Indiana SWA tracker

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I talked to my company Visa Analyst. She said our company received several 45 day ltrs for both Region and State cases. And those ltrs are for 2003 cases and not many yet on 2001 cases. NOTHING FOR INDIANA!!!

She said the company lawfirm has been calling and sending letter to BRC/BEC but BRC would not response at all (nothing new here). :mad:

I will post this thread if I know more.
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Eagerly waiting for 45 days letter, MY SWA PD is 0ct 2002, Also my friend who work in the same office his Indiana SWA is June 2001. We both have same attorney.
No letter yet, But I am very positive soon for all of us, Atleast one thing is confirmed, as u Guys already knows it, that cases will be processed strickly by State PD, once all data entry completed by fall this year.
Also 45 days letter is not a hard & fast rule, as some of the cases are beign adjudicated without 45 days letter respose
8 more stuck in useless Indiana

There are in all 8 applications from 2001 in our company stuck in Indiana.
Almost all of us are fedup and have made up our mind that this is the last year of waiting. If nothing positive comes by december-2005 then all of us are packing up. Atleast that is what the thought is right now.
This is the Situation

No use talking or complaining. In a company of 1000+ employees, They do not care if 8 people leave or not. To tell you the truth I think the employer might also be fedup with us. The situation in our company is that the lawyer is making decisions for the company I guess, Nobody in the company wants to pressurise the lawyer to do anything and he has a free run to tell anything to the management, who are more then happy to have people working for them for the past 5 years without any complaints and the lawyer bills them heaftily for any H1 extensions so he is happy to let us continue in this situation.
Even though this is the first time I posted to this forum. I have been a regular visitor and read all the posts.
Reply from BEC after 1 month of requesting case number

May 2, 2005

Dear Requestor:

The purpose of this letter is to acknowledge your request regarding the
status of the above-referenced case.

The new case number is: T-05117-XXXXXXXX

The above-referenced case has been transferred to one of the Division
of Foreign Labor Certification's Backlog Processing Centers. At this time,
we are unable to provide any additional status information on Permanent
Labor Certifications. All Processing Center files are in the process of
being transferred into a new database. Once the data entry process is
completed, a 45-day letter will be issued on all applications and
additional information will be requested from the employer if needed.

Please do not request additional status information for at least 90
days after responding to the 45-day letter.


DFLC Backlog Processing Center

-----Original Message-----
Subject: case number / Status Request

Employer: XXXXXXXX
First Name: XXXXXXXX
SWA: Indiana
File Date: May 1, 2001

note: I forgot to put in my SWA case # when I sent this e-mail to BEC
hi Sleepless_in_IN,

I forgot what the temporary case # represents. Could you please refresh my memory? Thanks!
getinfo said:
May 2, 2005

Dear Requestor:

The purpose of this letter is to acknowledge your request regarding the
status of the above-referenced case.

The new case number is: T-05117-XXXXXXXX

note: I forgot to put in my SWA case # when I sent this e-mail to BEC

Would you mind posting 2 more digits of your new case number. Or could you send me a Private message with the 2 digits (I will not post, it helps me determine how many cases have been data entered.


sleepless_in_IN said:
Can you tell us your findings? I am curious as to what info. you gather from those two digits. Any insight would be appreciated. thanks.

As soon as I hear back from "getinfo" I will post. From this data I am able to figure out how many cases have been data entered into the backlog center databases.
BPC Data Entry Update

JustWatching said:
As soon as I hear back from "getinfo" I will post. From this data I am able to figure out how many cases have been data entered into the backlog center databases.

thanks to "getinfo" for providing me the information:

Latest data entry numbers:

September 10,000
October 20,000
November 16,000
December 1,000
January 37,800
February 5,200
March 4,000
April (as of April 27) 21,100

Total - as of April 27 is 116,000 cases

Disclaimer: Yes I know if you add up the numbers it doesn't add up to 116,000. I am rounding month by month numbers.

This is for BOTH Backlog Centers. Sorry there is no way to split up entry by Backlog Center.

These are cases entered into the system and not 45-day letter counts.
getinfo said:

does that 2 digits mean the # of cases the BEC has process?

The last 5 digits are a sequential count shared by both BPCs (same system). It would be as easy as taking that number to know how many cases have been entered. However, Sometime in November BPC screwed something up and had to restart their numbering sequence. I kept track of the renumbering (two false starts) and add that to the latest sequence (in this case that was your case number).

I take the first two digits because that is all I need to round to the nearest thhousand.
E-mail address

Hello Sleepless,
Can you please post details?
e-mail address we need to send our information.
also what details we need to send.

Letter to BEC...Might have finally got their attention

Thanks for the letter drafted by Sleepless_IN_Indiana and all others who sent the letter to BEC. This may be the reason why they looked in to our cases and finally got their attention. The one reply for IN SWA case for May-2001 was entered on April-27-2005.
So once again thanks from all of us, who are stuck in IN SWA.
45 day letter

Did any one from Indiana get a 45 day letter from BEC? I mean without emailing BEC.
Letter to Ms.Chao

Hello sleepless,
Thanks for your efforts.I've sent the e-mail today and just added few lines at the end(in bold).

Dear Ms. Elaine L. Chao,

We are hearing of Labor approvals from the Backlog centers for applications with priority dates in 2002, yet we in Indiana have yet to receive 45 day letters, even though we have pending LC applications with priority dates starting in April 2001. The official DOL updates on the Backlog center tells us that they are processing and intend to process by priority date. However seeing approvals of applications with priority dates in 2002, in the same categories to those pending from Indiana tells us different.

We are deeply concerned about this randomness in which we are hearing of approvals and are anxious since we have not heard anything on our applications. We would appreciate it if you would look into this and we could find out the status of our applications and when we can expect to have them processed.

In simple words there seems to be utter chaos processing labor certifications and need to be addressed immediately and I would like to bring it to your notice.

Please let me know if you need me to provide more details.

Thanks and Regards,
A ray of hope

For all Indiana people!!! Thanks for sharing the informatoin. Hopefully this is the start to adjustment of Indiana SWA cases pending from Apr 01
Good new,
My PD is 0ct 2002, but my friend who shares the same office & attorney PD is june 2001, I will keep you guys posted if we recieve any thing, Hopefully very soon.
Indiana Sept 2001

sleepless_in_IN said:
My atty got a 45 day letter for a April 30th, 2001 INDIANA case. This is the first 45 day letter from Dallas on a SWA case I have heard of. Now lets see if getinfo, whose PD is May 1st, 2001 gets it.

Hello Sleepless_in_IN

This is good news. I request you to confirm once again with your attorney that it was a SWA case (not sent to regional yet). Because IN state was working on April 2001 cases when it stopped. So there could be a chance that this particular case was completed by IN SWA and sent to Chicago regional.

If this is not the case, then it is a good news.

My PD is Sept 2001 from IN SWA. Never went to regional. No letter yet. I have a friend who is PD Aug2001 IN-SWA, for him also, no letter yet.

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