Indians( Asians) in US office environment.

diOxide said:
what should I say/do to a Co-Indian friend of mine in office who farts and burps loudly regularly in office with sheer disregard to whoever is present especially Indians. To top it he heats his ultra spicy aromatic food and the wafts of aroma travel all over which send other people looking for cover.
He also lifts and aims his ass when he farts.No kidding here.(uses a silencer when Goras are around !)
I have fabreeze, am thinking of getting a gas mask. Disgusting is'nt it !

PD Oct 2001 EB3/IND
React loudly, and make it horrible for Mr. Fartier. Use ultra spices, save and preserve the gases in bottles, open them in the his spaces. Make him realize that there is no one without gases.
assur said:
React loudly, and make it horrible for Mr. Fartier. Use ultra spices, save and preserve the gases in bottles, open them in the his spaces. Make him realize that there is no one without gases.

Or make him a Bubble Boy (like how they showed in one of the Sienfeld's episode). That way he will have to ..............
StillAlive said:
Whether you are DESI or NON-DESI be a good *human being*, everything else will follow.
diOxide is a good human being, what follows him? is DESI-Friend's gases produced by farts and burps... and being aimed for constant firing. How long he can remain good human being in this situation?. One day he has to take loud and stink action against Mr. Fatier
1. Stop Stealing
2. Be courteous and considerate to others.
3. If there is any free goodies available, TAKE ONE.
4. Most of us are very decently paid, even though you are with a blood sucking body shopping parasites. DO NOT TAKE OFFICE STUFFS HOME.
5. Keep in mind that, YOU ARE REPRESENTING YOUR COUNTRY here. When you make a cheap and silly mistake....They think very cheap about "Our" country.
6. Mind your own business. Don't be too inquiste and Nosy.
7. Stop overhearing someone else conversation. Even, if you happen to, NEVER QUOTE TO OTHERS. It will be disgusting.
8. If you are not invited in a conversation, Shut your mouth and move one. If you happen to be a passive listener, then just listen until you are asked specifically.
9. Stop Investigating. Its none of our business to find who did what. If you happen to find some fault at work, either fix it and move on else.......just move on. DO NOT POINT FINGERS
10.Unless you are 100% sure of what you are talking, then never get into a argument. You are just making a fool of yourself.
11. Keep in mind, always.........everyone watches others. Doesn't matter its Indians or Chinese or Americans (White or Black). I have good number of friends in all ethinics and race, I was surprised when I learnt how much they note.
12. Dress properly. Don't be so cheap. If a dress is worn out, dispose it. In a corporate environment, you are being watched and everyone talk about you behind your back.

At my work place, there is one Cheap gal, who pretty much steals everything. Its so obvious that, most of the company knows about it. I felt so humiliated and embrassed, when some non-indians pass a comment about "INDIANS", just based on this one cheap bi***. I do not blame them, as even I get so irritated when I see taking stuffs. She is so cheap to steal milk, snacks from work.

Recently, a note has been posted on the refrigirator requesting not to take other peoples food and also there was another note "Towels are provided for Employees. Do not abuse this privellege. Please leave it in the bin after use". This is so embrassing. When I joined this work place, this note was not there and posted recently.....

Friend, lets not humiliate ourselves and our own country. Trust me, even if you get your citizenship in this country, you will be called as an Indian. Be proud to be an Indian.
Kishore_l said:
1. Stop Stealing
2. Be courteous and considerate to others.
3. If there is any free goodies available, TAKE ONE.
4. Most of us are very decently paid, even though you are with a blood sucking body shopping parasites. DO NOT TAKE OFFICE STUFFS HOME.
5. Keep in mind that, YOU ARE REPRESENTING YOUR COUNTRY here. When you make a cheap and silly mistake....They think very cheap about "Our" country.
6. Mind your own business. Don't be too inquiste and Nosy.
7. Stop overhearing someone else conversation. Even, if you happen to, NEVER QUOTE TO OTHERS. It will be disgusting.
8. If you are not invited in a conversation, Shut your mouth and move one. If you happen to be a passive listener, then just listen until you are asked specifically.
9. Stop Investigating. Its none of our business to find who did what. If you happen to find some fault at work, either fix it and move on else.......just move on. DO NOT POINT FINGERS
10.Unless you are 100% sure of what you are talking, then never get into a argument. You are just making a fool of yourself.
11. Keep in mind, always.........everyone watches others. Doesn't matter its Indians or Chinese or Americans (White or Black). I have good number of friends in all ethinics and race, I was surprised when I learnt how much they note.
12. Dress properly. Don't be so cheap. If a dress is worn out, dispose it. In a corporate environment, you are being watched and everyone talk about you behind your back.

At my work place, there is one Cheap gal, who pretty much steals everything. Its so obvious that, most of the company knows about it. I felt so humiliated and embrassed, when some non-indians pass a comment about "INDIANS", just based on this one cheap bi***. I do not blame them, as even I get so irritated when I see taking stuffs. She is so cheap to steal milk, snacks from work.

Recently, a note has been posted on the refrigirator requesting not to take other peoples food and also there was another note "Towels are provided for Employees. Do not abuse this privellege. Please leave it in the bin after use". This is so embrassing. When I joined this work place, this note was not there and posted recently.....They would think/doubt about you. Send anonymous letter to that girl/decoit/thief give-up habit.

Friend, lets not humiliate ourselves and our own country. Trust me, even if you get your citizenship in this country, you will be called as an Indian. Be proud to be an Indian.
Now we know whats happening and what DESIS are doing in corporate america. farts and burps loudly, stealing. Please be aware of these habits.
It's an interesting topic, so let me also give my 2 cents of honest opinion.

We all know that there is politics at the workplace, any place you go. Hate to say it, I have seen many Indians playing politics, behind your back, like giving negative feedback to the client about you.
Came to know about this from the client, who didn't like something negative being said about the person by somebody else. It reflects very badly on Indians and more so on the consulting company.

If you would like to move ahead professionally, please don't do it by damaging the reputation of your peers.
Clean up after yourslf at the kitchen and at the restroom. Watch what you're doing and not just look at the mirror to see how ugly you got since morning, if you spilled some water/soap, wipe it off after you wipe your hands. Make sure the f@#$ing paper goes into the bin, you're not Lebron James so don't pretend to make the basket from 20 feet.

Like someone said, someone is always watching. Similar to what someone else said, we (our project with lots of desis) moved to a new building, after a few days signs were posted in the kitchen and restrooms to clean up.
One more..

Use Internet cautiously at the client site. I know of a guy who was laid off by the client as they felt that the person was on Internet most of the time.

Some of us (me included) are so addicted that we go to Internet umpteenth times.

If you do browse, know how to use Alt+Tab when someone comes around !!
Please don't take this as offence, here is my observation, I have seen many of the points raised here (except the fart one :)) that's hilarious dude),

When I came to US I was the only Desi guy in my team and I stayed like that for a long time, so I learnt every step from fellow Americans who taught me with patience. but in the later days especially during dotcom boom, many guys flooded especially to California and they always worked with fellow desis and lived in the same apartment and shopped in WalMart and then returned more stuff than they brought ;) so they never had a chance to pickup any of the American culture,

so guys when you come to US, enjoy spend little more money rent a nice apartment and buy nice car and go around the place, there lot of things to do here than shopping at Walmart and Sams club

these are just my observation,
I have noticed many desi people do not use deodorant, you could smell strong sweat when they are around. I also noticed smell from cooking. Many people cook all of their window closed and they don't have any good ventilation in the apartment so they have strong smell in everything they wear. Funny thing is, they get used to and never smell a thing but people from outside can't stand it.
I encounter some desi using strange smelling perfume make other stop breathing. Many people do not groom properly, you could see nose hair. Many deshi people have bad breath and do not use Listerine or mint or chewing gum.
There is a new desi guy in our office, he sits 4 cubicle away from me. He calls home once a week in the morning. When he calls, he speaks loudly in Hindi for about 15 – 20 minutes. I am sure everybody is annoyed, I am going to let him know this soon.
Good Side

Let me start adding something on positive side....

Indians in corporate america.. were hard working and are hard working and will be hard working..
Sometimes we will stay in the office to make or fight tight release deadlines. Forgetting about world outside office. You will see other people in the office to go home at sharp 5:55 PM but our Indian staff may be seating and working (well beyond 9;00 if he is single)
At the time of promotion tough Boss easily forget this hard efforts and some one else gets promotion (if you work in financial corp or big company you will see this more). We think that why we did not get after long hours and excellent work. Well American Boss thinks that we are great in doing IT releated work or to tech releated topics but then overall MANAGEMENT someone else is better who gets better picture or who is talking directly to client. For Example, you can work on the week end and finish your coding for the report. Your manager will tell his boss that report is ready on Monday morning. So his boss gets impressed with new report ready in one day :) but know one knows that Indy guy spend his time of week end. (I am 100% sure that no non-immigrant will be spending their week end in the office on this over week end).
This country is build on immigrant communities hard work.
After 4-5 years same IT Guy will be wise either to take his time or send report to manager's boss directly. Or move to another job.
Check any company's IT Department, you will find atleast one Indian there.

But if you see most of people who came in 80's are now working on higher posts or running their own companies. Even though they started as programmers but now they are either VP, Owner, Managers (or Resident Indians). Point is that most of indians have put strong impression in american corporatations.
I want end this on positive note that we all came Fresh Off The Boat but so far we have changed our habits, learnt from our mistakes and put lots of efforts to lift our share of burden to lift Corporate America on our shoulders.
I would like to add something. THE MISTAKE FROM OUR SIDE IS OUR THINKING. That we are thinking we are doing some mistake. I don't think we are doing anything wrong. As long as some common principles are followed, which donot hurt any body or any culture, we don't have to live like americans. We should have our identity and live like Indians. Most of the above the things, we are seeing from the other side. I din't mean to hurt any body's feeling, but this is my feeling. When you are living in Roman, live like a roman. I may agree that statement, but when an foreigner (am....) comes to India, does he live like Indian? We try to follow him. Funny. And when we come hear, we do the same again, we follow them.

For example, people (only Desis) talk about desis, when there is freebies/sales, all Desis will be there. Think a little deeper, these freebie/sale culture is not there in India, and it is here in this country. And businessmen know, they can attract people and have business with that. And please note they are not targetting on minority Desis.
You think that all Desis were there, coz, when you see the line or group of people you see 10 Desis, out of hundred Non Desis, so you think that way.

The people here have good respect for our knowledge, culture, behaviour, and working mentality.
So I don't think, we have to go and do a massive correction for Desis. Ther are some excpetions, in any culture or people.

The things mentioned in above postings were the problems with all people (all countries), and when compared, I can say Desis will be counted among the decent ones.
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Sudh said:
Let me start adding something on positive side....

Indians in corporate america.. were hard working and are hard working and will be hard working..
Sometimes we will stay in the office to make or fight tight release deadlines. Forgetting about world outside office. You will see other people in the office to go home at sharp 5:55 PM but our Indian staff may be seating and working (well beyond 9;00 if he is single)
At the time of promotion tough Boss easily forget this hard efforts and some one else gets promotion (if you work in financial corp or big company you will see this more). We think that why we did not get after long hours and excellent work. Well American Boss thinks that we are great in doing IT releated work or to tech releated topics but then overall MANAGEMENT someone else is better who gets better picture or who is talking directly to client. For Example, you can work on the week end and finish your coding for the report. Your manager will tell his boss that report is ready on Monday morning. So his boss gets impressed with new report ready in one day :) but know one knows that Indy guy spend his time of week end. (I am 100% sure that no non-immigrant will be spending their week end in the office on this over week end).
This country is build on immigrant communities hard work.
After 4-5 years same IT Guy will be wise either to take his time or send report to manager's boss directly. Or move to another job.
Check any company's IT Department, you will find atleast one Indian there.

But if you see most of people who came in 80's are now working on higher posts or running their own companies. Even though they started as programmers but now they are either VP, Owner, Managers (or Resident Indians). Point is that most of indians have put strong impression in american corporatations.
I want end this on positive note that we all came Fresh Off The Boat but so far we have changed our habits, learnt from our mistakes and put lots of efforts to lift our share of burden to lift Corporate America on our shoulders.

Good one.... Finally some one come up with a good side of INDIANs.
gcnation11 said:
I would like to add something. THE MISTAKE FROM OUR SIDE IS OUR THINKING. That we are thinking we are doing some mistake. I don't think we are doing anything wrong. As long as some common principles are followed, which donot hurt any body or any culture, we don't have to live like americans. We should have our identity and live like Indians. Most of the above the things, we are seeing from the other side. I din't mean to hurt any body's feeling, but this is my feeling. When you are living in Roman, live like a roman. I may agree that statement, but when an foreigner (am....) comes to India, does he live like Indian? We try to follow him. Funny. And when we come hear, we do the same again, we follow them.

For example, people (only Desis) talk about desis, when there is freebies/sales, all Desis will be there. Think a little deeper, these freebie/sale culture is not there in India, and it is here in this country. And businessmen know, they can attract people and have business with that. And please note they are not targetting on minority Desis.
You think that all Desis were there, coz, when you see the line or group of people you see 10 Desis, out of hundred Non Desis, so you think that way.

The people here have good respect for our knowledge, culture, behaviour, and working mentality.
So I don't think, we have to go and do a massive correction for Desis. Ther are some excpetions, in any culture or people.

The things mentioned in above postings were the problems with all people (all countries), and when compared, I can say Desis will be counted among the decent ones.

Thanks a lot gcnation11

--Naveen Oshos
Etiquette Experts

All of a sudden immigration experts became Etiquette Experts. There are some good suggestions here and there but who are we to define which is good or bad. Some body went little further and gave suggestion on how to live.

so guys when you come to US, enjoy spend little more money rent a nice apartment and buy nice car and go around the place, there lot of things to do here than shopping at Walmart and Sams club

This is not the place or anyone of us are in position to define how other should live. I bet everyone knows what is he doing.....
grs2003 said:
All of a sudden immigration experts became Etiquette Experts. There are some good suggestions here and there but who are we to define which is good or bad. Some body went little further and gave suggestion on how to live.

This is not the place or anyone of us are in position to define how other should live. I bet everyone knows what is he doing.....
In a way I totally agree with you. Its none of our business and ofcourse we should never follow anyone and have your originality. But, having some basic common sense and be courteous to others doesn't hurt. While we're in India, we screamed, yelled in streets, talked loudly in streets, Honked all the time......but here such things are unusal. So be considerate of others.

Though its not directly related to Immigration, Its wise to discuss these off topics when nothing is happening on GC side. Atleast people can learn from these postings that, how your natural manners offends others including your felllow citizen.

Most of us are saying that, lets not degrade ourselves and Degrade our country. As you can see, only few posts came up with positive postings which means, we ourselves have disgusted by our own people. Though we have several positive points, but our few negative manners kills those positive side of ourselves. Lets correct ourselves and be respected by the whole world.

Also to note that, at my client site one of our fellow indian was promoted to a manager as a reward to his hard work (as someone has quoted earlier...hard working over the weekend). Guess what, after he became manager most of his team members either moved to different projects or left the company. I agree there are many Indian managers in corporate world, but there are only few who flourish. Attitude matters a lot. People can judge you, with your facial reactions.

Generally most of Desi managers / leads just show off and suppress every others. Though its common, Desi's does that very obviously in such a way that everyone gets annoyed. I guess 300+ years of slavery has made us a "GOOD WORKER" but rather than a "Good Lead". Good Manager, should be able to get the work done at the same time maintain the team morale & spirit. You can't go for a long time with disgrunted team members.
please don't but a 3 year warranty to damage and return the stuff after 2 years 11 months..No TV to return within 3 months..and iron to return within 30 days.. Have seen lot of business visa folks doing this..
Disgusting when Indians on a work visa ( even folks educated in US ) in US do the same as well.. :(

maintain a good hygiene and learn good etiquettes ( not american etiquettes ).. dress, nails, deo, shave, shoes, belts, hairs, bath, food ..

most other.. I had this Indian at client place with hairs coming out from his nostrils.. I offered him a lunch and explained everything about it ( believe me you can ) was good to see amazing changes next day..
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Another Good One

Let me try one more time to change this topic. this is becoming too Monotonus (Everyone is correct on their side but still ...)

Let me add one more experience of Indian's working in US office environment.. I am taking liberty of using Hospital/Medical Related Services.

During 60's-80's period (may be after Indian Independence) most of Dr started to come over to US. For them it was real struggle (no Patel shop, not that much Indian community, hire phone and air ticket charges), main struggle was getting admission in good hospital and getting right SHIFT and DEPARTMENT. When this first batch came over they suffered lot office politics and got all NOT WANTED jobs or MORE ATTENTION REQUIRED jobs. Also they took whatever job was available. All hospitals first used to doubt if Indian Dr will able to perform well (Even patient used to avoid).. but now you can see that there is huge change in American mind that some of my american always ask me, what we people eat/drink that we have so many of us Dr and Engineers (just joking!) Anyway point is that now CNN Medical Correspondent Sanjay Gupta (he is american I agree but anyway he is still GUPTA), he has choice and voice in american media. Also new Dr coming to USA find easy to continue their study here and still get nice job in this big industry. Also we are getting Hospital Industry related jobs like cancer tissue sampling, drug research, even new hospitals major share owned and operated by Indians.

Well I know few more stories which Indians have made positve impact.. I will wait till someone else add this on this forum..