**likely November 2002 Interview Tracker- Chennai Consulate **

same here.... my case forwarded to NVC on 8/27

I also got the same response from NVC.
Looks like we are cetain to get Nov. interview.....
I will email chennai now.


Originally posted by Reeses
hi guys,
Good news....I just called NVC and found out that my case has been forwarded to chennai embassy as of august 27th 2002.....
and the operator asked me to wait for 10 days before i conta ct the embassy......
Re: Chennai Interview

Hi All
Same Update as posted by GetGCNow even the dates are same..
GetGCNow are you also in EB2 category, if so i believe we both will get the interview on the same day.

Congrats RaviPk one more hurdle is over , i think rkreddy also will get the same response from NVC

Originally posted by GetGCNow
hi guys & gals,

My case was approved on Aug 16th, I got a letter
dated Aug 20th from NVC stating that my case has been sent
to Chennai and I should contact them for any enquiries.
Also they have mentioned that I should get 3 Years
of Tax Transcripts. I got the tax transcripts from IRS..
chennai has asked me to get back with them next week.
Thats my update

Re: Re: Chennai Interview

thanks murli.


Originally posted by chad12
Hi All
Same Update as posted by GetGCNow even the dates are same..
GetGCNow are you also in EB2 category, if so i believe we both will get the interview on the same day.

Congrats RaviPk one more hurdle is over , i think rkreddy also will get the same response from NVC

May Be November


I just spoke to NVC operator and they told me that NVC review on my case is completed on 30th August and it will take 2 to 4 weeks to forward my case to Chennai.

Do u guys think Nov. Interview is too aggressive. Eventhough i prefer December..if i have a choice.

Re: May Be November

Hi Vsats,

You should be getting NOV interview. I know that you can postpone your interview to Dec if you want, I do not know the procedure, but you can email Chennai US consulate, and find out the procedure.

all the best.


Originally posted by vsats

I just spoke to NVC operator and they told me that NVC review on my case is completed on 30th August and it will take 2 to 4 weeks to forward my case to Chennai.

Do u guys think Nov. Interview is too aggressive. Eventhough i prefer December..if i have a choice.

No messup

Thanks RaviPK. I hope changing the interview date from Nov. to Dec. will be simple procedure..if not..i will accept whatever date they give me. I don't want to mess up at this stage of my GC.
Re: Re: Chennai Interview

Congrats to Chad12, RaviPK, GetGCNow & Reeses.

Mine still I got the standard reply 2-4 weeks to send the Packet to Chennai. Maybe I am the only one so far, for the Packet to be mailed to Chennai. Anyone in the same boat? Hopefully mine should be sent to consulate atleast this week.


Originally posted by chad12
Hi All
Same Update as posted by GetGCNow even the dates are same..
GetGCNow are you also in EB2 category, if so i believe we both will get the interview on the same day.

Congrats RaviPk one more hurdle is over , i think rkreddy also will get the same response from NVC

Re: Re: Chennai Interview

Hi All,

Good news atlast. My case was forwarded to Chennai. I just called this morning and the operator says the file has been sent to Chennai on Sep 04, that's today. I am planning to send email to Chennai for the date. Is it OK to send it today or not? Awaiting for all ur reply. Hopefully I should be able to make to Nov Interview.


Originally posted by chad12
Hi All
Same Update as posted by GetGCNow even the dates are same..
GetGCNow are you also in EB2 category, if so i believe we both will get the interview on the same day.

Congrats RaviPk one more hurdle is over , i think rkreddy also will get the same response from NVC

Re: Re: Re: Chennai Interview


Congrats RKReddy.
I sent a mail to chennai yesterday (case sent on 8/27), and I am yet to hear back from them. I hope to atleast hear from them tomorrow, else I will re-mail them.


Originally posted by rkreddy
Hi All,

Good news atlast. My case was forwarded to Chennai. I just called this morning and the operator says the file has been sent to Chennai on Sep 04, that's today. I am planning to send email to Chennai for the date. Is it OK to send it today or not? Awaiting for all ur reply. Hopefully I should be able to make to Nov Interview.


Re: Re: Re: Chennai Interview

Hi rkreddy
just wait for a couple of and then email them. In my case NVC sent the case on Aug 20th and chennai received them on Aug 25th or 26 th (just my guess) bcause i emailed to chennai on 26th aug and i got reply the next day that they received it. so just wait for a couple of days and then email them.

Originally posted by rkreddy
Hi All,

Good news atlast. My case was forwarded to Chennai. I just called this morning and the operator says the file has been sent to Chennai on Sep 04, that's today. I am planning to send email to Chennai for the date. Is it OK to send it today or not? Awaiting for all ur reply. Hopefully I should be able to make to Nov Interview.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Chennai Interview

Thanks Ravi, hopefully I should be receving the reply by next week. Which email ID did u mail them, I have chennaiIV@state.gov from previous posts.


Originally posted by RaviPK

Congrats RKReddy.
I sent a mail to chennai yesterday (case sent on 8/27), and I am yet to hear back from them. I hope to atleast hear from them tomorrow, else I will re-mail them.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Chennai Interview

Thanks Chad12, Sure I will email them next week, did u send email to chennaiIV@state.gov or a different ID. If it's different could u post the email ID for which u got response.


Originally posted by chad12
Hi rkreddy
just wait for a couple of and then email them. In my case NVC sent the case on Aug 20th and chennai received them on Aug 25th or 26 th (just my guess) bcause i emailed to chennai on 26th aug and i got reply the next day that they received it. so just wait for a couple of days and then email them.

Cool Man!!!

Congrats RK,

so we are all set for november interview....give madras consulate 7 working days to give the status..thats what i would recommend...

are you on EB3 or EB2??MARRIED or single??

Guys,I have this question for all of you cos I paid 520$ for me and my wife and thats what I Confirmed with NVC operator...
its 260$ per applicant.....

Would you guys confirm the fact above?
have you started bookin Tkts


have you all started booking tickets to India ? Seems like its "tough" to get tickets thru Lufthansa.

anybody from Dallas - landing in chennai (talk to your travel-agent) ASAP, i spoke to one of them y'day, they said all 'direct' flights from DALLAS-CHENNAI route are pretty much booked till JAN 2003. (surprising....)

iam hoping for a December interview...

i have few questions
1) can i send my wife to india 2 months b4 the interview, will there be any PCC issues

2) are the interview always bet "15th - 30th" of a particular month

3) assuming dec 31st as interview date, can we book the return ticket on JAN 5TH... Is it safe

appreciate your inputs
Re: have you started bookin Tkts


You are right it is usually really tough to get tickets for December.
I would suggest that you make reservations rightaway, but keep in mind, Dec. has less number of working days for the consulate..... I am not sure how this thing is going to affect.....

I am hoping for a Nov. interview..... there are tickets available for nov, but are screamingly expensive, almost $1500 from Minneapolis to Mad/Hyd/Bom......

I am planning on making reservations only after I get confirmation from Chennai that my interview will be in november.


Originally posted by localmadras

have you all started booking tickets to India ? Seems like its "tough" to get tickets thru Lufthansa.

anybody from Dallas - landing in chennai (talk to your travel-agent) ASAP, i spoke to one of them y'day, they said all 'direct' flights from DALLAS-CHENNAI route are pretty much booked till JAN 2003. (surprising....)

iam hoping for a December interview...

i have few questions
1) can i send my wife to india 2 months b4 the interview, will there be any PCC issues

2) are the interview always bet "15th - 30th" of a particular month

3) assuming dec 31st as interview date, can we book the return ticket on JAN 5TH... Is it safe

appreciate your inputs
NVC --> Chennai


My case was sent to US consulate in chennai on 09/04. I guess, i should expect November interview.

I will probably send e-mail sometime next week to chennai to check the probable date for my interview.

Re: NVC --> Chennai

Congrats vsats. U r joining the group of people that will be likely Nov interview. Mine was also send to Chennai on 09/04. I have sent email to Chennai just to check them and they have got back with the reply "We have not yet received your case here, We will be in a position to give you any info after we have received the case here." So we should wait for anyother week, and probably email Chennai next Friday and then we should have some kind of info from Chennai about ur Packet.


Originally posted by vsats

My case was sent to US consulate in chennai on 09/04. I guess, i should expect November interview.

I will probably send e-mail sometime next week to chennai to check the probable date for my interview.

Guys, question for you re: NVC

How does one reach an NVC operator? The "usual" method seems to be to input a wrong case number.... but this leads to a message saying "press 0 for operator". And if one presses 0, nothing happens! Usually, I hear one click after this, and then get disconnected.... :(

I notice several people here mentioning that they spoke to an operator... and I was wondering how they did this?!

Thanks for any suggestions :)

Re: Guys, question for you re: NVC

just wait for a day and call the next day or rather i would say couple of hours, it happened to me once. yes the only way to reach an operator is to input an incorrect case number. Good Luck :)

Originally posted by Aishwarya
How does one reach an NVC operator? The "usual" method seems to be to input a wrong case number.... but this leads to a message saying "press 0 for operator". And if one presses 0, nothing happens! Usually, I hear one click after this, and then get disconnected.... :(

I notice several people here mentioning that they spoke to an operator... and I was wondering how they did this?!

Thanks for any suggestions :)

Chennai received my case, but....

Here is the message I got from chennai,

Yes, case has rached us.
Appt likely to be in October/November.

Did anyone else receive simmilar message?
Now, I guess, I need to wait until the 13th of this month to see if my interview will be in Oct or not.
