immigration officer got my Green Card and Passport!!! please help me


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Hello guys

I am 58 years old and I went outside of USA for 6 years . I came back 3 month ago in LAX airport and the officer in airport known that I was 6 years out of USA and got my Green card + Passport (my own country). they gave me an temporary ID card (Arrival Record) that has my A number and expire on 14 may 2009 . I went to the court last month but I had not any translator or lawyer and they postponed it (next session of court) on November 2009.

Now I have to come back to my country as soon as possible and I it is not important for me to get my green card , but I need my passport that I can come back to my country. how can I get my passport. please help me because I have a serous problem. also I have not any job or insurance or enough money to stay more in USA.