Gadhaes or not gadhaes - that is the question.
malgudi said:
This article says "scrutiny of the 8000 applications will take place within a month". I take this to mean the processing will start within the next month, not the issuance of 8000 OCIs.
8000 OCI applications received
how about a healthy dose of positive speculation as follows?
1) n delhi periodically scrutinizes the data
already available to them online (say every week in batches) and (i) notifies any suspect cases to the respective consulates, (ii) also sets up a centralized web form in n delhi for rest of approved applicants (read: 99%) to check status confidentially by Part A form id number
2) based on this, OCI cells at the local consulates use the 3rd photo to make the booklet and notify approved applicants to send the passport for the sticker. (I doubt any special equipment should be needed to print, other than the GOI released U visa stickers and booklet stock, otherwise it would be centralized MAYHEM worldwide)
3) consulates complete hauskeeping tasks in the background (like sending one copy of the application for archiving at n delhi, keep the other locally), take up quarantine suspect cases for further work etc.
problems with this speculation:
a) booklets are made in n Delhi! (50000+!!!!) MAYHEM.
b) n delhi needs the physical application with photo for inspection. MAYHEM.
As long as N Delhi scrutinizes the online data for approval and consulates do the actual work, I'll still hold on to my optimism
I m taking a clue from the pains taken to create a "centralized website for Part A" (otherwise they may have as well had a static pdf to fill and send like OCIv1?) Also when there is a consulate or embassy in every country why would anyone want to centralize the work unless they are donkeys
unfortunately the dilli babus love to be donkeys