India Dual Citizenship Mega Thread (Merged)

The India Dual Citizenship will be Operational:

  • In 2003

    Votes: 4 20.0%
  • In 2004

    Votes: 11 55.0%
  • Sometime after 2004

    Votes: 4 20.0%
  • I am skeptical if this will happen

    Votes: 1 5.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Latest Update on OCI -starting November 2005

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Tuesday, October 04, 2005 3:02 AM
Subject: OCI start date

Please refer to your email message regarding dual citizenship. The
procedure in respect of dual citizenship will be operational from
November,2005. Exact date will be announced on MOIA website and through
our missions. Please contact to our nearest mission for further necessary

(Kanwar Singh)
Section Officer (NRI)
The authorities in India have been talking about dual citizenship for at least 10 years now, to my recollection. As Article 11 in the Constitution indicates, they could simply have passed a law making it legal (excuding ctizens of Pakistan, Bangladesh etc.), and that would have been the end of it. No special procedures would have been necessary. You could continue being a regular Indian citizen as you have always been, regardless of any other nationality you may take up.

But that would have been too simple for our babus. They don't want us to have access to India without their constant say-so, because it would remove their power over us.

They have procrastinated, and convoluted the whole process well beyond anything that any rational person could consider reasonable, and they're still doing it. So don't hold your breath over this, or think that there may be some rational reason for the delays. There isn't.
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Well...let's wait and see if they implement this scheme/scam this year! I think the politicians should write a book about "How to act busy without doing a damn thing!" :D
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akkcausa said:
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Tuesday, October 04, 2005 3:02 AM
Subject: OCI start date

Please refer to your email message regarding dual citizenship. The
procedure in respect of dual citizenship will be operational from
November,2005. Exact date will be announced on MOIA website and through
our missions. Please contact to our nearest mission for further necessary

(Kanwar Singh)
Section Officer (NRI)

This is from the MOIA website:
"Meanwhile, Government has also amended the Rules, simplified the application form and streamlined the procedure for grant of OCI. In straightforward cases, where there are no adverse records against the applicant, the Missions/Posts can themselves grant OCI. An OCI is entitled to a Registration Card and a Visa Sticker. The details in this regard would be notified shortly by the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) on its website MHA would also issue instructions for the guidance of our Missions/Posts. The Government expects to launch this facility in October 2005"
Just 4 days into October and they now decide for a November date ! ! !Also November 1st week is Diwali so the babus would be on a 2-3 week vacation ! !
I would not place much value on their e-mail or anything else they say.They are just stalling for time.I will believe it when i see it.
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fitness99 said:
Well...let's wait and see if they implement this scheme/scam this year! I think the politicians should write a book about "How to act busy without doing a damn thing!" :D

...and get paid handsomely for it ! ! !
:cool: :p :p :p

And the bureaucracy should write a book on How to Implement Orders without leaving your seat ! ! !
lcauser said:
The reason for the delay could be that Indian authorities in Delhi have to send the application back to the respective consulate/process or make a decision on these applications.

In the new process the officer has to just check for "dangerous antecedents"
(make sure you're not a spy or a criminal) and grant OIC within 15 days.The verification is then done by the MHA at their leisure and the issued OIC stands cancelled if their investigation turns up something.

There is no logical,emotional,technical,financial or legal reason for the delay.It is just political and/or apathy.
boggavarapu said:
The following link gives certain latest information on OCI.

Thanks for the link.Sort of confirms that dual citizenship isnt going to start in October.
I wouldnt hold my breath just about yet.....

Probably waiting to give OIC as a Diwali/Eid "gift" to PIO's.......How typical

Also some of the information presented is factually the verification process the paper describes.These people say that all cases will be verified in India within 90 days.Actually if you read the "pamphlet" on the MHA website,all cases without any antecedents will be approved in 15 days in the country of application.Then it goes for post verification to India but you are issued your OIC certificate.The certificate stands cancelled if something turns up later.
If there is an antecedent then your application is sent to MHA where they will investigate and approve/deny within 90 days.
By antecedent i mean they are checking if you are a spy or a criminal.
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More publicity by the bureaucrats and politicians, and no results. That's all I can say for OCI. What's this nonsense about being a "full-fledged indian citizens", heck OCI is not even a "dual citizenship" minus the voting/election component.

OCI has been butchered by these bureaucrats and politicians to the point that it's just a life time visa and no requirement to report to the police authorities for longer visits. What a great deal, right??!!??
sg_orl said:
More publicity by the bureaucrats and politicians, and no results. That's all I can say for OCI. What's this nonsense about being a "full-fledged indian citizens", heck OCI is not even a "dual citizenship" minus the voting/election component.

OCI has been butchered by these bureaucrats and politicians to the point that it's just a life time visa and no requirement to report to the police authorities for longer visits. What a great deal, right??!!??

I think it is a new scheme/scam they cook up every few months to collect more money in terms of fees. Who knows they may come up with a new scheme next year! ;)
mangal969 said:
Just 4 days into October and they now decide for a November date ! ! !Also November 1st week is Diwali so the babus would be on a 2-3 week vacation ! !
I would not place much value on their e-mail or anything else they say.They are just stalling for time.I will believe it when i see it.


The email was from MEA(Ministry of external affairs) while the mha posting is ministry of Home affairs. Do you expect these guys to be coordinated :)
boggavarapu said:
The following link gives certain latest information on OCI.

Another classic example of babus of India. They said that a person will be eligible to get indian citizenship back if the stay in India is one year. How the heck are they going to calculate the stay, it it a total of 365 days in a 5 year period, continuous stay...whatever !!!
qwert97 said:

The email was from MEA(Ministry of external affairs) while the mha posting is ministry of Home affairs. Do you expect these guys to be coordinated :)

That e-mail was from the MEA and my quote is from the MOIA.But the department that actually handles the whole thing is neither of the two,it is the MHA :D :D :D
The right hand doesnt know what it is doing but can definitely say when the left hand is going to do something...meanwhile the foot goes into the mouth :p
qwert97 said:
Another classic example of babus of India. They said that a person will be eligible to get indian citizenship back if the stay in India is one year. How the heck are they going to calculate the stay, it it a total of 365 days in a 5 year period, continuous stay...whatever !!!

It is one continuous year within the five year period.So even if you have stayed in India for the first year itself,you would have to wait for 4 more years before becoming a "full fledged" Indian citizen.

My children and I have recently acquired British citizenship. We would like to go back to India after getting our OIC cards.
If we were to acquire normal Indian citizenship after being OICs for 5 years with one year's continuous stay in India, would we then have to give up our British citizenship?

Any information would be much appreciated.
Why the delay?

Since everything is ready I wonder why the delay. Its really maddening to see the way we are treated in the police stations in India, waiting in line for papers to be processed. As if we are criminals who need to be watched and controlled.

Dual Citizenship

kuniyil said:

My children and I have recently acquired British citizenship. We would like to go back to India after getting our OIC cards.
If we were to acquire normal Indian citizenship after being OICs for 5 years with one year's continuous stay in India, would we then have to give up our British citizenship?

Any information would be much appreciated.

Well, once you become a normal Indian Citizen while living in India permanently through OIC channel - you will need to give up your British Citizenship (as India doesn't accept dual citizenship as such).

That is the very reason why the Govt. of India still wants all PIOs to give up their original Indian citizenship once they decide to become a foreign national.

One cannot have an Indian Passport and a Foreign Passport at the same time at any given time. India doesn't accept that.

In order to meet the balance, the Govt. of India is about to introduce OIC status. You can live permanently in India with OIC status and British Citizenship! That will be fine and there shouldnot be any problems.
Thanks, Bogavarappu, for your reply.
I have another query, rather more pressing this time, and would like you or anybody else to help me out, if it is not too much trouble.

I plan to travel to India this December for a fortnight. As applications for OIC are still not being accepted, can I use my Indian passport to travel? Will there be questions asked why I used it when it comes to applying for my OIC and surrendering my Indian passport? I acquired British Citizenship in the second week of September. I am thinking of applying for a British passport straight away and then a visa to visit India, but am worried that these may not come through in time.I have booked tickets for the 16th of December. Am I better off using my Indian passport? Is this legal?

Any advice would be welcome.
kuniyil said:
Thanks, Bogavarappu, for your reply.
I have another query, rather more pressing this time, and would like you or anybody else to help me out, if it is not too much trouble.

I plan to travel to India this December for a fortnight. As applications for OIC are still not being accepted, can I use my Indian passport to travel? Will there be questions asked why I used it when it comes to applying for my OIC and surrendering my Indian passport? I acquired British Citizenship in the second week of September. I am thinking of applying for a British passport straight away and then a visa to visit India, but am worried that these may not come through in time.I have booked tickets for the 16th of December. Am I better off using my Indian passport? Is this legal?

Any advice would be welcome.

The short answer is, since you are now a British citizen...your Indian citizenship ceases to exist. Do not travel with your Indian passport as you will get into a whole lot of trouble in India (if you enter India with your Indian passport then how are you going to exit India? If you then show your British passport they may arrest you for fraud). My advice is for you to get a Brisith passport and a tourist visa in your British passport if you need to travel right away to India (I am sure you can expedite your British passport and the Indian visa before December). Good luck.
kuniyil said:
Thanks, Bogavarappu, for your reply.
I have another query, rather more pressing this time, and would like you or anybody else to help me out, if it is not too much trouble.

I plan to travel to India this December for a fortnight. As applications for OIC are still not being accepted, can I use my Indian passport to travel? Will there be questions asked why I used it when it comes to applying for my OIC and surrendering my Indian passport? I acquired British Citizenship in the second week of September. I am thinking of applying for a British passport straight away and then a visa to visit India, but am worried that these may not come through in time.I have booked tickets for the 16th of December. Am I better off using my Indian passport? Is this legal?

Any advice would be welcome.

There are too many complications in what you wish to do.You cannot enter India on your Indian passport and then leave on your British passport.You will most certainly get caught in a long legal procedure-from the Indian side as well as possibly the British side.
Since you've already acquired British citizenship you should go to the embassy and have your indian passport cancelled as soon as possible.Otherwise you may have complications while applying for your visa or OIC.They cancel the passport and return it to you.It will be a proof for your OIC.

In reply to a previous question I agree with the answer you have received.Once you get an OIC you can live pretty much as a normal citizen minus the voting rights.It is up to you to weigh the advantages of being a british citizen with OIC versus a 'normal' indian citizen.
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