Immigration agency says backlog virtually gone

nearly all name check requests submitted to the FBI are being answered within 30 days. The remaining 2 percent are finished within 90 days, USCIS officials said.

Looks like I'm in "the remaining 2 percent" and I should get an interview letter by 07/16/09
I do not believe in that what so ever, I know three people in Tampa, FL office who applied last year and their name check still pending. No interview was set up for four of us because of the name check. Believe it or not all four of us are Muslim and form the Middle East (Different Countries though). I think profiling play big rule here(Always even in the past), if you are not among those people then your case could be completed within 4 months.
I do not believe in that what so ever, I know three people in Tampa, FL office who applied last year and their name check still pending. No interview was set up for four of us because of the name check. Believe it or not all four of us are Muslim and form the Middle East (Different Countries though). I think profiling play big rule here(Always even in the past), if you are not among those people then your case could be completed within 4 months.

Have they ever attended flight school? Racial profiling is a fact in today's post 9-11 world.
Have they ever attended flight school? Racial profiling is a fact in today's post 9-11 world.

Two professionals(No flight school) and two blue workers. Three of us with interview date of 4/1/2009 which was canceled. One applied in May 2008, interview August 2008 which was canceled as well.
I do not believe in that what so ever, I know three people in Tampa, FL office who applied last year and their name check still pending. No interview was set up for four of us because of the name check. Believe it or not all four of us are Muslim and form the Middle East (Different Countries though). I think profiling play big rule here(Always even in the past), if you are not among those people then your case could be completed within 4 months.

The article says there are 6000 cases flagged during the name check that are still pending...what's not to believe? It's not random profiling based on race. The cases that get flagged are those with super common first/last names (e.g., Jose Garcia), which for obvious reasons are more time consuming to check, and those with names similar to the names on various suspected/known terrorist watch lists. Unfortunately, a lot of those tend to be muslim names these days, which frankly isn't the FBI's fault. Also, given the variations in how the name is transliterated into English, if you have a common muslim name that is similar to one on a watch list, you are, let's face it, screwed.
The article says there are 6000 cases flagged during the name check that are still pending...what's not to believe? It's not random profiling based on race. The cases that get flagged are those with super common first/last names (e.g., Jose Garcia), which for obvious reasons are more time consuming to check, and those with names similar to the names on various suspected/known terrorist watch lists. Unfortunately, a lot of those tend to be muslim names these days, which frankly isn't the FBI's fault. Also, given the variations in how the name is transliterated into English, if you have a common muslim name that is similar to one on a watch list, you are, let's face it, screwed.

It’s as easy as that If 6000 (I do not believe that number what so ever) names still pending then do not say backlog is cleared. What ever the reason is, it’s not cleard. The 6000 is to cover their ????? if congress questioned them. What let you believe the 6000 any way (let me guess, you have done from N-400.)

FYI, regard Jose Garcia
My name is unique you will never going to find a combination of my first name and last name not even in my Country.
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It’s as easy as that If 6000 (I do not believe that number what so ever) names still pending then do not say backlog is cleared. What ever the reason is, it’s not cleard. The 6000 is to cover their ????? if congress questioned them. What let you believe the 6000 any way (let me guess, you have done from N-400.)

FYI, regard Jose Garcia
My name is unique you will never going to find a combination of my first name and last name not even in my Country.

so1994, I am Muslim and I am under the 6000 category. You know we should not keep quite and this is racial profiling. We should join in a lawsuite against USCIS, either to treat us like others or tell us 'frankly' to leave this country period can not take it anymore this is all BS.
so1994, I am Muslim and I am under the 6000 category. You know we should not keep quite and this is racial profiling. We should join in a lawsuite against USCIS, either to treat us like others or tell us 'frankly' to leave this country period can not take it anymore this is all BS.

It's very obvious , anybody deny that need to do some research regard what was/is going on. My interview was canceled twice, have you received your interview yet?
It’s as easy as that If 6000 (I do not believe that number what so ever) names still pending then do not say backlog is cleared. What ever the reason is, it’s not cleard. The 6000 is to cover their ????? if congress questioned them. What let you believe the 6000 any way (let me guess, you have done from N-400.)

FYI, regard Jose Garcia
My name is unique you will never going to find a combination of my first name and last name not even in my Country.

wait, your name is Jose Garcia and your saying thats a unique name?
I do know of several Muslims that just got their citizenship recently -same timeline as the rest of us.

I think by backlog, they meant what was happening last year, when your name could be stuck in queue for a year or more. They did not have the required number of agents or some such. Now that is cleared.

If you are still left over, can't you contact your congressman -they do say it is of no use-but still just find out what your status is. But I do know of quite a few Muslims who got their citizenship just fine.
I do know of several Muslims that just got their citizenship recently -same timeline as the rest of us.

I think by backlog, they meant what was happening last year, when your name could be stuck in queue for a year or more. They did not have the required number of agents or some such. Now that is cleared.

If you are still left over, can't you contact your congressman -they do say it is of no use-but still just find out what your status is. But I do know of quite a few Muslims who got their citizenship just fine.

That is correct, you will definitely going to find some Muslims become US citizen like everybody else, the point I want to make is regard the people who stuck in name check. 90-100% of them are Muslim. I contacted and talked to anybody you could imagine, including the Director of the NBC.
That is correct, you will definitely going to find some Muslims become US citizen like everybody else, the point I want to make is regard the people who stuck in name check. 90-100% of them are Muslim. I contacted and talked to anybody you could imagine, including the Director of the NBC.
It could just be that they target Muslims from specific countries with suspected ties to terrorism. Religion is just part of the profile they are looking at.
That is correct, you will definitely going to find some Muslims become US citizen like everybody else, the point I want to make is regard the people who stuck in name check. 90-100% of them are Muslim. I contacted and talked to anybody you could imagine, including the Director of the NBC.

Is it FBI themselves who want to spend more time on name check
about specific people or USCIS pick out specific people and request FBI to spend more time on name check?
It could just be that they target Muslims from specific countries with suspected ties to terrorism. Religion is just part of the profile they are looking at.

Religion criteria is not on any USCIS form or just part of the profile they are looking at. That's what I think.

Muslims are not only ones they target, but IRAs, Tamil Tigers, North Korean Red Army, Cuban communist members and any other are ones that they could target. I think how it works is to verify background data they could obtain from other countries (part of the treaty) or FBI/CIA.
It's very obvious , anybody deny that need to do some research regard what was/is going on. My interview was canceled twice, have you received your interview yet?

No IL yet. They removed me from the queue on March and sent my name to extended security/background check. No matter what anybody says, I am convienced that they are targeting Muslims. Backlog is not gone, If they have people for several years. They cleared the backlog for everybody but the same problem exist they are some people not cleared and I regret to say a lot if not most of them are muslims.
Religion criteria is not on any USCIS form or just part of the profile they are looking at.
The form doesn't ask for religion, but it does ask for name. With the name it's fairly easy to pick out a Muslim. For example, if your name is Mohammed Al-Bazwara from Syria, you'll have a higher chance to get caught up in name check than a Josephenia Gretano from Brazil.