************** Jan. Chennai CP Part II ****************

All the best cdevaro...... looks good (other than jagees notes), but some questions in general

About the tax returns, bank statement, etc., aren\'t these basically support docs for I134 ? So wouldn\'t that go with the spouse\'s pkt ?

Also, are these needed for single people ? If tax transcript is not available, is there anything else that we could take in its place ?
Jagee, in general you don\'t need to mention everything

Basically, these figures are needed only to prove you are capable of supporting the person you are sponsoring. Usually, one salary is good enough (man, you get two in these times ?? good for you). It is not meant to be a complete inventory of all your assets. And ofcourse, you have to give supporting documnetation like payslips, W2, bank statements, etc. for what you mention (only exception is the "personal" property).
Sup, Patta and others, in regards to the marriage before CP thingee

I finally wrote to the consulate to ask if my spouse can accompany me (told them all the jazz like I would send in her pkt 3 etc as quickly as possible, etc). In their usual cryptic way, all they said is "Jan appointment not possible. Include her after you get married". Bummer ! What do I do now ? Should I still plan on taking her along ? Anyone who has had first hand experience in this ?

Thanks much
Thank for ur suggestion Rajesh Paul!

What were u tring to say.. I think u missed few words in the following statement...
" (man, you get two in these times ?? good for you). " .... :)

Do u happen to know the following:
Do we have to submitt w2\'s , if one is submitting Tax Transcripts ?

Thanks and good luck for ur interview! I hope everything works out for ur wifes interview in Jan, along with urs.
Jagee, what I meant was

with all these layoffs and all going, you have two salaries ??

Regarding W2 and tax transcripts, I am a lil confused too. If these are needed just to show your annual income, I think either one or even a paystub which shows annual renumeration should do. I don;t completely understand why they ask for the tax transcript (other than that shows your total income for that year, including salary and any other side incomes you may have). Folks, anybody can confirm whether tax transcript is abs required ? Logically, it seems these would be mutually exclusive.
Rajesh, Don\'t relay on what consulate said.

Just take all the documentation for your wife including wedding photoes; marraige registration, DS-230 Part I and II; IRS-9003. You have a very good chance. I seen people succesful. But this would not guarantee. But remember that you will not loose any thing. Any way, you can do H-4 for your wife because your H-1 will be cancelled. Worst case she may have to wait for the Interview. I personnaly think that you can both get the GCs at the same time.
Are the co-applicants also required while collecting doc\'s ?

My interview is on Jan. 25th at chennai and since the following day is a holiday (Republic day), I understand that the
courier fellow won\'t deliver it on 26th. So, I am planning to send my wife & kids back to native places and hang
around myself (primary applicant) to collect the doc\'s from the courier guy.

Please clarify if the co-applicants (wife and children) are also required to collect the documents when the courier
guy delivers the next day.

Thanks in advance,
I wish I was!! From where did u get this imperssion of me getting 2 salaries?

I will be glad to accept something like that though..... :)
I dont have the tax returns for 99, 98


THe documents needed for CP Interview include the tax returns for the last three years. I dont have the tax returns for year 98 and 99. I got the transcripts for these years but later I came to know that these are only the fedral tax transcripts.

I do have the tax returns for the year 2000 though.

Can somebody tell me if the counsulate insists on the Tax returns ?
Or if they accept the transcripts is the Fedral tax trascript sufficient?

Thanks for your time,
Kuldeep: I am kind of in the same state

Actually, I am worse of. I don\'t have 2000 either, so I got transcripts for all of them which is like 20 pages ! The IRS office said this is as good as the tax return (which by the way we would just have a copy), so I\'m going with that hope. But yes, it would be good to know if someone has used these transcripts before at the consulate. As such I am pretty unclear as to why they need this, especially for single applicants. Pkt 4 mentions tax returns in the context of I864, which we EB guys don\'t need. Hmmm... forgot the golden rule... don;t try to make sense out of governement stuff :)
rvd: Hey, I\'m on the same day too

I think it is enough for you to stay back. We\'ll get our packets only by Jan 28 (27 is Sunday so no deliveries). Alternately, you could have them send it to your native place, and come back later in the unfortunate case that you have some corrections.
Rajesh - dont we get the packets and passport stamped on the samed day?

our Interview is on 30th and we was planning to leave chennai on 30th night itself.
No its delivered the next day

As far as I understand, Blue Dart delivers the packets the day after your interview (provided it is not a holiday).