Lets start with Feb Filers


I am in the same position, except I have been waiting almost 2 weeks longer than you. Checks not cashed yet... :confused:

Did you call USCIS, I called them and they said to call back after 2 weeks. It has to be 30 working days it seems. And yours would be 30 working days by now. Their # 800-375-5283. Are you planning on resubmitting your case?
Did you call USCIS, I called them and they said to call back after 2 weeks. It has to be 30 working days it seems. And yours would be 30 working days by now. Their # 800-375-5283. Are you planning on resubmitting your case?

I'm not really sure what to do. My attorney filed the papers, so I'll be giving him a call today to find out if he can confirm a date of receipt. Assuming he sent the applications on the day that he claims, then yes, I think it has been more than 30 working days. Refiling would be a big PITA though.
Eh, I dunno. I talked to my attorney and he didn't want me to reapply. Said it could make matters worse. Looks like I will just continue to wait...
well, nonetheless, it doesn't hurt to make sure that USCIS has everything they asked for in that list :) that way they have no reason to hassle you with RFE :)
Don't worry RC, it's going to happen for you. The laws are such as to Not keep families of citizens apart.

did anybody sign for receiving your packet ?
I believe they do have everything on that list, assuming they received my application.
I was just reading through your old posts ...
if your own application took that long, and now this application is taking that long - both with the same attorney - while clearly everybody else who filed lately is well on their way ... then the delay seems to be with that attorney.
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Yeah, I think I'll be giving them a call when I have a cool head. How soon would they normally have a receipt number in their system? Would a receipt number be generated as soon as the application is physically received, or does that not happen until after the application is opened and reviewed? I mean, I can assume that the application was delivered in the first or second week of February, so a receipt number should definitely exist by now, right?
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You are in their system as soon as they clear your checks.
Such beaurocratic systems leave nothing to chance. in places like that the person who opens your mail, must make a note,
the person who reads it, must make a note.
and so it goes. everytime somebody touches your papers, they must record it somehow.

somewhere, somebody has touched your stuff and made a note.
if you look at our timelines ... sent 27 feb.
and those NOA = Notice of Action, from then on I could see my cases online. but those online cases say it's since 4 march already. so you see, as soon as somebody touched it, it was recorded.

hhhmmm. British. you gotta do the American Sugar coating nonsense when you call ok?
but don't give up, this is big stuff and worth your time on the phone for one morning
Hold on, you said I am in their system as soon as the checks clear, but the specific problem is that the checks have not cleared. No one has touched my money yet, and I thought that would be the first thing they would do. If I call them while my checks have still not yet cleared, then will they have any info about my application in their system?
I'm sorry if I confused you.
I do not work at USCIS, nor am I an immigration lawyer, I'm just a filer too.
What I am talking about is how close the dates are in my own and 2 other posters' applications.

4 march : USCIS recorded receipt of my application for the online viewing
6 march : checks cleared.

as far as I understand the banking system in this country, it takes a few days since depositing a check, until it actually clears. So I made my assumptions.

but you're right, and like I said 3 posts ago. I don't think USCIS is where your delay is.
I think your attorney is the one that should be hearing from you and from whom you should demand answers.

By your old posts, he took equally unreasonably long with pathetic excuses to file your own cases. and now same thing for your wife.

And to tell you "I took care of it" ... it does not sound like a competent attorney to me, competence can always be backed up with evidence.
and a competent attorney would send it Registered mail. Heck , you're surely paying him enough to shell out $18 for registered mail !?
If you decide to resubmit, I would probably leave first check not cancelled... resubmit application... check out your bank accounts religiously till one of the checks clears, and cancel the one that did not. In that case you don't risk losing your place should they simply have not gotten around to the 1st application sent out. It would be extraodinary if both checks were to be posted same day, and I highly doubt that their system would allow for two of the same applications to be posted.... let alone on the same day.... but then again...

Either way, you're losing the 30 or some dollars of cancellation fees from your bank... so why waste another month waiting for the second application to go thru if by the end of this week or the next, your first application somehow resurfaces.
You must try. Call them, and keep calling them until somebody helps you.
always be nice to them, always understanding and flatter them with how much you appreciate their help since you KNOW how crazy busy they are at this time, but all you ask is to know if they've received it, and to have a number, so that if they didn't you can know how to proceed. and if possible to please direct you to somebody who can tell you how to proceed,
Hopeful, tomorrow is your FP mate :)
I'm all excited all over again - twice everytime, once for you and second time for me & JS the day after !
good luck to you y'all on your FP appointments! I'm not so happy I got a RFE for birth certificate, but I feel it to be good news... if there was any problems with my other documents such as I864 or tax returns, they would have probably been included in that same RFE... so I guess I should be happy it is just the BC... and even happier as it shows they are already working on my case.... and hope to the same for all of you!
Yes Feb08Filer- i am excited for all of us.....next week should be interesting!

And looks like your back on track without missing many days Cetlavie104!

yes thank god... i'm just hoping it's a good sign that this could happen sooner than later... I haven't been back home since December of 93... let's just say it's been a long road!
Just for the record, I called USCIS a short time ago and they told me that it's taking around 8 weeks to issue receipts right now. I said I was told it would take about 2 weeks at the most, and USCIS said that was true about a year ago, but not anymore. I'm still puzzled to see others on this forum receiving receipts within 1 or 2 weeks, but I guess I will just listen to what USCIS told me and wait a couple more weeks.