Milk looks like INS are working on all sorts of RD dates ranging from July 2 to 30 on July Month ...

63 out of 177 means Still long way to go milk ...

but as we predicted starting april INS started working on July 1-12 cases ..Thats a good sign i hope we should get our approvals some time this april .
I - 485 approved as per AVM

Heard on AVM yesterday( Apr\'05, 5PM), that My I-485 has been approved and notice has been sent.

RD : 07/27/01
ND: 09/18/01
FP: 01/16/02( VA)
Approved(485) : 04/05/02
EAC 01-273-54---
It looks like ND has role in approvals

Our sorted approvals list starts with August 17th ND. What happened to
August 1st to 16th cases? Though gcFunWaiting posting some approvals for this period under seperate thread I don\'t see any reliable supporting data for this.

I think those 4-5 approvals are already listed in my list. Check the numbers and the list at the begining of this thread. Please let me know if you have any more approvals for July that are not in the list, I would like to add them.

50. rohanmansingha
51. mitmilan
52. wayneNJ
56. julyapproval
Good work, milk

Seems July people are pretty silent for the past few days about approvals. I myself (7/6) am still waiting too.
Milf do you want to post those approval on rupnet.com/immigration tracker and ..

Only issue, as soon as you put the approval its going to trigger the AutoEmail to all waiting for approval in that RD month and year. Only thing I can shut off that feature for today and update thE list todAY.
Like I take the half and you do the other half.

let me know

The link which I provided earlier contains this data. May be you might have missed: Anyway here are the missed July approvals which may not effect your pending list as i guess these are out of your list.

PETE21 : 3/31/00 7/18/01 8/28/01 12/14/01 EB3 INDIA Approved 4/3/02
G42000 : 2/14/00 7/5/01 8/18/01 12/13/01 EB3 INDIA Approved 4/4/02
Julman\'s friend: 10/99 7/27/01 9/20/01 12/11/01 EB3 INDIA Approved 4/4/02, EAC-01-275-53xxx
Anakapalli : 7/27/01 9/18/01 1/16/02 EB3 INDIA Approved 4/5/02 EAC-01-273-54***,(VA)
Vika : 11/99 7/27/01 9/7/01 12/13/01 Approved 4/5/02

There are two Julman\'s: one with EAC 274 and another EAC 275.Hey Julman please correct it. If u have not posted in rupnet site, please post it so that milk will correct it.Thank you.

what do u want me to do????

Did u batch load the july list into your site?
Do u want me to add all the approvals into the site? Pl let me know. I will do it tonight but little later..may be around 1AM or so.
Please post a list for me to update. Just to make sure we are updating all the approval list. yeah r

make the password same as of ID. Just type \'Milk List Approvals\' in comments.
Most important I\'ll switch off the trigger for sending the emails automatically just for tonight. So that when you and me update the informaion it shoudln\'t send emails to every July people in wait.
Milk, Please add my info to your july list

PD 09/2000
MD 07/23
RD 07/26
ND 09/18
FP 12/07
EAC 01-273-5xxxx

July/03 case approved April/08

Checked INS automatic message yesterday at 1700 for me and my wife.
Says approved on April/8th and notice mailed....
Following are my details.

RD=07/03/2001, ND=07/2?/2001, FP=11/30/2001 AD=04/08/2001 (per automatic message). type=EB3/INDIA/Boston, MA

I will update once I receive notice by mail.
Special thanks to milk for coordinating the July filers forum and maintaining the list.

Thanks to everyone.