Missed some info in previous post: AVM message : REsumed....thanks .eom. ----r2b.

r2b , yours will get approved before us (mine is july 6th RD)..because...

the person who process july 30th cases are in "fast track". july 1-12 is in slow-(almost dead) track !

good luck to you all..
Talked to IIO on Friday

He said FP cleared and moved to next stage.What is "Next stage" mean.He also asked me to call after 90 days if I did\'nt hear anything.
ravigc, I called IIO couple of weeks

ago, but got the same standard answer ...will have to wait couple of months as they\'re processing Apr 01 cases.

Ofcourse, with today\'s bulletin, all the IIO will give the standard answer like they are processing May 15 th cases, and July filers need to wait 2-3 months.

rigate, did u see the godblessamerica\'s approval today, with RD 7/3....some hopes, huh???
Guys, Check the AVM

I just did, not lucky yet. May be one of you could be lucky ones today.
hey milk.....guess it\'s time to create another thread for July guys......

good luck for your approval......
btw...don\'t leave us if you get approved man ;)

take care......
As requested

by 485ND0921, we will move onto another thread as this is getting longer and longer again (JULY RD thread got oversubscribed 4th time)

Join in the new thread ">> JULY 01 FILERS TRACKER LIST by milk
any EAC -01-263 -XXXXX approvals

Hi Guys, I am an July filer, still I have not got any approval, the AVM message is nit chaging..I have spoke to IIO in the last month, she told me that I can hear some thing in 30 days, 30 days are gone but I have\'t hard any thing till now, doyou think I should call IIO again or just sit tight..please suggest.