July 2011 Filers

Someone broke into my apt last week and stole my naturalization certificate, U.S passport, all immigration papers and receipts. Once i cancelled everything I called USCIS and asked if me not having the original documents would be a problem. The officer assured me that it wouldn't since I already sent in the copies with the package. She did say that I should walk with the control number for the police report and all receipts for stolen documents that i reapplied for. So i guess you walking with your receipt should suffice as well.

That sucks!
Yea, I called them too and they told me that it would be the IO's call whether to accept the copy and reciept or to call it insufficient evidence.
Cool, everything going smooth for Atlanta filers. Contrary to the N-400 Naturalization application (where Atlanta processing time is 5+ months and other parts of the country its between 2-3 months), i-485 applications has no such delay issues.

I am in Atlanta too. Mine is on September 26 at 8:45 AM
No, it is usually 4-6 weeks, I got mine documents (original natz cert, passport, passport card) within 3 weeks of filing. 10/7 is way out for you to not receive your passport by then.

Well considering she applied less than 2 weeks ago, it might not make it to us in time considering the average processing time of 6-8 weeks for a passport
No, it is usually 4-6 weeks, I got mine documents (original natz cert, passport, passport card) within 3 weeks of filing. 10/7 is way out for you to not receive your passport by then.

Thank you falcyon, I certainly hope either the passport or the Nat Cert makes it back in time for the interview, either one would prove citizenship and solve the problem.
EAD Card approved! In hand as we speak...time to go renew that DL! Good luck to everyone. All the best still!
Why are people soo evil? Iessac, I wish nothing but a smooth process for you bro. Bless!

Someone broke into my apt last week and stole my naturalization certificate, U.S passport, all immigration papers and receipts. Once i cancelled everything I called USCIS and asked if me not having the original documents would be a problem. The officer assured me that it wouldn't since I already sent in the copies with the package. She did say that I should walk with the control number for the police report and all receipts for stolen documents that i reapplied for. So i guess you walking with your receipt should suffice as well.
Well considering she applied less than 2 weeks ago, it might not make it to us in time considering the average processing time of 6-8 weeks for a passport

My passport took three weeks which I thought was exceptionally fast. Fingers crossed for you that your spouse gets it before your interview.
My passport took three weeks which I thought was exceptionally fast. Fingers crossed for you that your spouse gets it before your interview.

Thanks Rok8man, you had pretty much disappeared...hope you guys have a easy interview process, keep me posted :)

I hope the passport makes it, but in the event it doesn't I don't know what to do other than take the copy, the reciept and pray the IO is not a D-bag
Lol hope he is not a D bag. I have laminated all my documents. I will have to re order everything. Her and mine birth certificate, marriage certificate etc.....
Good luck folks
Oh yea, I read about the lamination issue...oopsi

Yes we were kind of worried for a while not seeing any progress. And now we see everyone getting their EAD approved but we havent gotten it. There are so many variables involved with this process it becomes stressful at times. We are getting all our documents ready for the interview. I have heard about not laminating any documents so good thing I didnt. Even though I think they should be to preserve the quality of the documents. We are hoping for a nice old lady to do our interview. I am working on my humor so they will laugh so hard that they will forget to ask the hard questions and grant us the GC. Fingers crossed.
Yes we were kind of worried for a while not seeing any progress. And now we see everyone getting their EAD approved but we havent gotten it. There are so many variables involved with this process it becomes stressful at times. We are getting all our documents ready for the interview. I have heard about not laminating any documents so good thing I didnt. Even though I think they should be to preserve the quality of the documents. We are hoping for a nice old lady to do our interview. I am working on my humor so they will laugh so hard that they will forget to ask the hard questions and grant us the GC. Fingers crossed.

May I suggest a daily dose of Jon Stewart...although considering you are in the fair land of Perry, Colbert's humor might appeal more to the old IO :p
Received ead card and interview letter. Will update signature when I get to a pc. The phone doesn't show my signature.
praying for all of us.
Goodluck to all of us
Iessac...sorry to hear your predicament. See if you can expedite either the naturalization certificate or passport. Be pro active and have faith.
Good luck
Received ead card and interview letter. Will update signature when I get to a pc. The phone doesn't show my signature.
praying for all of us.
Goodluck to all of us
Congrats man !! Good seeing more people receiving their EAD and IL !! hopefully more keep coming withing the next weeks
Got EAD in mail. It looks like most of the fellows here applied at the same time with me are getting EAD card recently.