Jan. Interview (??) - Chennai/NVC mail screw-up

revised list - updated agun

        agun 10/15
        GC Despo - likely un-related
        radha1 10/4 ? most likely 10/8 as NVC mails only on mondays
        MMP 10/8 or 10/15 (10/8 according to the automated message but it could be 10/15)
        gc_crk 10/15
        gcappl 10/15
        acehart 10/15
        PRB 10/15
        different 10/15
        santhu 10/15
        GC Michigan 10/22
        Manbird 10/22
        Kudos 10/22
        gabbar007 10/22
Got reply from Kathleen Walker

I had sent her a detailed email some time back and immediately got a one line reply. "We are aware and are woking on it. Thanks"
I am glad people are doing something. Hopefully things will happen soon. I spoke to my lawyer about 485 and he said it will waste too much money and at any rate CP will be much faster.
Anyone calling Chennai tonight?
I got a reply from my lawyer

He says many more people are affected by this situation and he is unable to do anything about it ):-
Called Chennai

Lady gave the same old story and asked me to call after 15th Jan. Christmas time came and gone w/o any miracles. My eyes are on Walker now. If she works any miracle by next week we may get Feb interview..
Reply to my Email

I had sent an email to Chennai yesterday asking if there is any resolution of our situation and if we can get Feb interview. The reply I got was
"Appt likely to be in March"
This is not very encouraging as they seem to be playing us month by month. Hopefully Ms Walker will do something. :(

In my humble Opinion, I think we need to pursue CP and not jump from one boat to another just because it appears that the boat we are in may sink. The truth is : IT HAS NOT SUNK YET.

I also think that things will get resolved by March. It has been brought to authorities notice. Just keep following it.
Again, I dont think that NVC is going to listen to us and send a copy to INS again. The people who answer our questions at NVC are just clerks right??

gUYS COUNT ME IN THE NEW LIST - NVC SENT ON OCT 15TH - REST IS HISTORY. I sent my pkt on Dec 6th. So like some of you I did not have interview scheduled. Do you think mine will be delayed further?

Gabbar, Kudos - You guys are doing a good job. I think we should give them a couple of days more and then send an email to kathy walker. Have you guys have found out the consulate general\'s email ID. i MEAN THE us consulate general in chennai\'s email id. I think we need to send the same mail to that person too. I mean atleast cc whateber you guys are sending to kathy walker.

Update from Sterling mail facility.

My mail was sent on 10/15 by NVC. Accroding to the person at Sterling, it was originally scheduled to leave on 10/23 to Chennai. Hece, he said, it should still be in the building. He also said it may take several months before being delivered to Chennai. It all depends on luck. They are not cleaning mails in any particular order. If someone is lucky may get their papers reach Chennai before others. The extra bit of information he could found was the date on which the papers were supposed to leave. Guys, here is his phone number:
202 369 7584 and his name is CARL. I am not sure if it helps.
By the way I forgot my password and hence signed as "Santha" but my previous id was Santhu. So remember Santha and Santhu are the same.


I think I got the same reply from Carl. He did not tell em when my pkt was scheduled to leave the building.

According to him, pkts will take atleast 2 months (Feb latest) to get cleared up.

Found out from NVC that my pkt was also received by J Baker on 17th Oct. I told them that the front desk people in Madras are not very helpful and that whether it would be possible for me to get a # to talke to some higher official.
She gave me a Washingotn Visa office #
202 663 1231 (front desk) As usual does not know anything...
202 663 1225 (recording). I was told that at the end of the recording I can either speak to an officer or something like that. This office is above the US embassy in India. I mean the chief of US embassy reports to these guys...
Interesting News Article fromMurthy.com

The U.S. Department of State (DOS) announced that the Immigrant Visa Packet
System, utilized virtually without change for forty years, is now being
changed. This announcement was issued in mid-December 2001. These changes
apply to those who are processing their "green cards" through the consular
processing option, whether in family- or employment-based immigration cases
and will not apply to those processing adjustment of status within the U.S.

The reason for the DOS change is that "the ease with which information can
now be maintained and shared electronically makes the linear, rationed
approach to immigrant visa information less useful." The former Immigrant
Visa packet system is being eliminated in favor of a simpler system of
standardized mailings. The new system will utilize the Internet and other
electronic sources, when appropriate, according to the DOS announcement.

The specific instructions will be released as part of an update to the
Foreign Affairs Manual (FAM). Essentially, the numbered packet system has
been eliminated. The packets will be replaced with standardized information
sheets. The former "Packet 3" has been renamed "Instruction Package for
Immigrant Visa Applicants." Former "Packet 4" is now "Appointment Package
for Immigrant Visa Applicants." "Packet 4a," which is the mailing that
initiates the termination process, is now "Follow-Up Instruction Package for
Immigrant Visa Applicants."

New information sheets have been drafted and are available to appropriate
DOS officials. The old OF-169 (Checklist of Documents), which was renamed
DS-2001 last year, is now a redesigned information sheet entitled
"Instructions for Immigrant Visa Applicants." This document will be part of
the new "Instruction Packet for Immigrant Visa Applicants." The new form has
not yet been approved.
Guys, some very encouraging news.

I just talked to NVC person. They resent electronic information yesterday to Chennai because Chennai contacted NVC with all our cases. I am very hopeful that we all get interviews in Feb. Please call NVC to confirm this and post your experience.

santhu - if you only you would have changed your name earlier...

Can you post the NVC phone # please.. I have one no. which seems to be busy. Santha is changing our luck :)
Called NVC

I called NVC just now , they made memo in my file to resend my petition to Chennai on Jan 3rd yestarday. She can\'t tell , when they are going to send or already they did. I guess they made memo because yestarday I faxed a letter requesting them to resend my petition to chennai.

It looks we have good chances to get Feb Interview.

The person I talked to, took long time to verify the case. He had put me on hold and consulted some one in the office. He said Chennai consulted with all missing cases and they resent electronic info yesterday. I am very hopeful all of our cases are taken care not just one or two individuals. Please call NVC and confirm this.

Thants Santha / different

I just called and found that there is a memo for my case too dtd. 3rd Jan, though she doesnt know who requested that info, it has to be Chennai, since I did not send any fax requesting them to re-send this.

Now, I feel very hopeful too.

Thanks everyone for sticking together and helping each other.
resent electronic info

But this they already have, why couldnt Chennai have used the electroinci info they alaready had. Anyhow looks like atleast some is trying to do something. Could be Ms. Walker for all we know.
This is indeed good news....

I have been trying to call NVC too but it is busy. Will keep trying.
Guys what abt PCC? I have sent in my PCC application to Chicago just yesterday. What if we do not get it before our interview date? Have you all got this covered?
NVC resent mine too....but something strange happened

When I called NVC, the operator first said that they did not get any request from Chennai and my papers were never resent.

Then I heard her phone ring. She put me on hold for a minute. Came back and told me that her supervisor called her and told her that my case was resent to Chennai yesterday. I asked her is they resent it yesterday and she said: yes, we cabled it yesterday, 1/3/02.

Let us see what will happen. Everything ain\'t solved yet. Things certainly look better.