IV people are really getting desperate


Registered Users (C)
guess what they do when you speak out.....they will ban your IP....so that you cannot post anything out there.....

and what was i posting.....i was trying to explain that GC is not the "Be all and End all" and we need to create alternative......

maybe thats against their agenda.......maybe they dont want their supporters to wake up and realise that they are wasting their time....

i have told these people 100 times in the past that before banning anyone they need to sort it out one-on-one.....so that it wont bring bad reputation to them....

i used to think that they were run by a professional group of educated open minded people.
The moderators at IV certainly are trying to discourage posters from creating threads that don't help out their work. But I do agree things are turning ugly over there. In almost every thread, you would see a moderator trying to change the topic by talking about giving more money to IV, or go create and join your state chapter of IV. What's bad is I have seen a couple of moderator responding to posters by revealing their location, like "why don't you go and join your local Indiana state chapter", or things like "we know who are the ones who don't donate".

I have pretty much stopped posting there myself... and only occasionally drop in to see what is going on.
I can relate to that ..

A year back, in this forum, I had posted my situation. A pro-IV guy had used pretty abusive language in telling me to "join IV, donate and get your case resolved" and while at it, I was also called names.

Join IV? Yeah, right! I can look around and find this person's Id - but it is a waste of time.
hi techy2468,

Seeing your signature i can understand the reason why you felt like that. You really don't know how it feels like if you get stuck for 6-7 years in just getting your Labor approved .You don't know how it feels like if your well qualified spouse desperately wants to work but cant because where ever she/he goes is asked for a work permit. During H1 season all the H1bs are consumed by desi companies in no time before one can make a decision about whether to go for a conversion of h4 to h1 with out a job in hand. I am on H4 here and I finished just 2 years in US. I have 6 years of experience and a lot of certifications.I already feel that desperation. I cant ask my spouse to resign his well paid non-IT job and go back to where we came from.
These are some reasons why GC plays a major role in some people's lives. I appreciate IV for onething. They are the people who are atleast trying to do something to bring relief for the current retrogression instead of just creating another forum where people discuss this problem with out trying to do something in action.

Nothing personal please... I just wanted to add my thoughts.

This is really amazing that people cannot tolerate any other views. I am surprised why they did this.
Sorry techy. There are some people who dont like your views. But its very bad that they deleted/banned one specific user's posting.

techy2468 said:
i just cant believe it....they have deleted all my posts......i am amazed at their tunnel vision.......its become like a religious group whre GC is the GOD and any alternative to GC is blasphemy....

amulchandra said:
hi techy2468,

Seeing your signature i can understand the reason why you felt like that. You really don't know how it feels like if you get stuck for 6-7 years in just getting your Labor approved .You don't know how it feels like if your well qualified spouse desperately wants to work but cant because where ever she/he goes is asked for a work permit. During H1 season all the H1bs are consumed by desi companies in no time before one can make a decision about whether to go for a conversion of h4 to h1 with out a job in hand. I am on H4 here and I finished just 2 years in US. I have 6 years of experience and a lot of certifications.I already feel that desperation. I cant ask my spouse to resign his well paid non-IT job and go back to where we came from.
These are some reasons why GC plays a major role in some people's lives. I appreciate IV for onething. They are the people who are atleast trying to do something to bring relief for the current retrogression instead of just creating another forum where people discuss this problem with out trying to do something in action.

Nothing personal please... I just wanted to add my thoughts.

I do understand that there are thousands of people who do not have similar opportunities in their home country or another country....

but atleast i wanted a debate......i wanted them to say that they did not have choice because such and such reason........

the best part is not many of them even realize that despite all this effort they will not to the stage of getting GC......why??........form most people in EB3 and some of them in EB2, with later PDs......it may take 6-7 years.......and what are the chances that they will be able keep their current job......i think not more than 30%.

i do hope that everyone is working on some alternative....and they are not as tunnel vison as they appear on that forum..

let me conclude by saying....that any place where people are scared to openly discuss things.........something is seriously wrong...

and let me add the most important thing.....i was a supporter of IV....even though i could not contribute anything......i used to appreciate their selfless efforts to fight retrogression........

but looks like they are getting frustrated that all their efforts are going waste.........and they dont want any dissidence.....because they feel people will stop fighting....and give up.....

its as if though they want all their followers to believe 100% in GC and keep chanting in chorus......
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techy2468 said:
I do understand that there are thousands of people who do not have similar opportunities in their home country or another country....

but atleast i wanted a debate......i wanted them to say that they did not have choice because such and such reason........

the best part is not many of them even realize that despite all this effort they will not to the stage of getting GC......why??........form most people in EB3 and some of them in EB2, with later PDs......it may take 6-7 years.......and what are the chances that they will be able keep their current job......i think not more than 30%.

i do hope that everyone is working on some alternative....and they are not as tunnel vison as they appear on that forum..

let me conclude by saying....that any place where people are scared to openly discuss things.........something is seriously wrong...

and let me add the most important thing.....i was a supporter of IV....even though i could not contribute anything......i used to appreciate their selfless efforts to fight retrogression........

but looks like they are getting frustrated that all their efforts are going waste.........and they dont want any dissidence.....because they feel people will stop fighting....and give up.....

its as if though they want all their followers to believe 100% in GC and keep chanting in chorus......

You figured out all that from being banned?
I agree with amul

IV core team are human-beings like us. Let us give them the credit for leading the battle for us.

They may have a strategy and they are working based on that. People who genuinely want to give some advice for the betterment of IV, the forums do have a 'private message' option or IV has posted their contact # on the site. Call them and clarify your position.

amulchandra said:
I appreciate IV for onething. They are the people who are atleast trying to do something to bring relief for the current retrogression instead of just creating another forum where people discuss this problem with out trying to do something in action.

Nothing personal please... I just wanted to add my thoughts.

techy got banned from IV because of this posting

Originally Posted by techy2468
i dont understand......why did you choose to go through this hell??

can you please explain??........i thought france is a developed country with almost same opportunities as USA??

if someone from somalia.....goes through this ordeal its understandable.....

Please read the following for the complete context of the events that transpired yesterday, leading to techy's ban:
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To techy

I just posted the previous post from the IV forums to report the fact to the members here. As to what I can interpret from the events that occurred yesterday, you were not banned for "speaking out" or speaking up against IV.

Anyways, let us stop this thread here and move on. Nothing Personal, Techy

Note: I am not a IV core team member; however I support IV and salute the core members for their continued efforts and perseverance towards this cause.
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Don't Worry!

techy2468 said:
i just cant believe it....they have deleted all my posts......i am amazed at their tunnel vision.......its become like a religious group whre GC is the GOD and any alternative to GC is blasphemy....


Hi Techy2468,
Don't bother about the lost posts. I am sure you have too many of those here. ;)

Seriously! you have an approved case now. Why don't you chill out from forums for a while. I think the immi process has taken over your actions and thoughts.
I also don't this forum can help people resolve the immigration process. It does help people in getting info about rules etc. UN and other advisors know a lot of rules but do not have any leadership or push. We should communicate about rules on this website.

I think as a rule if you are over 2000 posts, unless you are an admin or a lawyer, you should leave. Also applies if you are approved by USCIS.
UN, I agree with the points that you raised in this posting. You are making some very valid points. I am not sure if you could help IV with your suggestions. I, for my own personal benefit, would definitely like people like you helping IV with the strategies. Also, I agree that the idea of publicizing the story is not good and I will do whatever I can, to get my point across to the IV core team.

With regards to techy, I think there are ways of communicating and certain protocol that one should follow. Just posting comments for the sake of posting is not good. A guy is relieved and happy that his GC process is over. And he is narrating his story for the sake of others. Honestly, I think, techy's mail was totally out of context; I also find it offensive. 'Speaking out? against what? against who? against a guy who is happy telling his story of 'how he got through the GC process'? Also, if techy is against the idea of publicizing the story, communicate it to the core team in a manner which does not offend sensibilities, giving the right rational for his position. An example of a rational posting is what you have posted here.

unitednations said:
This is nothing related to his ban.

I only read the first page. Although poster's story is interesting; it is another example of WHY YOU SHOULDN'T CONTACT MEDIA ORGANIZATIONS/AMERICAN PUBLIC WITH IMMIGRATION STORIES.

Why do I say this? He was out of status, lost his job; employer not complying with h-1b? he didn't leave the country when he should have; got laid off/re-hired; employer taking advantage, etc.

Everything would lead to that spirit and actual laws of immigration were broken and he should have never received greencard. Another example of how immigration is "broken".

Every time these human interest stories get out; it just adds to the negative perception that people are gaming the system.
UN, with regards to the point that you raised here, I am not sure how the demand for your profession works in this market. However, for software professionals, especially consulting jobs (normally a s/w professional gets to US through a consulting job since the final client companies prefer a candidate who is already in the US market - citizen/GC or transfer of H1), a software consulting company cannot bag a project unless he has a candidate for the position. Candidates have to give interviews before they are contracted to work on a project at a client place. So, it is natural that the consulting company will go ahead with hiring H1B based on a forecast and anticipated projects. This explains the H1B cap reaching in 2-3 months. It also reflects the demand for professionals in the market. You can go to dice.com or monster.com and see for yourself, all the openings. I know of a consulting company who were not able to get consultants for a couple of multi-million dollar projects and had to lose the projects.

unitednations said:
H-1b cap goes away in two months (pretty comical that there is a job that will start six to eight months from now; this is in no way reality with real world. People just sponsoring h-1b's when there is no job).
UN, I have a different perspective. I think 'calling attention' to the system and the whole process - to fix the 'breaks' is essential. What you call 'more scrutiny' is needed to fix the system and make it streamlined. I think, people tend to forget the long-term benefits that the immigrant community (present and future) as a whole could gain by not dreading on the short-term repercussions of 'calling attention' and 'more scrutiny'. Individual experiences or experiences that we may come across as a one-off, should not be generalized and expect that if USCIS fixes the immigration system, all consulting companies will get into problem with the law. Agreed that there would be some companies and some individual GC applicants who may get affected. But, isn't that part of the solution to the problem? We are already backlogged; It cannot get worse than this, by 'calling attention' or invoking 'more scrutiny'?

unitednations said:
People will get more of an understanding of why if you "shout too loud" you will bring more scrutiny then what you want.
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WellWisher007 said:
UN, I agree with the points that you raised in this posting. You are making some very valid points. I am not sure if you could help IV with your suggestions. I, for my own personal benefit, would definitely like people like you helping IV with the strategies. Also, I agree that the idea of publicizing the story is not good and I will do whatever I can, to get my point across to the IV core team.

With regards to techy, I think there are ways of communicating and certain protocol that one should follow. Just posting comments for the sake of posting is not good. A guy is relieved and happy that his GC process is over. And he is narrating his story for the sake of others. Honestly, I think, techy's mail was totally out of context; I also find it offensive. 'Speaking out? against what? against who? against a guy who is happy telling his story of 'how he got through the GC process'? Also, if techy is against the idea of publicizing the story, communicate it to the core team in a manner which does not offend sensibilities, giving the right rational for his position. An example of a rational posting is what you have posted here.
for one i am not so smart as UN to realize that the story should not be broadcasted to highlight our position.....

all i noticed was.....here is a guy from a developed country.....who chose to work in a sweat shop conditions.....even though he had a choice.....

come one....H1 is not so bad......its the people who become desperate or maybe they are not as skilled as they claim to be.......

and my anger is against such people.........why??........because once a company hires such people they refuse to hire a normal person with some dignity.....

i have been personally affected by this......by all those H1B willing to work 10 hours/day and 7 days a week........at a lower than market salary........
there is a company in birmingham, Alabama....who just want to hire H1B for the above reason......and they get shocked if you ask them market rate.......

i would go ahead and say that H1B without dignity....make working conditions equivalent to sweat shops.......and i dont think those guys are "Heros"......as this guys has been portrayed in IV's front page.....as though he got GC and thats it he is the biggest hero of IV community....
techy, I am dropping this discussion here. If you are genuinely interesting in helping IV or other people in the community, please send your suggestions in private to IV. If they abide by your suggestions, good for you, IV and the immigrant community; If they do not, they would have reasons to not accept a certain suggestion, again it is good for you, IV and the immigrant community.

There is no point wasting my time on a discussion in an open forum, that I know that is going to go nowhere.. Espcially, on a weekend.

Have a great weekend! and good luck with your future endeavors. I just wish and hope that you get what you are looking for.


techy2468 said:
for one i am not so smart as UN to realize that the story should not be broadcasted to highlight our position.....

all i noticed was.....here is a guy from a developed country.....who chose to work in a sweat shop conditions.....even though he had a choice.....

come one....H1 is not so bad......its the people who become desperate or maybe they are not as skilled as they claim to be.......

and my anger is against such people.........why??........because once a company hires such people they refuse to hire a normal person with some dignity.....

i have been personally affected by this......by all those H1B willing to work 10 hours/day and 7 days a week........at a lower than market salary........
there is a company in birmingham, Alabama....who just want to hire H1B for the above reason......and they get shocked if you ask them market rate.......

i would go ahead and say that H1B without dignity....make working conditions equivalent to sweat shops.......and i dont think those guys are "Heros"......as this guys has been portrayed in IV's front page.....as though he got GC and thats it he is the biggest hero of IV community....
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techy2468 said:
for one i am not so smart as UN to realize that the story should not be broadcasted to highlight our position.....

all i noticed was.....here is a guy from a developed country.....who chose to work in a sweat shop conditions.....even though he had a choice.....

come one....H1 is not so bad......its the people who become desperate or maybe they are not as skilled as they claim to be.......

and my anger is against such people.........why??........because once a company hires such people they refuse to hire a normal person with some dignity.....

i have been personally affected by this......by all those H1B willing to work 10 hours/day and 7 days a week........at a lower than market salary........
there is a company in birmingham, Alabama....who just want to hire H1B for the above reason......and they get shocked if you ask them market rate.......

i would go ahead and say that H1B without dignity....make working conditions equivalent to sweat shops.......and i dont think those guys are "Heros"......as this guys has been portrayed in IV's front page.....as though he got GC and thats it he is the biggest hero of IV community....

You sound so bitter :confused: If you think it's only people from places like India, and China are the only ones who want to come to the US, you are sadly mistaken. You only need to visit a city like NY to see and hear all people from developing nations. There is just something about the US . The guy is happy he finally got his American dream--who are you to rain on his parade?
Agreed in principle; I do not think that IV is fighting to get GC for any violator of the law. I think the objective of IV is to get GC to the deserving immigrants in a timely manner. And I am sure that IV would not dread that violators may get affected by any correcting action that the law may take. It is working towards eliminating retrogression for all the deserving applicants.

UN, it was nice talking to you as always! I am signing off and dropping from this discussion. Have a nice weekend!

unitednations said:
I'm not talking from a small sample here. It is a very large group.

From a purely selfish side; I could call to attention of how this all works and give USCIS a lot of insight to this. However, I never would because I don't believe I would be telling them something they don't already know. Contrary to what some people think on these boards; they are not stupid; the scrutiny is causing a slowdown of things. Any time something goes to 0 tolerance it slows everything down.

When people give their stories; there is usually something in it that is against the whole concept of employment base greencard or some type of violation of h-1b.

My experience throughout my life/professional career is that when people say something is broken it doesn't mean its going to get fixed how you think it is going to get fixed.

When posters say it is broken; they think they are not getting greencard fast enough or it is limiting them and what it all positive towards them.

When american public say its broken; it is not in context that it takes too long to get greencard; it is in context that too many people are here; too many people are gaming the system.

If Employment base system worked purely in the "spirit" of how it is supposed to work; not many people would be getting greencards who are currently getting them. If USCIS/DOL really want to put the clamps down and assess genuiness of things; the same people who are crying about changing the system might not like what would happen to them.

From personal career; my boss was nice guy. Incompetent and lazy. Only reason we put up with him was he was a nice guy and let us do what we needed to do to get things done. However, some people thought he was too lazy and wanted accountability for actions, etc. Eventually, guy got fired. They brought in authoritarian type guy. All those same people who were looking for accountability were the biggest losers in all of it. What they thought was going to be positive change actually changed to their detriment. Maybe a little bit irrelevant but EVERY REASON/STORY I have seen on these boards is pretty much agains employment base greencard. It is sorty of like having that crazy uncle who is embarassing. You don't mind him being around family because you all know he is crazy. However, if there are people who aren't family around and he starts acting crazy then it is embarassing to you and family. How does this relate; we can keep cribbing to these boards but when people start cribbing to outsiders it could cause some harm for people that they might have not anticipated.
techy2468 Relax!

This is a weekend. Relax! let's all sign off. You or your spouse is already OR EB-1. Even though u r hooked to this website and maybe it is your spouse who got u the EB-1 approval, please accept it. It is time you got out of this website. Have the same comment for Saras but he is just too stupid and unimaginative to move on....

techy2468 said:
for one i am not so smart as UN to realize that the story should not be broadcasted to highlight our position.....

all i noticed was.....here is a guy from a developed country.....who chose to work in a sweat shop conditions.....even though he had a choice.....

come one....H1 is not so bad......its the people who become desperate or maybe they are not as skilled as they claim to be.......

and my anger is against such people.........why??........because once a company hires such people they refuse to hire a normal person with some dignity.....

i have been personally affected by this......by all those H1B willing to work 10 hours/day and 7 days a week........at a lower than market salary........
there is a company in birmingham, Alabama....who just want to hire H1B for the above reason......and they get shocked if you ask them market rate.......

i would go ahead and say that H1B without dignity....make working conditions equivalent to sweat shops.......and i dont think those guys are "Heros"......as this guys has been portrayed in IV's front page.....as though he got GC and thats it he is the biggest hero of IV community....