Likely March-April Interview in N Delhi


Do you mean ds 230 part i (not I-130). What form did you submit to NWD consulate...was it regarding CP interview application?
I got married in January and filed an I-130 for my spouse. I called the embassy earlier this week and they said that the interview is likely to be scheduled for March/April 2004.

Do you know when the interview dates will be posted on the website for March?

Also, is there a certain format we have to follow for the PCC?



Do you know when the interview dates will be posted on the website for March?
Answer: Normally around 15-16th of the month the interview list is published for next month
Also, is there a certain format we have to follow for the PCC?
Answer: You do not have to worry about the format since the consulates have a ready template in which they fill your specific details...anywhere here is an example of what a PCC should look like:
Thanks for your help.

It seems like the Delhi embassy has still not updated it's site with March appointments although Mumbai and Chennai have. I hope they will do it this week.

As for the PCC, I had heard that it could take a week or two to get one from the local police station. I had asked my wife to get that going since it might take too much time and we did not know know any specific format. I guess it would be a generic format that they would provide us. Do we need to get a new one once we get a template from the embassy with the appointment letter?


Since NWD has not updated the site you/ your wife can call them and ask them if the interview is scheduled for March and if not call again around 7-8th march to find out if the interview is scheduled for april 04.

PCC if in correct format is valid for 6 months from the date of issue. So if you wife's pcc meets the criteria of format and validity then there is no need to get another one! She would need one from police station and another one from regional passport office!@
Hi kd1403,

I was wondering if I should send the actual tax transcripts from last 3 years or can I just send the copies of the transcripts? Thanks.


The IRS Tax transcripts are simple computer printouts. So whether you send the actual IRS TRanscripts or copies of them they will both look the same. So what you can do is keep a copy with yourself and send the IRS computer printed transcripts to yoru wife.
Hi kd1403,

I have two questions.

Firstly, I will definitely keep a copy of the transcripts for my records. Do you know if the embassy requires the actual copy of the return or they are ok with the transcripts?

Secondly, my wife just received a letter (including a form) from the embassy today informing her of the documents she should have when she comes for the interview. She is supposed to fill out the form which has a checklist of things to bring for the interview and send it back to the embassy and then they will schedule her interview. They didn't ask for any documents to be sent at this time. All we do is fill out the form and send it. I guess this is more like a Packet 3. I haven't heard anything like this before but I guess this is there way of buying time since they will probably not be able to schedule her interview for March. Anyways, let's see what happens. But the problem is they have misspelt her name on the form. How should we go about getting that taken care of. I was thinking of two options:

a). Either me or my wife call the embassy on Monday to find out what we should do.
b). We should send a letter stating that the name has been spelled wrongly and that it should be changed to what it is in the passport. We can send copies of her birth certificate and passport. This letter can be sent along with the form that the embassy sent to her.


NOrmally IRS transcripts are good enough. But I would recommend carrying the tax returns since IRS transcripts are only federal taxes not state taxes. BEtter be safe than sorry!

The checklist that you are are writing about is called form DS 2001
which needs to be included in packet 3 at times which was probably not included when your wife submitted her application for CP interview. HEnce the consulate is asking for it. It is not a way to buy time , it is a way for consulate to confirm that your wife has all the required documents required for cp.

HEre is the form that she has receieved:

She needs to check the boxes and return to the consulate asap so that an interview is scheduled. MAke sure she has all these document in THAT SEQUENCE when she goes for the interview.

AS far as typo withher name she can change it on the form to the correct name and write a small letter and probably include a photocopy of her birth certififcate to prove the correct name. OR she can do this at the time of the interview too.
Hello KD1403,

I filled petition for my parents and i also become their agent.
NVC completed the process and foeward it to new delhi.
As MMG 75 mention that his wife receives DS 2001 form to fill out and need to send to New delhi.
What in my case i did'nt receive DS 2001 in Packet 3 , Which i receive from NVC.
In packet 3 NVC need only Ds 230 Part I form which I already send to NVC like 2 Months Ago, after my parent sign the forms.
What I think is that Before an consulate schdeule an appointment, embassy is going to send the DS 2001 form to my parents.
Than they going to schdeule an Interview.
Please advice me .


ds 2001 is just a checklist and not a required form. At least was not in my case. It is a checklist for the candidate to make sure that they have all the required documents as mentioned in the ds 2001. It may be required by consulate/ NVC on a case by case basis as in case of mmg75's spouse. If you parents were not asked then that is fine. If they get asked just have them check all relevant things on that list and submit to the consulate.
Hi kd1403,

We sent the packet 3 back to the embassy on Feb 24th. Now that the March interviews have been posted for New Delhi, does it mean that my wife's interview won't be before April.

My question is does the embassy setup appointments outside of what's posted on the site. Is it possible that they might send packet 4 with an appontment for late March? I am not sure if that happens but was just wondering if anybody on this forum has had that experience. Thanks.


Once the interview list is published it is more or less final unless if someone wants to reschedule. But as far as getting an interview for a month where interview is scheduled is unheard off.

So in short, your wife can expect April 04 interview ! Did you mention that you have filed I-130 for your wife. Are you a GC holder or a US citizen?
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why april not march

Delhi consulate website says dates are current which means if applicdation is received by them before Feb 8th(4th in this case), apointment should be shcheduled sometime in March.
This is my opinon . please clarify

Originally posted by kd1403

Your parents should expect April interview!

I wish you were the consular officer so that everyone would get their cp interview dates 2-3 months sooner than today. :)

Basically what happens is that although dates are current, there is still a minor process @ the consulate that needs to happen prior to scheduling the interview.

Once the P3 is sent to the consulate, consulate does some admin checks and processes the previously received packet 3's (like a month back) before scheduling interview for P3's received currently. Hence the 2.5 month lag between consulate receiving P3 and the actual date of cp interview! :p
Is there any cap on each category (like E1, E2, E3, etc) in scheduling consular interviews.
I am in E3 caegory and awaiting for my interview being scheduled for some time in New Delhi--Consulate keeps coming back, saying that they would schedule my interview next month. I am wondering what is the bottleneck here.


There is no established limit on the number of cases per EB / family based category that are interviewed a month. But over the last 12 months there have been trends like about 25-30 (sometimes less, sometimes more) from entire EB category get interviewed at NWD & Mumbai and Chennai have increased it average EB processing from 50's to 80's!

The number of interviews scheduled in a month depends on the total workload and how many cases are forwarded from NVC and for how many a case number has been assigned!

when was your case forwarded to NWD?
Hi kd1403,

Sorry I haven't been able to post a reply to your question you asked a few days ago. Yes, I filed I-130 for my wife and I am a US Citizen.
I got the IRS transcripts for the last 3 yrs and since I-864 mentions only federal tax returns I am guessing that should suffice. I am not sure if I need to send the W-2's as well cos they are not required since I am just using my income as evidence and I have been filing as single on all my returns.
I am not sure if the New Delhi embassy accepts transcripts or are they picky about seeing actual tax returns. Thanks.


If I were you and my wife would be going for the cp interview, I would probably send ALL papers that I had. Normally transcripts are required and w-2 plus actual tax returns recommended.

Not sure what you are saving by not sending your tax returns & w-2 also other than a few dollars on your postage. The last thing you want is for the consular officer to hassle your spouse over incomplete documents (if that happens which hardly does).

It is ultimately your decision! Like if i had my w-2 and tax returns i would send it to my spouse ahead of time!