Scheduling of FP


Scheduling of FP depends on your state you live in. There are many trackers on this site based on state. Try to find out if people with your Receipt Date have gotten their FP. Some states have multiple locations where fingerprints can be taken. Then it depends on your home zip code where you will be scheduled.

Good luck.
To Milk

Hi Milk
Thank you for the reply. I am just between projects right now. There is NO family emergency. Actually, my wife is already in India on AP. We both do have valid AP. You think its BIG risk? My lawyer says I could go without much of a problem. I should only carry original and copies of AP and I485 notice.
Hey gc2580 , you are 100% wrong !

if you have a valid AP you can goto india and come - no problem at all ! ?Please dont scare people if you dont know anything about it. Please .....
Amar, It is not a big deal

but the only concern is if you get approved when you are away from US, I\'m not pretty clear on what to do in this case. You check with your attorney what to do in this scenario.

Regarding the paper work for coming back to US on AP: Carry few copies of all the pages that came with your AP.
This is what I did: I made enough copies of all the pages from AP, FP notice and 485 notice andI stappled them into different sets.

Keep handy your 485 receipt notice both original and few copies.

Documentation to carry to be on safe side
Employement Verification Letter
Few Pay stubs (recent)

After all, they are only few papers....it is no big deal if you keep all your GC documentation COPIES with you while travelling ....

The Airlines will take one original copy from the AP at the last stop before you land in US (the non-stop flight where u board for US), and the INS at the port of entry will take one copy with the pic and stamp I-94 for the validity of AP. Don\'t let Airline people take the original EXCEPT the last one to US.
To Milk

Hey Milk, Thank you for the reply man!
Btw my ND is 07/30/01 and FP resumed on 12/31/01. Does this mean I am real close to getting stamping?

if you go directly and apply AP, they may ask for the proof for the emergency. But since you are planning to go in mid May, you can just apply regularly, and it won\'t take much time for approval of AP.
AP application is one piece of paper, you can download it from INS website, and can be filled in less than 10 mins. Attach 485 receipt along with $100 (I\'m not clear on this amount) and three photos And you may have to attach a covering letter with the explanation of why you need AP and whether it is multiple trips or not.

Let me know if you have any questions about filling the AP App.
Amar, it could be any time

depends on your luck, you may get the approval anywhere from next week to next few weeks. My guess, the July approvals frequency will increase starting from April. The same trend was seen with FEB MAR APR AND JUNE approvals. Each month started on the first week of a month, and then the speed picked up in full swing the following month.

But it is upto you. Just be aware of that it is just my opinion, I could be wrong.
I filed in JULY 2001

PD = Oct 4, 1999
RD = Jul 26, 2001
ND = Sep 20, 2001
FP = Dec 18, 2001
AVM- FP received on Jan 10 2002,...further processing has resumed.....
When should I start expecting the approval

RD:7/25/01;FP:12/12/01 AVM didn\'t change from Collected TO processing Resumed

Need your help on this one.

AVM for my EAC# still reads as " FP collected on dec\'19,Pending review" where as many of friends who have done FP at the same time AVM reads as " processing resumed"...why is this delay in my case and couple of other cases who responded when I first posted this message..fall on the same day i.e FP:12/12/01 and same place Boston for them also message says " FP collected on Dec\'19 pennding review ".

I called the FBI they say that my FP\'s were processed and the results were sent to INS on the same day (12/12/01).

When we call the INS direct AVM..do we have to enter EAC# or the Alien number...please help...

I emailed my lawyer today she was going to talk to an IIO to see what\'s going on with my case.Does it make a difference If we call or our lawyer calls the INS any special treatment for Lawyer\'s....

Please help..Sorry I couldn\'t make the message any shorter..
There is nothing

to worry about it. If you look at the previous postings by Pachi_attai who got approved while the AVM says \'REVIEW\'
It is just some screw up by AVM, nothing else. But just call IIO and check to see if everything ok with your case. I don\'t know whether a call from attorney makes any difference or not.
List Updated

Please provide any new or additional info in the exact format as below.

EAC User PD RD ND FP Cat/Country/State AVM Msg
           MM/YY MM/DD MM/DD MM/DD/YY
250 Milk 6/99 7/5 8/20 11/17/01 EB3/India/TX RESUMED