Likely March-April Interview in N Delhi


I am happy for you and your wife. Enjoy GC as well as married life once your wife gets back to usa. Great job with sharing the CP success details.
Originally posted by MMG75

8). Photos of the wedding, Invitation cards, and VCD of jaimala and pheras.


Did the ask for the VCD or you just gave it to them?

If I have ds230 part 1 forms for my spouse available a month ahead of my interview time, do you think it will be better to send it to the embassy sooner. If yes, then what kind of documentation should I sprovide about my case so that the embassy know its a derivative application of mine.

Answer: Her cp application would include:
* ds 230 part 1 with your case reference number listed on top right corner for easy reference (which can be submitted immediately after getting married or on the day of the interview if marriage and interview are happening in a matter of weeks apart),
* Marriage certificate
* DS 2001 form
And for her cp interview, she will need to carry all documents that you are carrying plus i am guessing since your GC will be approved you could mail her yoru i-551 copy, passport copy and GC copy if you have already received it.

Would you recommend that I apply for H4B while she waits for her interview date. I am not sure how consulate staff is going to look at the h4b application considering that I will be changing my status to GC holder, hopefully, in a short time. My lawyer thinks, although aggressive but its worh trying.

Answer: You will need to research this. I dont think it would harm applying for h-4 just that normally her cp interview would be scheduled about 60 days after yours so you may want to think about it.
Its very helpful information. The last question I have is how should I submit my spouse forms etc to the embassy. Is there a walk-in counter where you can submit information to the counter or you have to courier it to them.


Here is what i would do:
1. If getting married on week 1 and doing your cp interview in week 2 then handover ds 230 part i and other documents for your spouse to the consular officer at the time of interview.

2. If getting married now and then cp interview after more than a month then either hand deliver to the information counter at the consulate or courier it to the consulate.

As suggested whether 1 or 2 make sure you type your case number as a reference somewhere on the ds 230 form and also just as a safety net write up a letter explaining the situation that you have / or attending the interview with reference number nwd2003xxxxx and that you got married and would like to add your spouse to your gc case.

My case was not a CP case. I am a US Citizen and i did Direct Consular Filing (I-130) in New Delhi after getting married. As for the VCD, they didn't ask for it but we just took it. They returned it back. Thanks.
Provisions of Section 216

My wife arrived in Newark on a CR1 and her passport was stamped with an I-551. This is valid for one year. They took her fingerprints and the only question they asked her was when did we get married. She was out within an hour after arrival. In addition to the I-551, they also put another stamp that says:


The officer at the airport told my wife that since you have not been married for two years, you will get conditional residence and your husband will have to do additional paperwork. I have a few questions:

-What additional paperwork needs to be done? As far as what I thought, this was it.
-How long does it take to receive the plastic green card?
-Do I need to do anything for the SSN card? If not, how long does it take normally for the SSN card to arrive?

Thanks for your help.
Did anybody any case which was resolved in new delhi consulate after being held for administrative processing.
I searched a lot but i did'nt find one.
If any body knows any information, please share.


Post this question on chat tonight between 9-10pm EST. I have not seen (although heard of it) a provisional stamp such as this in my last 1 year on this site. If you hear from any site do keep us updated.

Since your wife's green card is not employment based but based on her marriage to you, she has got a temporary green card right now. I know a little about this because my cousin went through this process some time back. For marriage based green card cases, if you have been married for less than 2 years, the INS gives a temporary green card for 2 years after which the couple has to go for an interview at the local INS office to have the restriction removed and the card made permanent. INS does this to prevent cases where people get married just to get the green card. Supposedly, sometimes they ask rather personal questions at the interview. However, for now, your wife should receive her green card soon and she has all the benefits of any green card holder.

Again, my knowledge of this issue is very basic. You can search on the internet for more details or get info from chat as kd suggested.
Thanks kd and paragm for your replies. I wasn't able to chat on murthy as per your suggestion but I did find some information on Section 216 and what all I might need to do. I will try to find out more but uptil now here's what I found. I will have to file I-751 within 90 days of my spouse's 2-year anniversary of her entry into the US.

INA Section 216 Information:

USCIS Info on removing conditions on Permanent Residence based on marriage:

I-751 Experiences:


For Delhi CP seekers coming from South Delhi

--Dr Dawesar (Bhikaji Cama place) is good for medical exams (as per Paragm's recomendation I used him)

Take all the medical records. I was fully covered by US immunization, so no shots for me.

--Kumar photo Studios in South Ex II is also good (again paragm's recommendation)

Charges INR 100/person for 4 Imm style photos

--US embassy:
All the Imm VISAs with passports are returned the same day after 4:30 pm (no chioce of time). If you want these couriered than you need to pay the courier charges with a Draft. As far as I know, TT services are not involved for Imm Interviews.


I have posted this question on another thread, but here goes once again.
When was your file sent from NVC to New Delhi?
Thanks from one uttaranchali to another.
