I need help with a magazine article.


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I am working on an article for Missouri Life Magazine about immigrants to Missouri. We are looking for people who have moved to Missouri in the last few years. I am just doing profile pieces on a select few immigrants. The information that I need is as follows:

Full Name:
Birth Country:
Citizenship Status:
Date that you moved to the USA or Missouri:
Any first thoughts?
What is your opinion of Missouri:
And finally I would need a picture of you for the magazine.

If you would like to help, or know someone who (fits the criteria) wants to be in a magazine; please contact me at matt.molife@gmail.com

Thank you all for your time.
Moderator, please remove this appearently spam post.

Do not post on this forum if your topic is not citizenship application related.

Thanks for the vote of confidence. Is there somewhere else on this forum, more suited for my post?
I guess that is true, Martin. I've been trying to find immigrants who want their stories shared for weeks now, and just hoped to find someone on here. I guess no one is really proud of moving to America, or at least to Missouri.

not the point - we have no idea about your motives or scope of article, implications etc.

Also as a real annoying line - we don't wear flag pins. Most of us are very proud of their home country and the political line of "greatest nation ever" really p*sses me off.

I became US citizen because of legal short comings - for no other reason.
Indeed. Privacy is an issue. Would it help if people called me on the phone instead of sending it through an email, or is it just a lost cause? Do I just need to establish my ethos?
That is a little sad Martin and a little disconcerting.....But then again, not all natural born americans are patriotic either.....
I never said this was the "greatest nation ever." I actually preferred my time spent in England.

-at least people are talking to me now ...

not the point - we have no idea about your motives or scope of article, implications etc.

Also as a real annoying line - we don't wear flag pins. Most of us are very proud of their home country and the political line of "greatest nation ever" really p*sses me off.

I became US citizen because of legal short comings - for no other reason.

"Deutschland,.. Deutschland über alles..":D
Sorry for bothering everyone here ... I'm not very confrontational, I just need people that want to be in a magazine. I didn't think the information that I asked for was too personal, but apparently I was wrong.
Hasn't anything to do with being patriotic.

Action displays that much better than a flag pin. The homeless I give a 20 when I go shopping, the schools I help with IT problems.

If patriotism is the size of the flag I disgrace by flying it over a McDonalds, I don't want any part of it.
I don't understand what you mean about "flag pins" ...

To be honest, I'm not sure where you are going with the McDonald's flag bit either. ... Other than you dislike McD's burgers as much as I do.
mlangenh - I think your best bet is to check your email over the next few days. If folks are interested they will email you ...I wouldn't be too optimistic though....Good Luck!
As an Italian, I'd never wear an ugly flag pin. It's a style issue. :D
Anyways, I love the US, it is for many things the greatest nation in the world, for other things it's not, but I chose to live here, there must be reasons.
By the way, once I naturalize, I'll be an American citizen.
But I'll always be an Italian.
Check your private mail....

I know you don't know what I am talking about because you are American, you can't possibly know how nuts it is to display a flag inside a country that has only two borders.

How nuts it is for a President to wear a flag pin - I am sure I know he is american and he doesn't need the bloody thing to tell me.

Or why the car dealership advertises "under the flag" to show their location.

That is disgrace to the flag and should be punished. The flag is not for commercial advertisement or to be burned either. No matter what country.