I need help with a magazine article.

Are you suffering from Vitiligo?

Today's the world is returning towards natural way of curing due to the harmful effects of today's chemical & synthetic medicines. People are deeply worried on this issue and also insisting to use natural way of curing to get health & security.

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Not sure about the corporate part, but then the German education system is totally different. Difficult to compare that with anything.

Might be correct as it applies to Italy - I wouldn't know.

I wonder in how many countries you have lived to make that observation and I would totally agree on that guy in Bavaria, point is that I have never seen so many people that have zilch education on global matters than in the US.

Support the trops, but for the life of them, people can't find Iraq on a map.

Half of Europe can't find the other half on a map either, let alone someone as far away as Iraq. You're telling me that some idiot from some village in Bavaria (Bavaria is just an example, could be anywhere) knows where Estonia is? Though I do see your point about Iraq and such. There's one thing one needs to keep in mind about the Americans however: they have no need to know the minutiae of the world. It may be "bad" not to know where Bangladesh is, but due to distance and irrelevance to their lives, it is completely understandable. The US is isolated in many ways, and suffers from it. One could argue that Canada is the same way, but Canada has inherited the British model of thinking (with some French) and has a different perspective on life and the world. I myself am from Europe too, Southern Europe, and find it irritating at times, but I've made my peace with it.


So, the american education system completely ignores many subjects. On the other hand, kids out of college here in the US are much more prepared to enter the corporate world than their European counterparts.
What's better? It depends on your perspective...

I agree, and that's why I said it's all a matter of perspective. If you're born in the US and intend to stay here, there is essentially no need for you to know where some of these countries are. You'll get an education in the field you choose, you'll more than likely get an OK job and life will go on. When you're 65 you'll retire, then decide to take a trip or two to Europe, and you'll be amazed that there is a world out there too beyond your office or car. It's a cycle, and the Americans are stuck on it.
Not sure about the corporate part, but then the German education system is totally different. Difficult to compare that with anything.

Might be correct as it applies to Italy - I wouldn't know.

I really dislike the education system in Italy.
To give you an idea, we had many English hours per week. Instead of working on the grammar, conversation, pronunciation, they made us read and translate freaking Shakespeare! I mean, nobody even speaks that English anymore. What's the use of it? Teach me how to speak English instead!
First lesson: the pen is on the table, how do you do, my name is sarrebal. Great!
Second lesson: let's read Macbeth! Wtf!
Same thing with Italian... a lot of people mispell but yet, we must know the Divine Comedy by heart!

well, but it is also difficult, if you are not given a chance to practise. I am more referring to the dual education system (school and job) than a specific topic of education.
I really dislike the education system in Italy.
To give you an idea, we had many English hours per week. Instead of working on the grammar, conversation, pronunciation, they made us read and translate freaking Shakespeare! I mean, nobody even speaks that English anymore. What's the use of it? Teach me how to speak English instead!
First lesson: the pen is on the table, how do you do, my name is sarrebal. Great!
Second lesson: let's read Macbeth! Wtf!
Same thing with Italian... a lot of people mispell but yet, we must know the Divine Comedy by heart!

Huh, that's so true of many places. We were forced to recite poems in English in 5th grade, when we had scarcely any idea what we were saying.
The point is that the people of a super power need to have the education to know what their respective government action means to other people.

I don't exactly recall any other country that has so many military bases in forgein countries yet itself has no foreign bases on its terriory.

Seeing Russia from Alaska isn't quialifying either as we now know.

Nor is it for Dow to pay a few bucks to the people of Bohpal, whereas in the US that company would be broke just from law suits.
The point is that the people of a super power need to have the education to know what their respective government action means to other people.

Why? Every country is led by an intellectual elite that usually has an understanding of such things. Not everyone can be a doctor or a philosopher.

I don't exactly recall any other country that has so many military bases in forgein countries yet itself has no foreign bases on its terriory.

What does this have to do with anything? No superpower will allow others to have military bases on its territory.

Seeing Russia from Alaska isn't quialifying either as we now know.

The US has the highest number of Nobel Prize winners in just about every category, so I'm not even sure what you're trying to say here.

Nor is it for Dow to pay a few bucks to the people of Bohpal, whereas in the US that company would be broke just from law suits.

Yes, because German and European companies don't do it at all. :rolleyes:
Sorry - no point in discussing it with you as you twist as you go.
This has nothing to do with Germany or any other country.

And since when is it satisfying that an elite leads? I do sort of re-call that some island country got around and established the house of commons - just a question of time until the "commons" move in there.
I used to live in Missouri but my now ex-wife didn't like Kansas City so we moved to Seattle in 2003. Does this count?
Sorry - no point in discussing it with you as you twist as you go.

I'm not twisting anything, you're just making some pretty generalized statements that can only be construed as being stereotypes.

And since when is it satisfying that an elite leads? I do sort of re-call that some island country got around and established the house of commons - just a question of time until the "commons" move in there.

Because it is the reality of the world that elites lead. If you're not ready to accept that as a fact, then the conversation is over.

I used to live in Missouri but my now ex-wife didn't like Kansas City so we moved to Seattle in 2003. Does this count?

I appreciate your help Rafiq, but my editor said that we can only use people that are currently living in Missouri. Thanks again!