received any confirmation from Chennai. I sent one more email this morning and hoping I will get confirmation tomorrow. My case was sent to Chennai on 09/04/02. Hoping to make Nov interview.

Re: Hi

Hi RkReddy,

I am certain that your case should have reached chennai by now.... why don't you call chennai and find out.....
You should call (91 44) 811 2000, and ask for immigrant visa interview status.... they would then transfer you to the consular services, and you can find out more then...... call them after 9:00am india time.

all the best.


Originally posted by rkreddy
Hi all,

I haven't yet received any confirmation from Chennai. I sent one more email this morning and hoping I will get confirmation tomorrow. My case was sent to Chennai on 09/04/02. Hoping to make Nov interview.

NVC sent 09/10/02

My Info : EB3 VSC, P3 Reviewed Aug 30th '02
P3 sent to Chennai Consulate Sep 10th '02

I am expecting to get an interview in the month of November.
December would be a difficult month to travel. Is there any way
to find out early enough.

Please post you views and experience.

NVC sent to Chennai 09/10/2002

I started a Nov thread since I did not find one, but there was already a thread. I amnot able to delete the thread now.

Anyway my info is EB3 VSC, NVC reviewed case 08/30/2002
NVC sent case to Chennai by DHL on 09/10/2002, what is the chance for getting a Nov interview. I see that quite a few guys are positive about getting a Nov interview.
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Re: Re: Hi

Hi Ravi,

Thanks for the info. I will try to call tonight and see what Chennai says. I will post details after the conversation with the Chennai officials.


Originally posted by RaviPK
Hi RkReddy,

I am certain that your case should have reached chennai by now.... why don't you call chennai and find out.....
You should call (91 44) 811 2000, and ask for immigrant visa interview status.... they would then transfer you to the consular services, and you can find out more then...... call them after 9:00am india time.

all the best.


Re: NVC sent to Chennai 09/10/2002

Hi Kd6809,

Usually if your case is received by chennai by the 20th of a month, you can expect an interview in the 2nd month after they received.
i.e, you should be getting Nov interview.
since your pkt3 was sent to chennai on 9/10, they should have received it by now... either send an email or call them to check if they have received your pkt 3......


Originally posted by kd6809
I started a Nov thread since I did not find one, but there was already a thread. I amnot able to delete the thread now.

Anyway my info is EB3 VSC, NVC reviewed case 08/30/2002
NVC sent case to Chennai by DHL on 09/10/2002, what is the chance for getting a Nov interview. I see that quite a few guys are positive about getting a Nov interview.
Chennai not responding to mail

Thanks for the analysis Ravi, I really want to make it in Nov.

I did mail Chennai yesterday, but I guess they are nod responding to the question for which they dont have an answer yet. Like you said they will only know in the beggining of next month at the earliest. I will cal them up today night I guess and find out if they atleast received the case and have entered into thier systems.
Do they respond to the calls made from here ?

Called Chennai...

Hi all,

I called Chennai yesterday night and asked for an update on my case.The lady confirmed with me saying they have my case and I asked her for likely interview date, She said to call back at the end of September to get more information on my interview date.

Re: Chennai not responding to mail

Yes, they do respond to the calls.....
all the best!


Originally posted by kd6809
Thanks for the analysis Ravi, I really want to make it in Nov.

I did mail Chennai yesterday, but I guess they are nod responding to the question for which they dont have an answer yet. Like you said they will only know in the beggining of next month at the earliest. I will cal them up today night I guess and find out if they atleast received the case and have entered into thier systems.
Do they respond to the calls made from here ?


My case got forwarded to chennai today. What is the mail id I need to use to inform my indian address to chennai consulate for posting P4. Are there any specifications like mentioning case number in subject etc... Thanks for your help in advance...
just mention your case number and ask for status of your case and you get a reply from them saying
'Yes,Received your case...appt likely to be in nov/dec....
Hey guys..Did you review the oct list from chennai??
some of the E3 candidates got their interviews somewhere in the first week of october???
so pls dont pre-assume that you are gonna be in the last week of november...
Talked to Chennai , just now

I talked to Chennai just now (11:50pm EST) and they told me that they have received my case papers. When I asked the received date they said sometime end of August. But as per NVC they sent it on the 09/10/2002.

Anyway as far as they got it in time it does not matter, but just as an FYI there might be a slight dealy in entering our details on the NVC systems . So the dates might not be exact. Secondly they send some stuff electronically too. I am not sure when they send those.

She even said that that the interview could be somewhere in the end of Nov but however I will have to check beginning of Oct for that.

I am keeping my fingers crossed.
nov-interv, chennai

congrats Saradao. you shud get November interview

Chennai website - http://madras.sphynx.com
mail addrss - mailto:chennaiiv@state.gov
phone - (91) (044) 811-2000
fax - (91) (044) 811-2032
working hours - http://madras.sphynx.com/wwwhhours.html

Please mention the case-number in your SUBJECT.

Hello Kd6809,

NVC fwd the case to chennai on 09/10/2002, same as you.
I sent an email to chennai consulate on 09/16/2002 but didn't get any reply (reason they didn't recieve the case yet , thatz my hunch)

i sent one more email 09/17/2002, got a reply, saying "chennai recd the case. Interview probably around Nov/Dec"

i will be sending an email Next-week, to notify them about my chennai-address for PACKET-4.
Re: Talked to Chennai , just now


I had a exact reply when I talked to the Chennai Person.Receieve date was sometime end of August, where as my papers where sent on 09/04/2002"

Anyways I got a reply from Chennai today "Likely to be November". So looks like I will definetly make Nov interview.


Originally posted by kd6809
I talked to Chennai just now (11:50pm EST) and they told me that they have received my case papers. When I asked the received date they said sometime end of August. But as per NVC they sent it on the 09/10/2002.

Anyway as far as they got it in time it does not matter, but just as an FYI there might be a slight dealy in entering our details on the NVC systems . So the dates might not be exact. Secondly they send some stuff electronically too. I am not sure when they send those.

She even said that that the interview could be somewhere in the end of Nov but however I will have to check beginning of Oct for that.

I am keeping my fingers crossed.