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Let's get motivated, here is the link for the petition

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To: U.S. Congress and Senate
We, the undersigned, urge you to support House Bill H.R.1162 - The E-2 Non-Immigrant Investor Adjustment Act of 2009 - introduced in the 111th Congress by Congressman Adam Putnam (R-FL).

The purpose of this Bill is to allow E2 Visa Holders, having met certain criteria, to apply for Green Cards. In the current economic climate, this Bill would encourage further investment and job creation throughout the United States. It would also provide future security for the children and employees of the investors.

E2 Treaty Investors collectively invest millions of dollars across America and employ tens of thousands of U.S. citizens. We seek fairness and equality as well as a permanent future in the United States for our families.


The Undersigned

-----------------------------This going on from 2009 and there was another petition....and nothing has been done and even a House Bill was in place...nobody is interested in immigrants, specially with a unemployment rate of over 9% and with under employed and people out of benefits it might even be 16% unemployment rate....so use your common sense or keep dreaming.
Join the facebook page "US Green Card Lottery DV-2012 - 22,000 winners can't be ignored" ad show that you care ..
chamalka just stop posting the same thing all over... sorry i am also one of them who won but stop it enough is enough... you can not force people to join something they dont want to. you posted it ones and now you are going arround the froum and copy it in every single topic is this normal?
this perhaps is the wrong forum for you! If you are here for DV, then discuss nothing but DV. If you want to preach, there are many other places on the web...
It's also wrong for CraigToomy to trash or make fun of Jesus Christ, who plays an important role in poeople's worship. This is the etimomy of rudeness and insult. Better yet, everyone should stick to DV topic.
but this is NOT the place to discuss the religion. I am sure there are Hindus, Muslims, Jews, Budhhists, Zoraostians and other believers: how do you think they feel when some buffoon keeps quoting a gospel in his posts?!!! Keep your religion bullshit to yourself and don't bring that shit over here!!!
Agreed, read my post again...You need to make that clear to EVERYONE and not attack 1 person...Watch your use of words, you do not know me.
hello people, am just saying this because i feel perhaps you are not considering that some of us actually want to come to the US. Why dont you wait until after july 15 then you can petition what you can. Your actions might cause even the little chance of bieng selected to go away. Lets come together and pray and hope we will get selected. If GOD intended you get to the US through dv2012, you will still get there. They have done us a favor by not cancelling everything for this year entirely and they have said there will be a redraw. Why dont we give them a chance and see what they are saying.Lets come together and pray that we are all in that redraw.

Please i beg you to stop this madness. I'm also an affected winner. Since DOS says there was an error, and there would be a redraw. Why can't we accept it in good faith. I understand your plight, that has to do with the emotional stress and dissappiontment. But think about what this petition thing could lead to. What if in the long run the American government decides to abolish the DV lottery thing?? Who loses?? Them or You?? Please think before you act. All i can tell you is what will be, will always be. Please once again i beg you to stop it and move on.
U guyz can sau watever u like, i dont care. Thank God d result av been cancelled nd there,s nothing u or ur host can do abt it. Shame 2 u.

My mother is Catholic, and fortunately she was also very intelligent and she always looked at what everyone said with skepticism, even what the priest at church said. The most important thing she said to me one day when I was young was "help yourself first, because God will only help you afterwards".

That means there is nobody who will help yourself succeed but yourself. You want something? Go out and get it. You want everything given to you by your God? Then sit down on your couch, keep praying and do nothing else, and watch yourself fail and fall into depression while everybody else will put their feet onto your head.

I listened to my mother, and when I decided to move to the US, I saved my money, moved to the US, enrolled to a university, and now I am very close to becoming a Certified Public Accountant with a 4.0 GPA in Texas. So far I received more than $30,000 in scholarships, which I use to pay for my school tuition. I am on a student visa, but I am not too scared to succeed if I don't win the DV Lottery. The DV Lottery will only be God's help (if ever) after I helped myself first.

I feel so sorry for all the people who live in the illusion that God will pick their Confirmation Number on their behalf. They are also the same people who follow either Sharia laws or the Bible, and force their selfish thought on other people, in absolute contrast with any basic human right. They are good at staying on their imaginary pedestal and judge people from there while they know their own single life is a complete misery.

Thought of an European.
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This is not a religious forum. It plays no effect on the results and outcome of the lottery fyi.

Just so you know, the "petition" also plays no effect on the results and outcome of the lottery fyi.
Go to the petition website and it tells you that it is not an "official" serious petitioning site. People there petition against their favorite tv shows being cancelled and such. There is no actual names for the signatures, or anything.
Its basically like a "church" in which the believers gather together for emotional and spiritual support, with no factual basis. Psychological support yes. Real change, doubtful.
Please, don't fight here. I've signed the petition and I want to ask everybody, who is not signed it yet, to sign it. Thanks!
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