if old girlfriend shows up and claim her child is mine, can I refuse to have anything to do with it?


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if old girlfriend shows up and claim her child is mine, can I refuse to have anything to do
with it? For examplpe, let say for argunment's sake that the child is really biologically
linked to me... which I admit is a possibility because she and I were boyfriend/girlfriend
for several years and the relationship was of an intimate nature.... can I refuse to help
her to establish the child's US citizenship based on my US citizenship? (i.e. can I be
forced to show them my naturalization certificate and/or US passport?)

please do not get into child support and financial stuff like that... that's an entirely
different matter.... besides, I have not seen or heard from her in 11 years.
(she abandoned me abruptly for an older man.... in sadness, I left and came to the US)
Do not know it all, but ... a child may naturalize along with the parent, if the child has green card, and is living with the parent.
If the child is not in your custody, automatic naturalization with parent does not happen.
Then what is left is naturalization through more complicated and much longer family based routes ... I doubt someone will have patience for this.
But yes - if you wanted to sponsor such a child, you could. And I guess your ex could make you do that under some pretext.
But it is all too conspiracy theory, and if you have not heard for 11 years, I would not lose sleep over it.
well.... I realize I started this thread a LONG time ago... but it has come back to bite me in the [rear end], unfortunately.

now I'm not sure I should do....
can I refuse to help
her to establish the child's US citizenship based on my US citizenship? (i.e. can I be
forced to show them my naturalization certificate and/or US passport?)

In order to have a legitimate claim to citizenship through you, the child would need to have a green card and be living with you in the US at some point on or after the date you became a citizen, or be born after you became a US citizen.
can I refuse to help
her to establish the child's US citizenship based on my US citizenship? (i.e. can I be
forced to show them my naturalization certificate and/or US passport?)

If you explain your situation more, you can get much much better advice, even though it might be painful for you, or you just do not want to discuss due to privacy. Anyway ...

No one can force you to show your naturalization certificate. No one can force you to show your US passport. Except in a weird court case I can not even imagine now ...
If the kid was born abroad and is still abroad, I also think they could not force you to sponsor a green card for the kid. Monetary payment - yes. But sponsoring GC or citizenship - don't think so. But maybe others know better.
well.... I realize I started this thread a LONG time ago... but it has come back to bite me in the [rear end], unfortunately.

now I'm not sure I should do....
Without clarification it's impossible to give you any useful advice.