Originally posted by cannon576
do you get your original certificates after the interview or by courier (blue dart)?

You have to request for and get back the originals at the time of
the interview.

I do not know whether the consulate would send them with the visa, if somebody forgets to ask them at the interview time.

Successful POE


I reached New York (JFK) on 27th July 2003 and after about 3 and 1/2 hours wait in the queue got my stamp on my passport (along with my wife's on her passport).

Conversation with the immigration officer at POE:

Myself: Hello, How are you today?
IM Officer: Fine. Thank you. How about yourself?
Myself: Fine. Thanks.
IM Officer: Welcome to America. So, do you plan to settle down in US?
Myself: Yes. We would be settling down here.
IM Officer: Again, welcome you both to America. How long did your whole process took?
Myself: About 4 years.
IM Officer: Hmm... That's a long wait.
Myself: That's worth the wait. ;)
IM Officer: True.
Myself: I have a request. Could you change the address on the IV as I am moving to a new apartment.
IM Officer: Oh. Sure. (Goes ahead and writes down the new address on the IV of both myself and my wife's. Also updates it on the system.)
IM Officer: (Stamps our passports with the A# ) Please take all these documents and stand in that queue. An officer will take a finger print and 2 signatures and you are then free to go!

The FP & signature took about 2 minutes after about 15 minutes wait.

Went to collect our baggage!

Originally posted by kant
Hi all,

Created this thread so that we July CPers can share our CP experiences. I am leaving for Chennai tomorrow (07/15) by LUF. Will post once I reach chennai.

This is the list of July CPers for your reference.

chennupandu -- 22nd 8:00am
cp_chennai_hyd -- 22nd 8:00am
kant -- 22nd 8:00am
holy_gc -- 22nd 9:00am
karthi_ram -- 22nd 9:00am
bvganesh -- 22nd 10:00am
ssn43017 -- 23rd 8:00am
ram1329 -- 23rd 9:00am
chencp2003 -- 23rd 10:00am
gopal72 -- 29th 10:00am

Good luck to all !



Wishes for the interview.

I am in the process of submitting my AC140 case to the attorney. She needs some strong points to support my AC140 case. Can you guys share your cases here.

thanks a lot in advance
As far as I know Chennai doesn't accept
AC140 cases. I think Mumbai does,
you may get a better response in Mumbai
Re: Limited corrections are only accepted

Originally posted by Puliraju

If you see your visa packet, you will find a letter for corrections. In that they have mentioned that only for name, DOB, Passport number mistakes are corrected. Others are not correct at embassy level.

You can rectify this minor mistakes at POE.

There will not be any stamp in passport at embassy. At POE, you will get a stamp I-551 with a one year validity. It is just a rubber stamp (not a printed visa paper). You will be finger printed at POE.

Puliraju - Thanks for the information !
I shall request the officer at POE to have the changes corrected.

Re: Re: Limited corrections are only accepted

Originally posted by karthi_ram
Puliraju - Thanks for the information !
I shall request the officer at POE to have the changes corrected.



Got your message. (Guess you are the person who had called me up!! -- if not ignore the rest!). I tried calling your home # on 24th evening. It was ringing. Then I got busy with packing and left Chennai on 26th. So, didn't get a chance to talk to you. Sorry about that.

I have my med. intv scheduled on 21st Aug.

I have heard about crystal residency located close to the consulate. So i plan to stay there when i arrive in chennai on 25th again for my intv.

I am looking for some hotel recommendation when i arrive for my med. intv on 21 aug.

How far is lister lab located from the railway station?
Any near by hotel recommendations?.

Green Card stamping at the Airport


After the stamping in the passport how long does it take to get the green card.
I had my stamping on July 12th.

Re: Green Card stamping at the Airport

Originally posted by gchandra

After the stamping in the passport how long does it take to get the green card.
I had my stamping on July 12th.


Usually 5 to 6 weeks. Before that or along with the card you
would also receive a welcome letter. If you receive the letter
it would have the case number with which you can track the
card issue process.

What kind of questions are asked
during the medical exam.
Does the doctor ask about alcohol related
(legal) issues, which dont necessarily
fall under non-medical grounds of ineligibility.
Can someone post the specific
verbiage of questions asked.

Originally posted by jchandra29
I have my med. intv scheduled on 21st Aug.

I have heard about crystal residency located close to the consulate. So i plan to stay there when i arrive in chennai on 25th again for my intv.

I am looking for some hotel recommendation when i arrive for my med. intv on 21 aug.

How far is lister lab located from the railway station?
Any near by hotel recommendations?.


Stay at the crystal residency. It is very convenient lab is 10 mins and the embassy is across the road. If you are going to Dr V then her office is I think 20 mins. The hotel reception guys can help you with the directions and fare etc.
Originally posted by xab2003
What kind of questions are asked
during the medical exam.
Does the doctor ask about alcohol related
(legal) issues, which dont necessarily
fall under non-medical grounds of ineligibility.
Can someone post the specific
verbiage of questions asked.


I am not sure what you are tying to find out, however the
examining physician asks some routine questons like do you smoke? , Do you consume alcohol? etc.

It does not turn more probing than that unless there is some
physical condition which warrants further questioning.

This is not something to be concerned about.

Consular Fees.

Mine is employement category E3 visa and we have already paid the $335 Visa Fees for me and my spouse.
The website is not clear on the fees information.

What other fees are applicable to my case?

I was charged with public drunkeness many years
ago. my attorney confirmed that this isn't an inadmissible crime (from the point of crime).
My question was about medical issues
- In DS3056 past medical history worksheet,
the physician is supposed to ask the applicant
if he/she has been in trouble with the law
because of alcohol. Based on this and other
questions, the physician is supposed to
decide if the person is medically ineligible.
(an alcohol addict/abuser is inadmissible for
medical reasons.)

Thanks for the response,

Carrying on from XAB2003, is there a copy of the medical forms on the web? My mother is going to Chennai for CP and I was hoping to go through the form with her. I would appreciate if some could please direct me to a link to the current medical forms or post a scanned blank copy. thanks.

Regarding the previous poster, the Doctor's job is to first ask you a series of questions (I read on the FAM) and then during physical examination determine if the interview answers were truthful or not. Since your thing is not inadmissible thing, just tell the truth. Never ever lie to the doctor or consular officers. The consequences of such an action are very serious.
Re: medical

Originally posted by mplbob
Carrying on from XAB2003, is there a copy of the medical forms on the web? My mother is going to Chennai for CP and I was hoping to go through the form with her. I would appreciate if some could please direct me to a link to the current medical forms or post a scanned blank copy. thanks.

Regarding the previous poster, the Doctor's job is to first ask you a series of questions (I read on the FAM) and then during physical examination determine if the interview answers were truthful or not. Since your thing is not inadmissible thing, just tell the truth. Never ever lie to the doctor or consular officers. The consequences of such an action are very serious.

The form for medical tests/physician evaluation.

This is one sheet form with space for affixing a photo and writing your name address and such details. There are no questions on the form. Apart from your personal details the rest of the form is
filled by the lab and the examining physician.

You will find the proforma on Chennai Consulate web site.

Hi Raju,
thanks for your response. I should have clarified which form I was referring to. I did download the medical form from the chennai web site. I am referring to the medical questionaire which is filled by the Doctor prior to the pysical examination. It has a series of questions such as - do you smoke, drink etc, when was the last time you were admitted to the hospital for surgery etc. If you did your medical examination did you see this form? The form is filled by the Doctor and it could well be that these forms are not handed out to CPers. In other countries these forms are sent out to CPers as part of the packet 4.
Re: Re: medical

Originally posted by Raju595
The form for medical tests/physician evaluation.

This is one sheet form with space for affixing a photo and writing your name address and such details. There are no questions on the form. Apart from your personal details the rest of the form is
filled by the lab and the examining physician.

You will find the proforma on Chennai Consulate web site.



Could you provide the link to the proforma forma in chennai consulate web site. thanks