Jury duty and Citizenship


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Hi Guys.

I got a question regarding <Jury duty> i am a green card holder, and before i got my GC i received a letter from jury duty telling me that i have to go to the Curt for jury duty and for sure i dont know at that time what is jury duty and i did went there. and for sure i stayed there no body called me so i had to leave, and the Second time i recieved another jury duty Letter telling me i have to go to the Curt for jury duty so i did, and on that time i was GC holder, and then finally some body there told me if u not American Citizen u dont have to be here, so i dont know that anyways .... my question is .. by going to jury duty is that counting as Voting things ??? i mean Voting in a federal/local election ???? i just remembered this i am getting worried now. because when i went to the curt i think i have had to sign my name there ???

would u explain to me if this counting as voting or not ... because i am filing for my citizenship so i dont want them to say u voted before ... see what i mean

sorry but newbie in this case...

Thanks alot.
You did not vote by showing up for Jury duty summons. From what I have seen in CA, the jury duty forms are very elaborate and explain who is eligible and who is not. If you got the same form, at worst you are guilty of not knowing English at that time, which presumably you have corrected by now.

I do not know how the jury selection works, but I am sure they would have asked you to leave in the initial scrutiny because of not being a citizen.
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The most common method of juror selection is by drawing names from the list of driver license holders. Prior to becoming a citizen, I received numerous juror summonses. The courts send out random notices, without checking who is a citizen and who isn't. By attending a juror selection process, the OP did nothing wrong and, as sanjoseaug20 noted, will not be penalized.
Second time i recieved another jury duty Letter telling me i have to go to the Curt for jury duty so i did, and on that time i was GC holder, and then finally some body there told me if u not American Citizen u dont have to be here, so i dont know that anyways .... my question is .. by going to jury duty is that counting as Voting things ???

Not unless you actually claimed to be a US citizen during the jury duty selection process.
and how can i remove my name from Jury Duty?

Tell them you are not a citizen. If you meant how to remove from the
selection, then you can not. When they select potential jurors, they
do not care whether a person is a citizen or not.
Tell them you are not a citizen. If you meant how to remove from the
selection, then you can not. When they select potential jurors, they
do not care whether a person is a citizen or not.

I meant from the Curt, because they have the record there.
Don’t you have to send the Jury duty selection cards back in your state ?. In most states you need to send a piece of that card back where you check a box that say something similar to “not a US citizen” along with other options like you are convicted etc.. so you are not eligible be serve
I think it is fine since you showed up ( if you don’t return the card and don’t show up, that is an issue). And hopefully you didn’t claim that you are a US citizen and since you were not called on both times , I believe it is ok.
Hi Guys.

I got a question regarding <Jury duty> i am a green card holder, and before i got my GC i received a letter from jury duty telling me that i have to go to the Curt for jury duty and for sure i dont know at that time what is jury duty and i did went there. and for sure i stayed there no body called me so i had to leave, and the Second time i recieved another jury duty Letter telling me i have to go to the Curt for jury duty so i did, and on that time i was GC holder, and then finally some body there told me if u not American Citizen u dont have to be here, so i dont know that anyways .... my question is .. by going to jury duty is that counting as Voting things ??? i mean Voting in a federal/local election ???? i just remembered this i am getting worried now. because when i went to the curt i think i have had to sign my name there ???

would u explain to me if this counting as voting or not ... because i am filing for my citizenship so i dont want them to say u voted before ... see what i mean

sorry but newbie in this case...

Thanks alot.

Well, if you voted for US President/Senator after signing in your name, then you have huge problems ahead of you. :p I have received jury duty notices on many many occassions, just ignored them because I know legally I don't have a standing on being a juror. You are worrying too much over nothing. May I say that in the paraniod, this tops all that I have read from immigrants by leaps...:rolleyes: I mean, jury and voting, weird to be honest...line...:D...
I meant from the Curt, because they have the record there.

They don't know who are citizens or not and perhaps in their system there i sno such field to flag citizenship. So even if you tell them you are not a citizen this time, they can not enter that information into their system
so you can be selected again.

As someone else point out, ususally they usually send in a form first, then
you can call flag "Non citizen" and send it back. It is legalled required to
respond even if you are not eligible to be a juror. They shoudl excuse you
when they see you ar enot a citizen but if you want to be sure, you can
call even if you already send back form to them to make sure you are indeed
excused. If you are not excused even by their fault, you are reuired to appear.