Jan. Interview (??) - Chennai/NVC mail screw-up

Question for Acehart

 I presume that mine would have also been delivered along with your pkt on the 17th. But the mail facility closed on the 24th. Any idea as to why our pkts would have got stuck there inspite of being delivered on the 17th?

2) I read somewhere in this thread that they have requested some pkts back. Do you think (hunch) that our pkts could be in that lot ???

1. It reached SA32 on 17th (Wed), they need some time before packets are actully on their way out.

2. If our packets left SA32 on 10/22(Mon), then probably they are lying in a truck.

Facility closed on 10/24, but they also recalled what they had shipped on 10/22

I think folks whose packets were sent on 10/22 from NVC have a better chance of earlier interview (packets still in SA32 - higher priority decontamination) than folks with 10/15 date (packets could have shipped and recalled by SA32 - lower priority decontamination) - just a theory
Thanks Acehart

 your theory seems plausible. Lets just pray that it is not true and that we get an interview by atleast March.

My h1 b expires (3 year quota) in April. My company\'s law firm has applied for an extension in November.

Do you know if I will get the extension approved by april? If it does not get approved and I have to go to CP interview in april, then do you know if that will create any problem. I am a little bit ignorant in immigration matters and am just coming to speed.
So if you can throw some light, that will be very helpful.

IS THERE something else that I need to be doing in the mean time, while waiting for CP?

No Title

Look at these f* ass* at Chennai, inspite of Aceheart\'s long
email they just send a one liner or two word emails.
Lawyer says

"We cannot call them. We can send them e-mail. If this is their policy then they will stick to their policy."

Let us see what reply Chennai gives to my lawyer.

Anyone else heard from their lawyer?
Poet/Great poet

you were one of the first ones in this group to get the FedEx tracking number from NVC. What\'s happening at your end?
We all need PCC.

Guys, read out Chennai web site. They just updated this Friday regarding PCC requirements. We all need to present PCC from our closest Indian embassy.

I have collected a PCC from a local police station in India. I took a look at the PCC issued by SFO. It looks too "Unofficial" Do you think a local police station PCC should suffice. My company\'s lawyer told me that it should be OK.

Boy, when things go wrong, it seems like an avalanche effect.
I think web site is very clear about it.

It says, if you are applying from outside India, you "also" need a certificate from your closest Consulate saying you do not have any criminal record. Remember, this is in addition to the one from your home country local police station.
get your Congressmen(women) involved

In order to get to a higher authority, it nay require us to contact someone here with higher authority. If you are a US citizen, you have a right to present your case to him or her. That\'s why we elected them. If everyone does this, Chennai will have to do something.
state dept

State Dept phone # 202-663-1225. Talked to a woman who offered very little info. SHe was unaware of our situation. I asked if anyone else inquired about similar situations. SHe responded no. She also said, what sounded to me like a Chennai response, "Don\'t worry - it will get there."

You should get your H1 approval by April. If it does not, take your case number along with some proof from your lawyer that shows your H1 is being renewed and you are not out of status. All they will want to know is that you are not out of status. First thing consulate will do is to cancel your H1 anyway :)
ajbinu - Most of us (99%) are working on temporary work visa H1B

We are in the the process of becoming immigrants let alone citizens. I\'m not sure in this situation what our rights are or who to approach. Many folks in this forum like the idea of doing something like contacting a congressman/hiring attorney jointly etc.. But it is not realistic because of geographical spread.

Under this situation can we still do something that will escalate this matter to higher authority quickly. I\'m not sure how H1B revalidation issue (passports stuck because of anthrax attack in St. Louis) caught the eye of govt. folks so that they had to intervene and take action.

Any inputs?
We can send emails to our respective Congressman or Senator

The bottom line is that my lawyer (and I suspect most other lawyers representing folks here) are useless. They will not do much (if not nothing).

We need to do as much as we can on our own. At least we will not be stuck with the feeling that we could have done a little more. One of the things we can do (other than bugging higher ups in Madras) is to send local elected officials emails talking about our case and the anthrax link. We can then ask them to talk to someone in the State Department or other pertinent depts. with a variety of solutions.

I know a friend who availed the help of a State Senator in the past. Even though he was on a H-1B, he was helped very promptly. I think that the politicians here assume that we will be loyal to them after we become citizens or at least make party donations.

If anyone else has any more experience in this area, please post.

I think I totally agree with you all. I am sure you guys will agree to the fact that chennai front office desi people suck big time. They are not only ignorant, but ignorant with an attitude. I called them 3 times so far for PCC and all the time they bashed me (read: kovai sarala to vadvellu treatment (i dont remeber the name of the movie))
And last friday, things were updated that PCC is required.

These are the things we need to/ can try to do:

1. Try to send a polite email to the chief of chennai consulate (i think this dude/dudette is called consulate general)and send a mail politely like what acehart had sent the consulate - outlining the entire story.

2. Meanwhile the other 800 pound gorilla to conquer would be the Indian consulate people who are arrogant and rude to the core. We need to figure out a way to get PCC from those guys. Shall we start discussing abt those issues here?

3. Make sure that as far as the vaccination requirements are concerned we are on the same page. I dont have the list in front of me, but my lawyer has sent me a huge list of vaccinations to be taken.

4. I think we can create a mini data base abt the step by step procedure we need to take in this process from here on.

Let us use this time to our advantage.

Lets not loose focus

I would like to concentrate on the core anthrax issue and how we could make sure that our woes are heard by someone responsible. In this regard I have sent a detailed e-mail to Attorney Murthy hoping that she being a high flying lawyer may be able to handle this situation better. I and aceheart have plans to attend her LIVE on-line chat on Jan 7th, it would be helpful if the rest of you also join, then we can try and put questions to her. I have also sent a detailed e-mail to my attorney too, though I dont trust him to do much, but am hoping for something to happen.
 Here is the e-mail I sent to Murthy :
Hi Ms Murthy,
  I along with a group of other people (atleast another 10 people) have landed in a unique situation due to the current "Anthrax" situation. We had opted for Consular Processing during the time we applied for our I-140\'s. On approval, our papers where forwarded on to NVC in New Hampshire. Eventually our "Original Petition" was sent to Chennai via diplomatic pouch on 10/15 for some of us and 10/22 for the rest. These papers never made to Chennai. Our interviews where originally scheduled by Chennai on various dates in January but later cancelled as they did not have our "Physical" petition from NVC.
  Some of us followed up with NVC and put a trace on our cases, NVC gave us FedEx tracking No\'s, which proved that our papers where delivered to Immigration Visa Unit, Department of State, Sterling VA 20166, from where they are further delivered through Diplomatic Pouch. On further investigation and talking to authorities in Sterling VA mail facility we where told, that these mails are still waiting to be fumigated and could take anywhere from 1-6 months.
At this time we are in a complete "Fix" as Chennai says that unless they receive our papers "Physically" they cannot proceed and NVC says they have sent our "Originals" and they can only re-send it electronically. Also it looks like this problem is there only with Chennai and not with Mumbai or Delhi.
Could you help us in some way to come out of this situation. We beleive that AC-140 is also ruled out for us, as we all had mentioned CP as the option in the firs place during our I-140 appln. and all we have is the courtesy copy of I-140 approval and not the original.

Please Advise.



1. We have been trying this and as such has not give much success yet, but agree with you we have to keep trying....
2. For PCC, its a very simple procedure you need to send the misc. services form with $ 11 and the consulate would issue PCC for you in 1 day if your PP is issued by them, or else it would take upto 45 days. I receive my PCC in a days time (5 days including mailing time) and my wifes is still under process. CGNY people are quite prompt and helpful and reply promptly to queries by e-mail and on phone too.

3. For vaccinations, it is better you take them in Chennai and leave it to the Dr. there to decide which are appropirate in your situation.

4. For a step by step procedure, if we do get our interview dates, just follow srifx detailed list, if you dont have that available with you I could post it for you, but as such is avlbl elsewhere on this forum, and most of us on this board have this info. already with us.

Thanks !
Good Work GABBAR

You have explained the problem pretty concisely. I think we should keep track to see what happens.

Can you please post srifx\'s report/step by step procedure.

padaiyappa - here is the list

Arrange all documents in folders as follows:
First folder
First set for self: (in the following order, held together using large
paper clip)
1) OF-171: Appt letter from Consulate (original letter)
2) OF230 part I & II Visa application (part-II UNSIGNED)
3) Marriage Cert. orig + copy
4) 3 Wedding photos (in a clear plastic envelope)
5) Birth Cert. orig + copy
6) Employment letter (orig- notorised)
7) 4 latest pay-stubs
8) Bank letter + 3 months bank statements + latest brokerage statements
9) last 3 years tax returns (1998, 1999, 2000)
10) 3 Immigration photos (1.5in by 1.5 in. Sign on two copies at
the bottom front. Do not sign on the 3rd copy)
11) Medical reports (4 sheets total, no X-rays)
12) IRS 9003 form
13) Passport
A 2nd set for spouse: (in the following order, held together using large
paper clip)
1) OF230 part I & II Visa application (part-II UNSIGNED)
2) Marriage cert copy
3) 3 wedding photos (in a clear plastic envelope)
4) Birth Cert. copy orig + copy
5) Affid of support for spouse I-134 (org-notorised)
6) Copy of primaries employment letter
7) copy of bank letter etc.
8) 3 Immigration photos (1.5in by 1.5 in. Sign on two copies at
the bottom front. Do not sign on the 3rd copy)
9) Medical reports (4 sheets total, no X-rays)
10) IRS 9003 form
11) Passport
Second folder
1) Latest H-1 approval notice (my visa in passport had expired)
2) originals + supporting docs of all H1, F1, I-20\'s, H4\'s etc.
3) copies of Labor cert (AEC), I-140 application, I-140 approval etc.
4) originals + copies of work experience certs
5) Degree certs, transcripts, marklists + copies from India and US
Third folder
1) all correspondance with lawyers
2) Home ownership/mortgage papers
3) My wife\'s H-1 papers, job ofer letter, pay stubs (not really needed)
4) extra visa photos, passport photos, any other document depending on how paranoid you want to be ;-)
In my shirt-pocket
1) copy of visa appointment letter
2) felt-tipped pen
3) 4 visa photos