I found out what delayed my case !

See I never gotten a Letter from anyone. This was a foney company implying they were a credit card company but they weren't. They sent you an already activated card with charges like APR and stuff on the card and you only had a few bucks left to spend. You know when you get a Visa card you call a certain # and activate it. Well this was not my case. Mine was already activated. It was Visa, it was Capital One or whatever directly. It was a foney company and I did not know I was involved until I got that check in the mail.
It is very interesting.

I received a letter from court saying the visa cc charged foreign transaction inappropriately and I am eligible for some money back. They advised us to fill a form and send it. I thought it is one con-artist’s scam and ignored and dumped in trash.
I realized now that the letter is real by reading this thread and especially Bobsmith posting.

It seems that a class action lawsuit against a major credit card can delay our Naturalization processing. I guess it will delay my application now.

I know waiting is the name of the game. Just wait and see.
I have to agree with Citizentobehz. You guys are running wild with this issue of credit card transactions. Civil matters are of no consideration when its comes to naturalization. A credit card civil suit will effect your naturalization as much as a low credit score would::::: no effect whatsoever...
I never recieved anything to fill out. I just got a letter with a check attached from the United States of America Federal Commision with a Phone Number which I called AND a website that is a .gov website. If I would of gotten a letter to fill something out to be honest I would of thrown it away too
Well now it makes me feel like a liar because of ohio1960 and Citizentobehz ... If the IO I talked to said something about this Lawsuit even BEFORE I had even hinted at it how did she know then ????? I am not making this up, I don't have a reason to so .....
Well now it makes me feel like a liar because of ohio1960 and Citizentobehz ... If the IO I talked to said something about this Lawsuit even BEFORE I had even hinted at it how did she know then ????? I am not making this up, I don't have a reason to so .....

NOOOOOOOOOOO it does not make you a liar. It makes USCIS incompetent. You are relaying information you were provided. We are questionning the credibility of the IO.
Give ladybuggy a break!

Hi Guys,

Give ladybuggy a break!

She just shared her experience. If you do not agree with it just move on.
Please don't discourage people from sharing their experience.

Hi ladybuggy,

Thanks for sharing your experience. Can I borrow some of your patience please?:)

I am doing exactly what you were doing few months ago..I call everyday at home around the time mailman comes, to ask my wife if "anything" has come in the mail. On Saturdays I run to the mailbox after mailman leaves only to find some stupid fliers or my insurance bills in the mailbox.(Insurance companies are quite prompt..maybe USCIS should outsource it to them:)

I suppose I should leave it to God (and USCIS) to take necessary actions on my N400. (It is very difficult to not think about it although I try very hard).
But people like you who post their experiences make this wait somewhat bearable to know that there is still hope.

Thanks again for sharing and congratulations to you.

Either that or WOM. After 3 years I hired a lawyer and filed a lawsuit. In one month I received my oath in the mail!!
I received a letter from court saying the visa cc charged foreign transaction inappropriately and I am eligible for some money back.

If you need to opt out they ask for your CREDIT CARD NUMBER or Social Security Number (SSN) which is really weird. Why would I want to provide such sensitive info to some letter I received!?

Bottomline is I did receive the letter "from court" saying the visa cc charged foreign transaction inappropriately and I am eligible for some money back.

Weird! Very weird if this sorta thing will cause Name-Check delay! I am sure millions of people get such letters.

Has anyone gotten such letters, but got their IL in reasonable time without delays? Please post. That way we can get more data.
Hi Guys,

Give ladybuggy a break!

She just shared her experience. If you do not agree with it just move on.
Please don't discourage people from sharing their experience.


You have to remember this is a public bullentin board. People reserve the right to be skeptical. It is very hard to ascertain fine details like ladybuggy's case. But it is very easy to spread misinformation by creating a plausible story. Hence, you must take all stories with a LARGE grain of salt.

I am not saying Laddybuggy's story is a lie. I am saying it is hard to believe stories like her's. Hollywood relies on this fact for you to buy DVD's.
I understand people are skeptical and they have the right to be but I have been a member here since what. September 2006 and this is the very first thread / information I put out that has caused so much uproar.
I don't know whether there is a difference between recieving something from Visa which I got before for my Mastercard Debit Card meaning that a server was hacked and just in case they cancelled my current Debit Card for a new one or getting something from the United States of America Federal Commision. I have no Idea. All I know in my personal opinion my Namecheck shouldn't of taken 10 or 11 Month so personally it makes sense to me. People who are skeptical. Yes you have every right to be and I am sorry I got so offended yesterday. I just thought I was portrait as a liar and that is now who I am, that is not why I would start a thread when I have million other things I could ask or talk about.
These are my last 2 cents to this topic and wish everyone a nice day !
Let me make this clear once for all:

Niether myself or any other posts here were suggest (by any remote possiblity) that Ladybuggy "was a liar". In fact, I am strongly supporting the open discussion and share any information and experiences we all have encountered. The purpose of the discussion forum is to make all of us be more educated and handle various situations more intelligently. That's all.
So much for my last 2 cents ... lol

I just thought I was portrait as a liar and that is not who I am, that is not why I would start a thread

I thought I was portrait as one but now it makes sense to me that some are skeptical and some just question the USCIS. I am over it and I understand that nobody said that I am a liar.

USCIS handles every case differently. For example the Interviews. From what I read through the month most of the Interviews are done in 10 min with absolutely no problems and then we have a few people who are drilled to the fullest and questioned about anything and everything.

Every case, some kind of history in the past or not is unique in it's own way. If my IO was right though it is not fair that so many are stuck in the name check. Many of us including me was not aware of such a Lawsuit until recently.

And someone said it in this thread. These Lawsuits are just like Credit History. And USCIS doesn't look into that. They don't care how much you owe to who because as long as you pay your bills and not being taken to court it shouldn't matter.

I am not saying I agree with it. I just put out my personal Info. All I can think of is that the United States of America Federal Commision was involved which is different than getting a watch out letter from Visa or Mastercard or whoever.

I am baffled among others. Either the IO lied, told the truth or the USCIS just handles every case differently, who knows.

I think all of us have a right to find out why our cases are being delayed or put on hold. It is our lives they look into. Our personal lives and I don't mean by that getting a pre-printed Letter from USCIS saying this or that.
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Thanks ladybuggy

Everything you posted are very helpful... Guys any name who is involved in any kind of lawsuit handled by FBI go through this name check. Earlier they used to only delay those people in name check who were directly involved with such litigations now they do so for everyone involved. Since LadyBuggy was involved in the lawsuit, she had to go through this... We most probably are in the same boat for some other lawsuit or case handled by FBI. It is good that she at least askd the Interviewer and she shared this with us.
Of all the ludicrous things that have to do with the naturalization process, this one definitely takes the cake! I was a plaintiff in a lawsuit stemming from a car accident. I certainly hope that this doesn't mean "name check club" for me!
Of all the ludicrous things that have to do with the naturalization process, this one definitely takes the cake! I was a plaintiff in a lawsuit stemming from a car accident. I certainly hope that this doesn't mean "name check club" for me!

Certainly this takes the cake!

Has anyone here been in a civil lawsuit or gotten those "mass mail credit card class action" letters, but STILL got the Interview Letter for N-400 in a timely fashion?

If so, pls post, so we can get some data.
My fiancee got one of those letters recently. Luckily for her, she's a natural-born citizen. After reading Ladybuggy's story, I consider myself very lucky that I didn't use my credit cards on my trip to Bahamas in 2006. This name check nonsense is getting more and more ridiculous with each and every day. Then again, anyone who unwittingly participates in a class action suit against a credit card company is a threat to national security! :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
And look at what they ask if you want to OPT OUT of the settlement damage class? This is B.S. and nonsense to ask for FULL credit card numbers and/or SSN!!! Who in their right minds will send this?

Request For Exclusion From The
Settlement Damages Class
In re Currency Conversion Fee
Antitrust Litigation
MDL No. 1409
Please Fill Out The Form Completely – Incomplete Forms Will Not Be Processed

I request to be excluded from the Settlement Damages Class in the Consolidated
Action in In re Currency Conversion Fee Antitrust Litigation, MDL No. 1409.
Full Address:
Account numbers of all credit and/or debit cards which are being excluded:
In lieu of account numbers, you may enter your full social security number:

I affirm under penalty of perjury that: I have listed my full name, current
address, all account numbers of my Credit Card and/or Debit Card accounts in relation to
which I am a member of the Settlement Damages Class (or, in the alternative, have
provided my complete social security number), and I have advised any joint account
holders on such accounts that I am taking this action and that such account(s) will not be
entitled to any payment.
Yes and No - read this as well:

There are other posts I found like this:
Some folks visited official court websites and verified this (apparently)

1) Visit this site: http://ccfsettlement.com/documents/cases/cavette/
2) Note the Docket Number, No. CT-002506-03
3) Note the Courthouse name, address, contact information.
4) Visit http://gs2.co.shelby.tn.us:7779/pls/crweb/ck_public_qry_doct.cp_dktrpt _setup_idx
AND click “CASE INFORMATION” (Hard to find)
5) In the CASE ID field put the DOCKET NUMBER “CT-002506-03″
6) SEE THE PROOF THIS IS NOT A SCAM (ie. Court documents on a government site)

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